Near as I can tell some Nemesis abilities (i.e. the cancellation auras) require the use of accumulated Ki. This seems to present a problem as in order to accumulate Ki you need Ki Control, further using Greater Ki Cancellation removes your own ability to accumulate while costing 5/10 ki per turn. There is a suggestion in another thread that nemesis abilities draw straight from your reserve without needing to accumulate but I cannot find any backing for this in the book. If that is the case where is it in the book (I have scoured dominus exxet fairly thoroughly at this point)? is there some other explanation, or do you just need Ki control to use the auras? Thanks.
Nemesis and Ki Accumulation
I really just see the explanation in the way it is worded. Also, since Nemesis doesn't have the equivalent of Ki Control, you can't accumulate, so it can only be subtracted at that point.