Incidents (1.0) for RAOV

By Wallack, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

BGG link:

Hello lads!

I'm a fan of the RedJak's Variant and I recommend it everywhere. It makes the game really nice. The only thing that bothers me, is at it tries (and does very well) to automate the Overlord (OL from now on) and sometimes the mechanics are not the best, as those OL and Plot cards are designed to be played from a hidden hand.

That's why I created Incidents, a variant for a variant (or might even be played without RAOV but that's not why this one was designed for).

What's Incidents?

Incidents is a new deck with a new small mechanic to make things simpler. Initially I wanted to create a new deck called Event deck but realized that the DelvenDeep expansion already has a deck called Events, so I decided to call it Incident Deck.

This Deck replaces the OL and the Plot deck and is used to add new effects and harmful effects to the players. There is a small percentage of cards that are good for the players, but those are there to represent the critical success that was really famous in a lot of RPG games.

What changes from RAOV?

The changes are pretty simple bear (grrr) with me:

- Blitz cards doesn't draw Plot or OL cards. Instead they draw an Incident card. A new version of the BLitz cards is included for you to print.
- 2 levels of difficulty
- 16 new AO (Automated Overlord) cards, 4 for each hero token, 2 for each difficulty. Those AO cards doesn't have a priority system, they just draw an Incident card and harm the players for 1 health (1 health and 1 fatigue the highest difficulty cards) and draw an AO card.
- An Incident deck with more than 80 new cards. Well, actually the number of new cards is less than 80, as some of them appear more than once and some of them have different versions, but the deck contains more than 80 Incident cards.
- A new small mechanic, Incident Check, roll 1d6 (2d6 in II difficulty). If there is at least one 6 in the results, there is an Incident!!
- Experience points to scale difficulty. Whenever the OL gains experience, new Incident cards can be bought to have a bigger deck.
- Discard pile interaction. Some of the cards, when resolved, go to the bottom of the Incident deck while others go to the discard pile. Some cards will interact with this pile.
- The Plot deck disappears, except for the Summon Agent cards, those will go together in a deck called Agent Deck.
- Threat and Fortune tokens will be more presented. Some cards can be canceled with Fortune tokens. Some cards will benefit from the amount of Threat tokens the OL has.

What's next?

- I will order a copy of the cards soon enough and will post a playtesting session.
- Additional cards can be created (post your ideas) to create new interactions and more harmful effects to the players!
- Rules to be used from a DM that doesn't want to win!


Example of a card:


The cards are prety simple, at the top right we see the difficulty (1 or 2 depending on the difficulty we wanted to play with) and at the bottom right we see the XP level (not cost) of that card (0, 1, 2 or 3).

Cards are bought differently, instead of paying 1 XP to get 1 card, if the OL has 1 XP buys as many 1 XP cards as the result of a dice (explained in the rules).

New Blitz cards:


The Blitz cards are exactly the same but now instead of drawing an OL and Plot card only draw an Incident card. You don't need to print them if you just remember the changes.

New AO cards (4 per priority):


The card will harm the priority hero, draw an Incident card and draw another AO card. If you need to draw an AO card to test for a random number and draw this instead, jus follow the text, as you have to draw an AO and that AO will contain the random number.

Number at the bottom (I) or (II) shows the difficulty. (II) cards deal also 1 damage to fatigue.


- All the cards (with the bleeding needed for PS or DriveThruCards):
- Rules (will be updated):
- New Automated Overlord cards (with the bleeding needed for PS or DriveThruCards):


Post any question you have!

Cards in imgur:,ePipINi,2ZnNvDX,VLP83iB,re4OuVL,GE9cHoB,P9ZRYZT,oz6Yppu,2lyVY7T,1F5dJ3W,rQUR11J,kzKF9nw,YUHwBh2,Hd6sEZ3,ShehOH4,sAgcn73,vSIJzne,6PysgrP,WUFF3Vn,bR2pIJv,DGcXWaq,hkc0ecs,d3t97FI,e4JOpft,w0GEJnZ,CkB6zuP,5dUDpIP,sUyiejg,uZmeUyH,pj4J8dQ,z8ijyzp,LmYKdd1,n0J7Wdg,PuP2jyg,u3mX5lH,gLJR8Vg,fMb4c21,EAb3GTP,QD7jP2a,hHn7FVp,QTrdKDn,kBH6RAn,ZbBUx3d,wTk3TEf,57Ow4Pq,aDYe7Mt,gvzt1Kc,GpJKEEI,nzTuwtD,EM0HeID,5u9OkeG,sMVuWty,9kyP07x,voPk7oL,3ve8RA6,05fDPh1,0FAa9WY,IinUI30,wE47tES,CGyaM7T,ykxuIqU,CAWHQTD,DZrVbm9,qCUc2K7,84CwXq1,XhReFoq,pLxj34o,ydXOOwy,EDDRxSH,tMXIa5P,QUHkJeo,h94R3BT,Zp6uMi0,GNBO7AQ,a1H7v86,qVsMyZq,zDTYuEW,qZDbzfE,IGppegC,CVv7qUW,u8KB572,VjWg7kT,jQOK2kI,TAYDyPI