Rogue Trader Reference Spread Sheet of Everything Ever...hopefully

By Major Kimenth, in Rogue Trader

Hi All,

So for ease of reference in his up coming RT game my partner has transcribed the following from all the Rule / adventure books at his disposal (at least 90% - 95% of the published works) in to a single spreadsheet:

  • Acquisitions
  • Craftsmanship & Qualities
  • Alternate Career Ranks
  • Weapons
  • Upgrades
  • Armour
  • Gear
  • Cybernetics
  • Starship Hulls
  • Starship Components
  • Starship Upgrades
  • Torpedoes & Attack Craft
  • Combat Actions
  • Psychic Disciplines
  • Navigator Powers



If you notice any errors or missing items please let me know and we will look into it.

I hope this is helpful.

Major Kimenth

Edited by Major Kimenth

Cant get the link to work :/

Link Updated but still having some issues. Trying to resolve.

Edited by Major Kimenth

404 :(

Sorry guys, still having problems getting the file sharing to work. I'll try to get a valid link up as soon as possible.

Major K



Ok, 3rd time, hopefully, lucky (although it may only be visible if you have a Dropbox account. I promise I'll work on that but for now it is hopefully accessible)

Edited by Major Kimenth

Nice. I am absolutely stealing this.

This is something that I will get so much use out of!

The one thing that would probably be helpful that it doesn't have is a compiled table of talents like you get in the first rulebook (Page 91). Something that has all the talent names, prerequisites, benefits and book/page numbers for all the talents that come standard and with alternate careers would be awesome!

Edit: Not sure if this works if you don't have Dropbox as I have Dropbox.

Edited by WeedyGrot

Well, as the partner in question, I thought I would come along and explain some of my reasoning behind why I created this (other than too many Insanity Points, obviously)

One of my big pet peeves is when things bog down in games. Whilst this is inevitable at certain times, I prefer to have a fast flowing, fluid storyline that my players can get caught up in. I don't want for things to come to a crashing halt all that often. For me, the three areas where most games slow down are in Shopping, Fighting and Magic;

As you will notice, these are the three main areas that my sheet covers.

So, my main overriding thought about what to put on this sheet was efficiency.

  • Acquisitions - These rules are somewhat spread around the Rogue Trader (and Into the Storm) book, so it made sense to consolidate them
  • Craftsmanship & Qualities - Helps with Shopping
  • Alternate Career Ranks - Something I put in right at the end, because they are spread around all the books. I didn't include Secessionist because it is a stupid Alternate Rank :)
  • Weapons, Armour, Upgrades, Gear, Cybernetics - Putting them all in one place means you save a LOT of time whilst shopping (and fighting, with the Qualities)
  • Starship Hulls, Components, Upgrades, Torpedoes & Attack Craft - Same as above, and so you don't waste time flipping through rules when you could be Lancing peoples ships to death
  • Combat Actions - Makes it quicker and easier to run either type of combat (Personal or Ship)
  • Psychic Disciplines, Navigator Powers - Makes it so the Psykers in the group don't slow everyone else down by having to look through 3 books to decide which powers they will be using (although, only so much you can do... some of the powers have large tables attached... have summarised as best I could, but that is why there are Book/Page references) :)

So, most of what I did, was just take information that was available in multiple books and placed them together.

Which is one of the reasons why I didn't (and won't be) doing Skills or Talents. Almost all the Skills and Talents that a character will use are in the Rogue Trader rulebook. Similarly, on the Character Progression tables, it tends to tell you what the Requisites are for a Talent. Now, you may reply that the Ork/Kroot Talents are not in the Rogue Trader rulebook, to which I would reply that if you are playing either an Ork or a Kroot, then your gaming group has at least one copy of Into the Storm, and all of the Talents and Skills are there.

Similarly, if you want to use an Alternate Career rank, then you are probably going to be looking at that page quite a lot (when you spend Experience) and, wouldn't you know it, the Skills and Talent descriptions are on the Alternate Career pages :)

One of the things I didn't want to do with this sheet, was to invalidate any of the Books that Fantasy Flight have spent a lot of time creating. I have all the books, which is why I was able to pull together the spreadsheet on this page, and I appreciate the work that has gone into them. This is purely something to speed up gameplay (whilst also being a great collection of stuff), not something to replace having the lovely chunky Books :)

it works without dropbox. you just have to navigate (Ordinary +0) a few nag screens.

Well, as the partner in question, I thought I would come along and explain some of my reasoning behind why I created this (other than too many Insanity Points, obviously)

Ah, looks like somebody found their log in details after all :P

dumb question, but I have forgotten....


which ship in RPG is most like this from BFG ?

RT Cruiser...

This is truly awesome. Great job man.

Amazing! thank you :)

Are there by any chance sheets like this for DH, DW, OW and BC?
Im interested in all of them. This was gold, thank again :)

Edited by Misanthropic

A big thumbs up to this.

dumb question, but I have forgotten....


which ship in RPG is most like this from BFG ?

RT Cruiser...

From BFG fluff, it is a standard cruiser, built according to Kar Duniash pattern, as many, many RT dynasties are there. it could be a Lunar, Tyrant or event Ambition hull if you wish so. or even a Conquest.

You have done exceptionally well!

Giving it the fine tooth now.

Edit: No RB with me but arnt flamers capped at their range IE no more range than what is listed?

Edited by Godgolden

That, is a very good point :)

A flamer that has an extreme range of 120m does sound awesome though... but pretty destructive.

Easy enough to alter though (one of the reasons to use Excel)

I will upload it again in the near future.

And, glad you are all enjoying it... I clocked about 65 hours pulling this together :D

And, I did something like this for Deathwatch a while ago, but having looked for it, I think it was on a previous hard drive.

Plus, it didn't look as good as this one does... and you know how people are with Art

Edited by Grothgar

Updated sheet has been loaded with the correct range for Flamers.

Download link remains the same.

Overcharge packs should not be under upgrades. Errata moved them to ammunition.

Wow - this is a great resource thanks for sharing.

When my wife gets back from her trip today, she will be uploading a new version.

I was flicking through the Koronus Bestiary, when I realised I had missed off some Ork and Rak'Gol weapons (and Ork weapons always make me laugh)

So, for those of you who were devastated that you couldn't use more of the Rak'Gol's weapons against their former Masters, this update is for you :)

Also, noticed a couple of formatting errors, spelling mistakes, and of course, I have moved Overcharge Pack into the unusual Ammunition section.

File updated, as before Link remains the same. :)

Was using your tool, perhaps you could put a simple chart under Acquisitions going into detail about acquiring ship components from various facilities (BK)?

Awesome job mate. Thank you. :)

Voidsunder should be Str 3, it got erratad =D

Great job! It makes everything easier when you have all the information easily available instead of having to dig through books.

This topic should be made sticky.

Some details I'm wondering about though:

* Crew improvements (ITS163) lists best quality as "+3 morale, +5 crew rating" in the book, while the sheet lists the bonus as "+5 morale"

* Cybernetic senses (RT149) appears to be missing in the cybernetics tab of the sheet

Is the first one errata'ed or something? and If I just overlooked the second, feel free to ignore me.
