Regional Battle Report

By Torresse, in X-Wing Battle Reports

I was at Your Hobby Place playing in the store championship, running:

Whisper+VI+FCS+ACD+Intel Agent

Omnicron+Intel Agent+Intel Agent

Soontir Fel+PTL+SD+Auto Thrusters

My first match was
Biggs+boosting targetlock droid



He kept his guys in formation and jousted my omnicron, and Fel and Whis got into perfect flanking position and killed his Biggs before he had a turn to shoot. He in returned shot everything at my omnicron. Wanting to keep his moves predictable (kturns), I decided to use my omnicron to shoot out the shields of the Z who spent its missile. Corran took his second shot and wasted my Omnicron. He kturned as predicted, and I kept whisper firing at Corran out of arcs while Soontir set up for the next couple of rounds where I could get shots in without worrying about shots being fired. He knew he was in a bad spot, so he sent his z's into multiple directions hoping I would follow one. Corran did a straight 1, then a Kturn. Knowing he only had 1 hull left, I decided to push in and go for the kill (which I got). The Zs fell without a fight.


Next Was





Howlrunner+Stealth Device+Determination.

He set up, and constantly bumped his guys(mistake?) and asked questions about if they would bump again? knowing he was new, I flew in fast for kills, but misjudge a decloak by a few hairs and struck an asteroid along his path. he put his swarm facing Whisper, who wasnt able to get a focus from the attack, and died. He then turned into Fel leaving only my omnicron which flew amazing to take down an alpha (almost 2) before sucumbing to the shots.


Chirpy (Gunner, VI, Rebel captive, Engine Upgrade,???)

Vader (VI, Pockets, Engine Upgrade)

This was a scary list to see. I set my omnicron center, with Whisper on the left corner, and soontir on the right corner. he set up across from soontir (A scary thing to see). soontir goest hard 1 boost. (everyone else moves up and whisper cloaks. He shoots forward 4 and boosts (yep.. that covers up a ton of board) just out of range 3. Soontir is now in trouble as I go straight 5 forward boost focus evade, shuttle turns in towards deci and vader. Deci is behind soontir and closing in fast, but chooses to shoot at uncloaked whisper. Whisper is then forced to take the stress to attack the decimator. I lose a shield. soontir performs a hard soontir does a hard 2 boost intowards the the decimator (pursuing around an asteroid. Shuttle blocks Vader in the middle of nowhere.) Whisper gets a nice barrel roll block slowing down the monster allowing for both ships to start attack next turn. Phantom had lost another shield before this process somewhere, but gets hit again (minor explosion but lives). soontir+whisper duel attack and I get a crit that drops his pilot ability (he is now PS8). Fel moves then turtles up. Vader prockets Fel with 5 damage (a couple of crits). I roll 4 symbols and use my evade..... Whisper and fell destroy the decimator (12 damage in 3 turns of shooting....). I also made a mistake mid game that allowed my opponent to run my shuttle off the board (red move+stress) Vader had no chance...


Whisper (ACD,VI,Rebel Captive,FCS)

Black Sq

Black Sq

Black Sq

Black Sq

I gave my opponent initiative by die roll. he sets up center across from omnicron and placed his whisper left. I placed whisper and soontir in joust position.
he hard turns cloaks whisper. I run everyone up fast. his swarm comes straight in. His whisper decloaks away, and my whisper decloaks for a r3 shot on his swarm. my shuttle banks towards whisper and fel. Fel shoots up faster and boosts in for a r3 shot. I out fly his ties and kill them off before his Whisper comes back into shot. My whisper and Fel kill off his phantom easy enough (initiative knowing when and where to decloak). He might of killed my soontir before dieing?

Chirpy (rebel captive, PTL,Isard, Darth Vader!, Rebel captive, Engine upgrade)

Baron Fel (PTL,SD, AT)

I had the pleasure to talk to Oroshii before the tourny started. We were talking about lists, and he mentioned that he usually kills a phantom the first round of shooting.... and I can see why...

