darklogos said:
Turn 2 kills aren't fair in my opinion because if the person that goes first gets a turn 2 kill off the person who went second didn't have a chance to do anything other then attempt to be defensive.
Keep in mind that there is some luck involved in that. The first player has to be able to spam hard on their first turn, and not fail checks usually. They have to get a near perfect draw. Then they need their opponent to over extend themselves trying to keep up in the spamwar race.
I know personally I ate a turn 2 loss in the first game of a best of three matchup earlier this week at tournament. The second game I won, and the third game took 6 or 7 turns, because I knew how to stop him turn 2ing me, and he was playing very defensively because I could go off on him if he over extended.
Turn 2 kills can usually be mitigated, and just require understanding of the meta, and what it's possible for your opponent to do.