Heavily influenced by paintball, Gears of War, and GTA IV; I've been wondering how to deal with blind firing .
An Acolyte behind cover exposes only one arm (or perhaps two if it's a basic weapon, isn't compact, and s/he doesn't have a recoil glove) to shoot at their target, rather than exposing their head and possibly their body in order to fire around cover.
Currently I'm thinking that no positive modifiers should be made for short range (although long range still applies), and the shooter takes a -30 penalty to hit just as if they were the victim of suppressing fire. While semi- and fully-automatic shooting would be fine, aiming and using suppressing fire would not since you can't "focus" your attention enough while behind cover to see your opponent/fire corridor.
What are your thoughts? Would you omit blind-firing all together? Do you have any ideas for different rules? Can you spot a way this idea could be exploited? Would it be unbalanced when used in conjuction with grenades or flamers?