I had played Oroshi once before last year during top 8 regional (to which I knocked him out) We both wanted a rematch, but just not now. Whoever wins will knock the other player out of top 8 possibility...

He had inititaive, I had omnicron center, he had deci in joust position of shuttle, and his fel on my right board edge. I place fel and whisper in joust position. He hard turns 1 and boosts. towards his decimator, and chirpy comes towards whisper and fel. Fel boosts up and barrel rolls for a r3 shot on his token less fel (nothing happened though). He continues to shoot his decimator forward and boosts out of arc of the Shuttle, Fel soft turns 2 and is now facing center board and turtles (with a shot) and whisper is coming up around for a shot. Omnicron is almost center board. His soontir turtles to survive the omnicron shot. He shoots at Fel, and Fel surives and gets Vadered for 2 damage :S... Fel shoots first to take a second stress (I need the decloak for another shot at his decimator) together I do 5 damage (maybe 7ish in all that round) with one being console fire, and the other being reduced primary wep value.

Now for the fun part. I had a debri cloud infront of Fel (a hard two in either direction would clear it) I realize he will probable hard turn his fel towards my fel in case I try to go up board edge. There was an oppertunity, I could soft 3 my shuttle and block him (keep him from his actions and facing the wrong way). My Fel Jumps the debri to get a r1 into the blocked fel (and gains a stress....). I move my phantom into a good shot into Decimator (who boosts away at the start of combat.....) I loose a shield due to amazing rolling with my phantom, he selects to not vader me. (console fire does a damage). my soontir lands 2 damage on his fel. And now the game is on! I dont rember how I lost my soontir, but he lost his due to a rock (by a hair he lands on one...). -Which by my record puts first hand movement mistakes to 2..... :P - I get another solid attack in with my phantom, and he does one sheild then vaders my phantom (I draw munitions failure!). this puts his hull at 2 hp remaining. I realize there is only one move either of can make. He moves. I move off to his side, and realize he could boost away if I dont do anything, so I decide to barrel roll infront of him to stop his boost from happening. I shoot first, I get 3 crits in killing him!


Han (C3P0, Gunner, Predator, Engine, Falcon)




I decide I should have initiative for this game

So this game he had my phantom down to 1 hp. I boogie him out, and take out a couple of his supports. He isnt able to do any damage due to superior movement from Intel agents (3 of them really helped). Once I get behind him it was over.


which puts my record at 5-1 for the day. top 8 required 5-1 with several not making it (I however did make it in...)

Top 8



Finally a great match up for me. This was an easy list to take out. I killed C first as he presented himself to me as the easier to kill. B took some time before I killed it. I got to K turn my whisper twice to stay behind him (he used push the limit to remain stressed. I ended up running my lambda next to the edge, then stalling him to block him twice to prevent him from s-turning on me. The guy I played was pretty cool, and I felt bad that I had Fel and Whisper against his brobots.

Top 4
4 Horsemen. I was playing a guy from my local store (who had to kill another 4H member in the top 8)

This was a

Dark Curse

Academy x5

I played this guy many times before this match, and I know he isnt a fast player. He thinks about every option and weighs the decision.
Last game I played him, I ran a similar squad against his same swarm in the top 8 of store champs. He beat me only because that game came down to time

I knew going into the game 1. he would kill my shuttle. 2. The game would goto time no matter what I tried.
So I offered my shuttle up to get my phantom a nice close shot before I could bug out and reengage from long range. I thought about just running my guys away once I was ahead in points until time was called, but that wouldnt be fair. Of coarse time was called with 1 hull on Whisper and 1 hull on Soontir.

Top 2

Awing ps1 X3

Dash +predator+chewbacca+heavy laser cannon.

I was brain dead during this game after facing that tie swarm. I knew the rocks were not in my favor after I set up and got my wits back to me (it came it went), and if I was to win this game, I needed 2 of those awings gone to get into proper position to take out his Dash. I moved my shuttle away to reposition him to take a shot at the awing coming around the rock, then if he lived, to continue to turn in until he was center board again

A friend of mine recorded the dice results of his rolls...

