E Comics trading Market

By Ecomics21, in Agrabah Bazaar


Sora (Atlantica) Foil x2
Sora (Atlantica) Non-foil x2
Sora (Flag) Foil x4
Sora (Flag) Non-foil x2
Riku (promo) Foil x2
Riku (promo) Nonfoil
Cid nonfoil x2
Kairi lv0 (promo) Foil x4
Kairi lv0 (promo) Non-Foil
Daisy Duck Non-Foil
Simba lv1 (Promo) Foil x4
Simba lv1 (promo) Non-foil x2
Tink lv1 (promo) Foil x4
Tink lv1 (promo) non-foil x2
Event 1 x3


or..any Monsterpocalylpse if you have it

I'm interested in Riku lvl 2 Foil.

Hey yo.

Dibs on non-Foil Daisy!

I really want your event cards :D

i would like you Tinkerbell non foil you can chaeck my trade thread to see if there is anything you need. Then plz post on my thread.

KK, I'm looking at your ists as I type

I am interested in the following

Daisy Duck

Event 1 x2



I don't care if its foil or not. I have some Monsterpocalypse Bldgs and some Cthulu monsters and units. Let me know what you are looking for. Email me at darthjawa103@yahoo.com

Darkjawa - Email Sent

Vertically Challenged - I haven't been able to find your trade list...link please?

I'll do the Jack Sparrow and Cerberus SR for the nonfoil Tinkerbell. I value the valor even though it's only a starter deck card.

jacoby915 said:

I'll do the Jack Sparrow and Cerberus SR for the nonfoil Tinkerbell. I value the valor even though it's only a starter deck card.

If not that's ok..just email me at Ecomicsinc@gmail.com

Are the Event Cards foil? What would you want for one?

Yes they are foil...and I'll have to check your list

Just puttin this here for reference sir. Don't wanna forget. lol.


Leon level 4 (BoD)


Yuffie Level 2 (BoD)


Non-Foil Daisy

Got it, just got to set up the trade

i really want one of your event promos along with an atlantica sora foil or nonfoil sora flag promo nonfoil

oh and i have quite a bit of monsterpocalypse monsters and units including a shadow sun syndacit shadow form promo unit i will make a list of my creatures right away!

okay yasheth normal and hyper form-(lords of cthul) tharsis-5 normal and hyper form-(alien) vanguard unit , reaper unit carnidon unit squix unit c-type shinobi shadow form promo unit OH and i also have a dungeons and dragons beholder ultimate tyrant boss miniature uncommon!!