Questions to FFG about Descent, how long does it normaly take to get a response?

By Erik Pulkka, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Can anyone tell me what the normal turn around is for questions sent in to FFG about Descent?

I have sent in three questions in about Descent and have only gotten the automated "the right person has gotten you query and will respond soon" email.

The most recent two were sent 8/20/09 and 9/6/09 in and still no answer other than the automated ones.
I have sent these questions in to the Webmaster, as they pertained to Descent News postings.

Am I sending them to the right place?
Do they have to be ‘Yes or No” questions to get a response?

Any help on asking questions of FFG and getting answers would be appreciated.
Thank you,

Erik Pulkka said:

Can anyone tell me what the normal turn around is for questions sent in to FFG about Descent?

I have sent in three questions in about Descent and have only gotten the automated "the right person has gotten you query and will respond soon" email.

The most recent two were sent 8/20/09 and 9/6/09 in and still no answer other than the automated ones.
I have sent these questions in to the Webmaster, as they pertained to Descent News postings.

Am I sending them to the right place?
Do they have to be ‘Yes or No” questions to get a response?

Any help on asking questions of FFG and getting answers would be appreciated.
Thank you,

While their customer service department for problems with games (ie parts and the like) has a fantastic reputation you have a better chance of finding the Loch Ness monsters in your bath tub than you do of getting a reply from FFG on a rules question. It is without a doubt the worst aspect of this company, and this is coming from someone who loves their games. I'm still waiting on responses to questions from April.

That's why rules questions on unresolved issues get debated so fervently on this forum. I think its fair to say that outside the FAQs, this forum and the players here are about as an official of an answer you are going to get. If the majority of responders agree on how a rule or situation plays, then I tend to take that as the rules until something direct from the company comes around.

Wish I had a better answer, but that's pretty much reality.

Thanks Big Remy,

I was affraid that was the case, but just wanted to check and see if I was doing something wrong or if there was a secret hand shake you had to know to get a real answer from FFG.

I'll stop waiting for an answer and move on.



Yeah, see what others have said but to the best of my knowledge this is the general situation I know most players to be in.

I recall that they were MUCH more responsive before the whole Forum change. Where do you think most of the Gathered List of Questions came from?


Oboewan said:

I recall that they were MUCH more responsive before the whole Forum change. Where do you think most of the Gathered List of Questions came from?


This is true.