39 attack dice rolled, 28 natrual hits, 5 were focus, and only 4 blanks...
22 evade dice rolled 16 natural 4 blanks...

after seeing the dice results, it leads me to believe I didnt lose because he out flew me, just that he out rolled me. (ace mentality)

Edited by Torresse

Great report. I loved your use of Intel agent in droves. It was fun to watch online.

Thanks for the write up. I see the Phantom isn't dead. Good flying.

If anyone was watching the stream, how bad did my final game look? I was mentally dead after playing the tie swarm (calculating each ship, plus my own decloak, and trying to do hit and runs....)

If anyone was watching the stream, how bad did my final game look? I was mentally dead after playing the tie swarm (calculating each ship, plus my own decloak, and trying to do hit and runs....)

I was watching the stream and am eagerly awaiting your thought process in that game. The Shuttle looked like it was facing the wrong way and got punished for it.

It was actually very difficult to know what was going on because the commentators were just as tired as everyone else and didn't give many (any) details of the final match. Also the camera angle and low resolution made it difficult to see details.

Edited by JFunk

I missed the stream, so am looking forward to part 2.

That last game looked pretty rough. I watched the stream and a bit in person. That dash just seemed to be sweeping stuff up left and right.

Once again you spoiled my plans..........we shall meet again in Pittsburgh and I will get my revenge!!

It was really great playing another game with you. good report, excellent play.

Nice job!

Nice job cracking top 8, looking forward to the rest of the report!

Top 8 posted

Great Job! So close.

A friend of mine recorded the dice results of his rolls...

39 attack dice rolled, 28 natrual hits, 5 were focus, and only 4 blanks...

22 evade dice rolled 16 natural 4 blanks...

after seeing the dice results, it leads me to believe I didnt lose because he out flew me, just that he out rolled me. (ace mentality)

For what it is worth, here are the odds.

% chance of rolling 28+ natural hits/crits: 0.47%

% chance of rolling 33+ hits/crits/eyeballs: 11.12%

% chance of rolling 16+ natural evades: 0.085%

% chance of rolling 18+ evades/eyeballs: 4.45%

% chance of rolling 28+ natural hits/crits AND 16+ natural evades: 0.0004% = 1 in 247,899.

Through the first week of X-wing there have been something around 500 players, and around 1600-1700 games.

The chance of any one player in any one of those games in any one of those tournaments having luck that good is approximately 1 in 145. Conversely, we can probably give you the award now for "Worst Luck in a 2015 Regionals Game of X-wing", although with another 90 tournaments to go, it is possible that someone, somewhere, will eventually have worse luck.

A friend of mine recorded the dice results of his rolls...

39 attack dice rolled, 28 natrual hits, 5 were focus, and only 4 blanks...

22 evade dice rolled 16 natural 4 blanks...

after seeing the dice results, it leads me to believe I didnt lose because he out flew me, just that he out rolled me. (ace mentality)

For what it is worth, here are the odds.

% chance of rolling 28+ natural hits/crits: 0.47%

% chance of rolling 33+ hits/crits/eyeballs: 11.12%

% chance of rolling 16+ natural evades: 0.085%

% chance of rolling 18+ evades/eyeballs: 4.45%

% chance of rolling 28+ natural hits/crits AND 16+ natural evades: 0.0004% = 1 in 247,899.

Through the first week of X-wing there have been something around 500 players, and around 1600-1700 games.

The chance of any one player in any one of those games in any one of those tournaments having luck that good is approximately 1 in 145. Conversely, we can probably give you the award now for "Worst Luck in a 2015 Regionals Game of X-wing", although with another 90 tournaments to go, it is possible that someone, somewhere, will eventually have worse luck.

woah those are some outstanding odds!

Top 8 posted

Where is the Top 8 posted?

