Gates of arkham came out in Feb and it seems like the tarot sleeves have been out of print since I picked up the base game last September. I think the ffg fans could use more feedback from the forum moderators
please finish printing more Tarot sleeves
For what seemed like eons the Tarot card sleeves have been shown as "On the boat" in the FFG UPCOMING section. About a week ago the status changed to "Shipping". Today their status shows as "At the Printer". ??????
These sleeves have been out of stock for WAY too long. Will more ever be available??
I'm looking into getting Elder Sign and I want sleeves.
Looks like they have most of their sleeves "on the boat" as of 10/14. Hopefully that isn't the date they were put on the boat.
I think it's a rowwingboat transporting all these goods