Descent has a fan Senario Collection, why not doom?

By mwdalrymple, in Doom

There is an editor (that is even better than that for Descent) available for Doom. My question is why isn't the same fan scenario system available online for Doom as there is for Descent?

Website development team, please provide the same functionality!

I agree. I love Doom and Descent both, but it's kind of a toss-up as to which I'll opt to play at a given session. I play them equally and would love to see some more of the missions (and rule mutating) that others come up with. I back this post 100%!

Check out my six-scenario campaign I made for Doom. You can find it in these forums under the title "New Doom Campaign" should be on the first page of these forums. Anyway, I used the Doom editor and scanned the pages into my photobucket account. You can link to this page in my post, and print the pages as a JPG file. It should work fairly well. I know some others that have made similar campaigns, and you can go to the Doom page on B oardgame Geek to get some great mods, scenarios, etc. If you play my campaign, I'm looking for feedback. Let me know what you think.

Yeah I submitted four homemade (though not necesarily balanced... yet) scenarios in Boardgamegeek. Check them out.

Where can I download this editor for Doom?

So how do you gauge if your scenario will be balanced or not since I'm sure you don't extensively playtest them first? :) I was thinking you might assign some point value to the various nasties and just put a certain number of points of nasties in your mission. Does that work (with a little tinkering afterwards)?

Trump said:

So how do you gauge if your scenario will be balanced or not since I'm sure you don't extensively playtest them first? :) I was thinking you might assign some point value to the various nasties and just put a certain number of points of nasties in your mission. Does that work (with a little tinkering afterwards)?

How about Kunthar's cards from his Semi-Random Mission Creator? They're roughly what to expect in each room, but tinker it as much as you want.

You can use the whole generator, but at least the cards show roughly what's good for the marines, plus cards for items in each room, and finally what to expect to be placed on the finale.

People have been asking for this functionality for a very long time, and it was promised to us I believe, but it never materialised. I've given up hope for something like this a long time ago. Just check boardgamegeek or these forum pages for homemade stuff.

Trump said:

So how do you gauge if your scenario will be balanced or not since I'm sure you don't extensively playtest them first? :) I was thinking you might assign some point value to the various nasties and just put a certain number of points of nasties in your mission. Does that work (with a little tinkering afterwards)?

For my part I just kind of guess =P If it ends up being too hard on the marines maybe I'll drop a couple mobs for the next time. Maybe.