Ok, so I came across something that I have no idea what I need to do about this. We have a player that took the skill specialization "dodge" but I can't find anything that describes how to use this. There is already the action "dodge" so how is the "dodge" specialization skill used? Thanks everyone!
Help with Dodge!!!
Action 'Dodge' refers to avoiding getting hit by melee attack. Specialization 'Dodge' (skill coordination) refers to being able to avoid something coming your way, i.e. falling rocks, horse rider trying to run you over etc.
That's how I would rule it
AHH!!!! Now that makes sense! Thank you!
Just as Valhall Awaits Me describes, the dodge spexialization only help when you roll coordination to get out of the way. It does nothing for you when you use the dodge action. It's similar with the Parry specialization (Weapon skill) and the Block specialization (Resilience).
I do know that some groups have a house rule that dodge/parry/block specializations to add one extra black die when you're using the relevant active defence card. That way the specialization is more useful (especially parry and block is something you would seldom roll for).
I believe this question is answered in Offiical FAQ on page 6.
So yes, per above, I often create situations like falling logs, runaway wagon, a trap with any moving menacing part (scythe etc.) and call for Coordination (Dodge) checks, most recently just check to avoid being stung so badly by the swarm of bees from the hives the greenskins loaded into their Rocklobber, stings that get you Rattled and Fatigue (the enduring travel sort, will be a night's rest before that goes away). It's the "Reflex save" for D&D-familiar types.