Rogue Trader Reference Spread Sheet of Everything Ever...hopefully

By Major Kimenth, in Rogue Trader

I imagine BC crew improvements includes the +3 morale bonus from GC.

awesome job.

I will get around to looking at this soon, probably on the weekend.

I probably won't be adding in the "Various Facilities" checklist... mostly because I don't really use it :)

The rest I will look at though.


I am toying with creating a spreadsheet with all the Adversaries from all the books in it...

I am using Excel and will post what I have soon - maybe we can all collaborate on it together - being an Excel file anyone who downloads it can in essence edit it and add more content.

Adversaries will come from this foundation first;

RT Core

DH Core

BC Core

DW Core

As far as whats in the scenarios - that's where Id have to do a lot of digging with a spoon LOL

Edited by MorbidDon

Here's an example; granted this only represents the mathematic values found within the game; things like Talents & Traits have been omitted based on the spreadsheet layout...


Ahh - very cool - thanks for the Link Nameless2all!

Yeah I just want to make a sheet where the statistical "numbers" are in front of you - for ease of play

Re: the Combined Spreadsheet of Everything - Starship Component typo, "Flat Turrets" :)

The combined sheet is an incredible resource and I'm sure the adversary sheet will be too!

So, finally getting round to this (real life does have a habit of intruding, rude as it is).

1. Voidsunder changed to Strength 3 (now a pretty awesome weapon)

2. I obviously misread the Crew Improvements, changed to say Morale +3, Crew +5.

3. In terms of Cybernetic Senses, I was wondering why I might have missed this off. Upon reading this, I realised that I have combined Cybernetic and Augmented Senses, given that they mostly do the same thing. So, what I have for Augmented Senses was just me combining the two (and giving some bad things for Poor Augmented Senses). So, I have renamed it Augmented/Cybernetic sense.

4. Flat Turrets... obviously the name refers to ships that have been hit by said turrets

Also, I have read through a few of the other books and realised that I had missed a few things.

There is actually equipment in Stars of Inequity that I will be adding, and I have had a couple of questions as to why I didn't include any of the Dark Eldar stuff from The Soul Reaver.

Giving that the main reason that I started this was to provide a guide for my players during the (currently going well) Rogue Trader game, I missed off the Dark Eldar stuff because one of my players if a big Eldar fanboy, and I didn't want to fuel the "if I can't be an elder, can I be a dark elder" questions :)

However, now that I have printed this out and given it to the players, I see no reason not to have it on there :D

Edited by Grothgar

Yay! Thanks a lot!

Just found this file by accident via a search... Small request - is it possible to add in Stars of Inequity material?

That's another file buried somewhere on this forum. I think we have email contact, don't we? Send me a reminder and I'll send you the file. Or you can look for it here. I don't remember the name.

By the way, that's the source of my entire campaign. I wrote up a backstory (the Cauldron thing), generated a dozen systems with this file, and interpreted that file so that it all made sense in one unified package. But in essence, all those systems in my campaign were randomly generated. I just don't use the more complex SoI colonies system, nor did I label the systems with their labels (but One Way is a Lost Empire system).

It just occurred to me that you might mean the SoI Exploration equipment in Chapter 2. If that's the case, then I don't know any file that has that stuff.

Edited by Errant Knight

That's another file buried somewhere on this forum. I think we have email contact, don't we? Send me a reminder and I'll send you the file. Or you can look for it here. I don't remember the name.

By the way, that's the source of my entire campaign. I wrote up a backstory (the Cauldron thing), generated a dozen systems with this file, and interpreted that file so that it all made sense in one unified package. But in essence, all those systems in my campaign were randomly generated. I just don't use the more complex SoI colonies system, nor did I label the systems with their labels (but One Way is a Lost Empire system).

It just occurred to me that you might mean the SoI Exploration equipment in Chapter 2. If that's the case, then I don't know any file that has that stuff.

I was actually thinking other treasure charts on page 80-90, but really, most of this stuff could be added. ;)

That stuff can be generated using the same file that the star systems are generated with. Under the tab "Generate" you can choose "system," "starship," "primitive species," "xenos," or "treasure." The "Treasure" choice is also subdivided into 5 more categories.

If you also use the Excel 6.4 spreadsheet for characters, you can manually enter those for each character. I keep the character sheets for my campaign, convert them to a pdf, and send them to the players that aren't computer literate before each session.

This is fantastically useful, to clarify from the previous comments it still lacks all of the content of Rogue Trader?

Now that it is confirmed that there will no more forthcoming Rogue Trader content I don't see any reason not to include all the content on this. I'd be happy to aid in anyway for that process (in fact I have half of the stuff in this spreadsheet already in my own so I feel like I've stupidly wasted my time somewhat). Things like a complete list of talents and skills, because boy, there are a lot added in the splatbooks.

Edit: Also it's missing multiple acquistion rules from ITS pg 221

Missing craftsmanship for gear from ITS

Edited by RMcD

I have written up all of the Talents, and Origin Story in all of the non-adventure books + Legend of the Expanse. Feel free to add it to the Combined Spreadsheet.

I do intend to traits and skills and the rest of the books at some point.

Regarding Origin Story formatting I'm not that happy with it, but I'm not sure what else to do since they're all so drastically different.