There seems a distinct lack of colourful ork content. Orks made for a dementedly stupidly funny race and I'm looking to use a number of them shortly for the simple reason of: "because I feel like it". I'm therefore brainstorming a few of their more madder ideas to put them into a DW setting, particularly looking back to the old 4th ed books when the Empire was more about books which were fun, amusing and had nice bits before they became all... ** REDACTED** .
I therefore decided to give it a go at making that wonderful weapon of immense confusion, possible hilarity and general high levels of boom also known as the Ork "Shokk Attack Gun", as I can't find any anywhere else. For those not familiar on this thing, lexicanum link provided. I'm after some feedback and serious balancing on this was a very weird weapon on table top that used warp based jiggery pokery to tellyport ork snotlings at enemies, sometimes even into enemies to attack them and wielded by a Big Mek which had varying results. One of these on a table could in the same game do a lot of damage and kill a player when they laugh at the misfortunes. Statline below from ye olde codex.
Tabletop Stats (4th ed)
Range: 60"
Damage: 2D6 AP2
Large Blast
Basically you'd target a figure, roll the two dice for strength and if you got a double, consult the chart of where things got really amusing.
Double 1 - Boom. The gun explodes "leaving a crackling orb of unreality in its place" . Doesn't fire, remove the firing model and anything within D6"
Double 2 - Opponent chooses shooters target (friend or foe)
Double 3 - Miss the intended target and instead shoot at unit nearest that target (friend or foe)
Double 4 - Snotling gets fired out in a spray of blood and bone. Slightly reduced damage and blast.
Double 5 - The firer is somehow launched by his own gun. Doesn't fire, counts as being thrown into assault.
5 and 6 - Field collapses, hit central target with S10
Double 6 - Creates a mini warp breach, everything in blast radius removed outright.
So given the above it's a question of how to generate this in the Deathwatch setting. I was toying with roughly the below:
200m range, Heavy Weapon
Some number of D10+some other number, Pen 12 (AP 2 says bye bye terminator armour)
Single Shot
No Reload or Clip Size and it's based on the number of snotlings with him
Blast (5), Devastating (3), Unreliable*
*Usual rules, in Ork hands their own weapons don't count as unreliable. Love Ork logic!
It's then whether I map 1 through 10 on a D10 to those results and leave some spare, whether I go 2D10, 3D10 et cetera...I never liked doing damage dice. Any initial ideas?
Edited by Calgor Grim