Tyler had an outstanding tournament that day going 5-1 during swiss finishing with an MOV over 1000. He was not the undefeated player during the event but finished with the highest MOV on the day. I believe his MOV was something like 1049 for the day only giving up 151 points in swiss. My friend faced Tyler during swiss and was only able to take down 1 A-Wing and 3 shields off of his Dash. He was flying 88B with mangler and 5 Z-95's. He said it seems all tyler rolled were face results on all his dice and very few blanks, "The Force is strong with this one".

Tyler crushed me in the top 4. He just plain outflew me, other than the time he landed Dash on an asteroid and forgot he couldn't fire. ;) His rolls were pretty normal.

I was impressed with his ability to accurately gauge ranges in his head. My Y-Wing took some damage, so I pulled it in very close to Biggs. Biggs was about as close behind the Y as he could be without touching it. Tyler flew Dash to a spot that was just outside of range 3 to Biggs, and finished off the Y. That was basically the game right there, as I only dropped an A, and now had to somehow corner Dash without benefit of my stressbot.


Tyler crushed me in the top 4. He just plain outflew me, other than the time he landed Dash on an asteroid and forgot he couldn't fire. ;) His rolls were pretty normal.

I was impressed with his ability to accurately gauge ranges in his head. My Y-Wing took some damage, so I pulled it in very close to Biggs. Biggs was about as close behind the Y as he could be without touching it. Tyler flew Dash to a spot that was just outside of range 3 to Biggs, and finished off the Y. That was basically the game right there, as I only dropped an A, and now had to somehow corner Dash without benefit of my stressbot.


That ability to gauge range was a little unnerving. made me realize that I may not be at the top of the food chain yet lol

Tyler crushed me in the top 4. He just plain outflew me, other than the time he landed Dash on an asteroid and forgot he couldn't fire. ;) His rolls were pretty normal.

I was impressed with his ability to accurately gauge ranges in his head. My Y-Wing took some damage, so I pulled it in very close to Biggs. Biggs was about as close behind the Y as he could be without touching it. Tyler flew Dash to a spot that was just outside of range 3 to Biggs, and finished off the Y. That was basically the game right there, as I only dropped an A, and now had to somehow corner Dash without benefit of my stressbot.


I saw the NJ regionals were full, does this mean a trip to Monroeville is in your future?

Or north carolina.

I'll be at Raleigh. It's my hometown (but not where I live now).

Supposedly there was a Twitch stream of the final match.

Anyone know if it's recorded somewhere?

I'd love to watch it!

A friend of mine recorded the dice results of his rolls...

39 attack dice rolled, 28 natrual hits, 5 were focus, and only 4 blanks...

22 evade dice rolled 16 natural 4 blanks...

after seeing the dice results, it leads me to believe I didnt lose because he out flew me, just that he out rolled me. (ace mentality)

For what it is worth, here are the odds.

% chance of rolling 28+ natural hits/crits: 0.47%

% chance of rolling 33+ hits/crits/eyeballs: 11.12%

% chance of rolling 16+ natural evades: 0.085%

% chance of rolling 18+ evades/eyeballs: 4.45%

% chance of rolling 28+ natural hits/crits AND 16+ natural evades: 0.0004% = 1 in 247,899.

Through the first week of X-wing there have been something around 500 players, and around 1600-1700 games.

The chance of any one player in any one of those games in any one of those tournaments having luck that good is approximately 1 in 145. Conversely, we can probably give you the award now for "Worst Luck in a 2015 Regionals Game of X-wing", although with another 90 tournaments to go, it is possible that someone, somewhere, will eventually have worse luck.

Are we certain that the friend counting die results was counting raw rolls and not modified results? The latter seems more probable.

Are we certain that the friend counting die results was counting raw rolls and not modified results? The latter seems more probable.

I believe those were the raw rolls. When the video gets uploaded again vs streamed live we can double check.

For what it is worth, here are the odds.

Didn't you get the word? Never tell us the odds!
