Figure Scale

By Collinsas, in Mansions of Madness

Hello, I just picked up a copy of Masions of Madness; and sadly a few of my investigators where broken... Well I turn in a request for replacement figured into FFG Customer Service, I wanted to ask if anyone knows what scale these figures are close to so I can bulk out my box and get some figures to replace my investigators in the interim.

after doing some reading I have found that figures that came in my core box are simply unpainted versions of the Arkham Horror Premium model line, but I can not find out what scale they are. If I where guessing I might say 1/72 but I'm not sure.

Can anyone help me out?

Like, scale compared to a human? I can't help you there. But what I can warn you is that the scale for the investigators is different than the scale for the monsters. Note how the Maniac and Cultist are significantly larger than the investigators.

Also, I apologize for possibly opening your eyes to this unfortunate circumstance.

Thank you for your reply, and you make a fair point. Although I feel that the lack of scale consistently is likely going to be with any boardgame. I am trying to find the scale that most approximates the games figures.

Hello, I just picked up a copy of Masions of Madness; and sadly a few of my investigators where broken... Well I turn in a request for replacement figured into FFG Customer Service, I wanted to ask if anyone knows what scale these figures are close to so I can bulk out my box and get some figures to replace my investigators in the interim.

after doing some reading I have found that figures that came in my core box are simply unpainted versions of the Arkham Horror Premium model line, but I can not find out what scale they are. If I where guessing I might say 1/72 but I'm not sure.

Can anyone help me out?

the minis looks like 28mm to me