I'll be travelling up with most of the Colchester lot on the Friday afternoon to Nats this weekend, and I wondered how many people were going to be around on the Friday night as opposed to travelling up on the Saturday morning. If there's enough of us, perhaps we could go out and either get something to eat or go get hammered in a hotel room, or both
(Of course, that won't stop us from doing the same thing on the Saturday evening too
Who's around on Friday night?
For the first time I won't be travelling on the Friday unfortunately, which means I get to leave at 5:30 on the Saturday morning...............
We'll just have to make up for it on the Saturday night...................
Helston lot are from 9ish onwards, so everyone better be out!
Dude, you lot better be up for PAR-TAY time Saturday too! I can't make it Friday and I really want to have a couple of bevvies with the UFS crews!
Ah man, I may be even MORE excited about this event! BLOOD PRESSURE ESCALATING!!!!!!!!
We need information on good food places in Leicester, I have to top the number of people I got into a restaurant at Worlds (Which I still claim is a bigger achievement than coming second in the actual event
Well I'm heading across on Saturday since this is as close as I get to a local event (local to home that is, rather than local to my girlfriend's). I'm definitely up for something Saturday night though.
The Chinese Restaurant just down the street from teh shop is highly recommended and has been warned already by the shop manager.................
Nicely done Steve, although I'm beginning to become concerned at the lack of people posting on this thread. Is like, noone coming at all, or what?
also, I could kill for Chinese right now...
It is surprising how few people post on the boards tbh and yet the view counts for a lot of threads get in to triple figures pretty quickly. Wouldn't worry about it fella, I'm sure there will be a few of us at the event...........
Viewtiful_Joe said:
Nicely done Steve, although I'm beginning to become concerned at the lack of people posting on this thread. Is like, noone coming at all, or what?
also, I could kill for Chinese right now...
I'll be at UK Nats, since I'm sleeping on someone's floor I may or may not be around on the Saturday evening.
Why do the Chinese want you to kill people? : )
As my last UFS-related act I'm gonna wish everyone who's going to Nats a good time, and hope that somebody gets at least top 16 with a Christie deck.
why are you all going to be nutters and come up on the saturday morning lol every time i do that the trains do like a and make me late for the first round, well it only happened once but still lol
I'll second the good luck to everyone going to Nats, but it's not the end for me with UFS, ohhh no.
I won't be there in body, but I will definetly be there in spirit (you'll know what I mean when you get there!)
I've got visions of everyone from Colchester turning up dressed as Dan in tribute.
That......would be AWESOME!!!
Fiddlestix said:
That......would be AWESOME!!!