I need something of a much larger scale. While the current party "only" has 2 IG regiments in tow, they have access to over 100 more, depending on the planet they are operating on. My newest iteration (I had the day off today) uses the Army as the operational unit, with regiments making up the steps of those armies. I won't get a chance to playtest for another week or so, but here's the low-down.
- Armies are commanded by generals whose pertinent info is their skills at Command and Tactics.
- Armies can have 10 regiments + the General's Command Bonus
- Armies also have Morale listed.
- The GM gives a Tactics modifier to one side that has gained an overall advantage in the combined use of intel, recon, weather, terrain, and anything else that can be dreamed up.
- Each side makes a Tactics check to determine the casualties inflicted on the opposing army(ies). I'll post a link at the bottom of this post that shows both army OBs and the combat resolution table. Note that fortifications give the owning army "free" regiments to lose in each battle. These "free" regiments come back each new week of combat unless the army attacking them has siege artillery, in which case they can be destroyed on a strength point per strength point basis.
- The same die rolls used to determine casualties (averaged if one or both sides have more than 1 army) are compared as an Opposed Check. The winner's army(ies) take 1d10 morale damage. The loser's army(ies) take 1d10 morale damage +1d10 per DoS the winner has more.
- If armies have 0 morale they retreat and combat is done for the week.
- The GM has to make calls concerning how much turf is occupied by victorious armies.
This should reduce the time for adjudicating an entire front to something less than 20 minutes per week of battle, or at least that's what I'm aiming at.
Mind you, there are other factors the players are involved in, and I think that's why they want a faster adjudication. They have to consider infrastructure and how many troops they can move around per weekly turn, plus they get to decide what their reserves are, and when and where to commit them, not to mention pulling troops back to reserve from a winning front so they can used elsewhere.
Edited by Errant Knight