So I decided to come up with a starting ship for a high SP and super low PF game. The idea is that the PC's dynasty has been around for a very long time , but has has hit all but rock bottom. Therefore while they are starting in a grand cruiser, many of the parts are of poor quality, or even none functional.
The story behind this particular ship " Hateful embrace " is that as time got leaner and leaner, the former holders of the dynasty started to prey upon weaker ships, not for their cargo, but the ships themselves. Disabling their prey, then salvaging what components they could to sell.
While the ship seems like a deathtrap for those cursed to be aboard, not all of the ship is a trash heap, and there are several archiotech components aboard.
I gave the ship the planet bound for a millennium, to represent both the fact that it is an ancient ship with rare components, but also to decrease it's hull rating to show how it has been poorly maintained.
To add up the SPs i just went straight down the right side of the chart in ITS, to determine what components where non-functional i rolled a 25% chance for each component. Also reduced crew rating to 20
In the end this ship would cause the party to be at only 12 PF ( it came out to -10 SPs, so trading PF for SP 1 to 1)
I figure there is more than enough room to grow the ship, while not completely leaving the party hamstrung. , If the poor modifiers where removed it would recover 2 more power and 5 space. Would also recover 19 moral.