One Day Event in NYC: Saturday October 24th

By BrooklynMike, in CoC Organized Play

One Day League Event on Saturday, October 24th at The Compleat Strategist in NYC (11 East 33rd St.).

11 AM to 5 PM

Swiss format, constructed decks, 50 card limit, no restriction on expansions used.

Players will be divided into Cultists (beginners) and Old Ones (advanced) to give everyone a chance

Prizes awarded for winners in both divisions, best sportsman, most creative deck

Sponsored by The Compleat Strategist

Hosted by NYC Metropolitan Wargamers

For more information please contact Mike "The Servitor" Willner [email protected]


If you are planning to attend we'd appreciate if you could bring your game board, story cards, Cthulhus, and success tokens along. We may have new players who have not tried the game yet, and we'd like to be able to loan them the equipment. I'll have card sleeves to keep your loaner cards in good shape.

Just a reminder: The Compleat Strategist 11 East 33rd Street (btwn 5th and Madison), (212) 685-3880. 11 AM to 5 PM.

Prizes for winners and other categories.

Rules: 50 cards exactly, LCG cards only, three copies per card unless the card states otherwise, no limit on factions or Asylum packs (including the most recent Memory of the Day!).

See you there!