JiTD Quest 5 - Actual Fear!!! (Spoiler)

By Frog, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The other day I finished Quest 5 solo. When I play solo I do NOT read the quest before hand and only read up and reveal whatever area I am in.

When the Dragon's seal causes the stairs and rune disappear, I was actually afraid!

I also like all the effects and special abilities of the game such as Fear. It makes the game much deeper than Hero Quest or Warhammer Quest!

My group had a similar reaction when we got to that quest. "Oh crap, it's on now!" They had the same reaction again when the first hero died and realized he had no way to get back into the fight. >=)

I would have failed the quest had it not been for my spellcaster who had a skill card that allowed him line-of-site through one character/enemy. This proved essential as the Dragon hid behind two powerful enemies!
