Regional Battle Report

By Torresse, in X-Wing Battle Reports

For what it is worth, here are the odds.

Didn't you get the word? Never tell us the odds!


I thought that the bird was the word...

Ill admit as well that my dice were pretty good especially when I need them to be good but I think he may have been looking at my post pred rerolls, for example turn 2 dash was just in range of the shuttle by about 1/5 of an inch when whisper and fel were on the other side I rolled 2 blanks which rerolled into and eye and a hit on the shuttle. A lot of people see post double rerolls with a focus doing 4 hits 2-3 turns in a row as crazy dice. But in this case they really were pretty balls out. I had 2 turns where I had 4 hits without even needing the pred reroll.

P.S. I only lost 1 awing in almost every round except the one I lost. My games with Paul and Ron in the top 8 were pretty much the only times I used chewy all day long, it was very good in rons game and kinda meh in pauls game though it did turn off a direct hit.

Ill admit as well that my dice were pretty good especially when I need them to be good but I think he may have been looking at my post pred rerolls, for example turn 2 dash was just in range of the shuttle by about 1/5 of an inch when whisper and fel were on the other side I rolled 2 blanks which rerolled into and eye and a hit on the shuttle. A lot of people see post double rerolls with a focus doing 4 hits 2-3 turns in a row as crazy dice. But in this case they really were pretty balls out. I had 2 turns where I had 4 hits without even needing the pred reroll.

P.S. I only lost 1 awing in almost every round except the one I lost. My games with Paul and Ron in the top 8 were pretty much the only times I used chewy all day long, it was very good in rons game and kinda meh in pauls game though it did turn off a direct hit.

Cool, yeah, we'll have to check the game again later for kicks after it gets uploaded, just because I'm statistically curious (I'm like that), but those rolls would be slightly more normal on offense with predator for sure. Either way the evade dice were crazy hot!

Edited by MajorJuggler

The shot that killed fel was un unfocused 4 hits 3 natural and a blank that pred rerolled into the 4th hit, some of the awings certainly should have died absolutely, but he was not able to effectively focus on them one at a time, I think all 3 only had a single hull left in the end(one may have had 2). and the last turn he barrel rolled whisper to have a range one shot on the a wing with no mods rolled 3 hits, I had 1 hull left and still rolled evade focus focus, and avoided all 3. I think I was saving my evade dice from pauls game, 3 range 3 shots at an awing I roll 10 blanks and 2 focus both on both on different rolls and the awing went down without ever firing a shot.