Grand Inquisitor Fulminarex said:
I for one do not think that astropaths are used to transmit financial data across the stars like an Amex card.
I would imagine that Rogue Traders store wealth at their holdings, bury it, or carry it on their ship. Dropping off wealth with the Church for letters of credit also seems logical. However, astropathic relay of finances does not seem logical to me. You carry your wealth is my best guess, or its all invested in holdings, etc.
Knight Templars during 13th century didn't have internet or astorpaths.
Venecian Tradehouses during 15th and 16th century didn't have internet or astropaths.
Still, both managed to build extensive banking and money-lending empires which even kings were using. Actually, during most of the known human history wealthy people have never actually carried their wealth as cash. A good name, solid reputation and signed documents are how really wealthy people have used their wealth in past.
I'd fully expect Rogue Trader to havea substantial part of his actual wealth distributed over several banks and some of it also tied to noble houses in loans. If he needs to use the wealth he simply writes a check adressed to and usable by one person and cashable in one bank or noble house.
Like a noble in middle ages a Rogue Trader would never even think of writing a check which bounces because once the story about this gets out he would lose everything. No-one would ever again give anyone in his fleet any credit, no-one would ever again do cash business without checking all the thrones for authentity, no-one would lend money to him or from him or even pay back old debts. In essence every business transaction would turn extremely difficult for him, no-one of any repute would work for his fleet and his career would be over right then and there.