This came up today and I couldn't find a full answer and made a mutually agreed ruling on the spot (based on a quick look and discussion). However, I found enough inference to make an educated decision. I am posting this resolution to help others, by reference. No matter if we all figure out that I'm correct or incorrect.
The question: which comes first; resolving collision damage, or resolving obstacles.
Unspecified Rules: collision/overlap damage is unique in its application at the end of movement, but not specified beyond that.
Actual situation - I began movement on the space station with an undamaged Neb B. I moved into a Star Destroyer (yes. I am one of those rebel players) so much that I had to move back to"zero." At that point, Two things happened. 1- I took one damage card from a collision. 2- I removed one damage card for overlapping the space station. BUT, WHICH HAPPENED FIRST?
My answer after careful reading - The damage card is removed.
Logic- there are two distinct phases that can damage a ship during maneuver. One At the end of a maneuver, where a ship may take collision damage. Another after the maneuver is over, where a ship may take asteroid/debris damage- or heal if on the station.
Citation- RR pg 8
"Obstacles" leading paragraph. "When a ship..."
"Overlapping" second paragraph "If a ship..."
Second Bullet Point "Even if a..."
Interpretation - to me, these paragraphs seem to say that there is a point where your ship is maneuvering and may take damage from a collision. Then, there is a separate point, immediately after, where it has finished its maneuver and resolves obstacles.
Dissent - They don't directly even say this bit of timing exists, even though the RR section on"Overlapping" on pg 8 gives a perfect setting to do this.
"Overlapping" Third paragraph "If a moving..." makes it seem that obstacles may resolve while the ship is still moving. This goes against what I interpreted earlier.
Alternate resolution - they happen simultaneously (and the active player decides resolution order)
Why does it matter?
This situation where it makes the difference between having a hull damage or not.
A situation where a critical damage or an upgrade card makes damage from an obstacle more or less severe than damage from a collision.