I've got what you're looking for...

By sfiscus, in UFS Trading


1. Ref rule.

2. I don't mind trading overseas as long as you have a good rep.

3. If your looking for legacy, just let me know what you need. I have tons of stuff.

Haves :(have foil test pattern card from shadowar. it's a rainbow test pattern)

Ultra Rares:


Controller of Souls x4
Valued but not Trusted x3
Paying Respect to Your Ancestors x4
Challenge to Battle x2


Scroll of the Abyss x3
Scroll of the Celestial Dawn
Wandering Dragon Staff
Monastery of Mt. Lao x3
Valkynsverd x2
Claws of Chian Tang x4
Storm Hammer x2
Sailor's Rest x2
Soul Edge x2
Acheron and Nirvana
Psuedo-Soul Edge
Tower of Rememberance - Encounter
Soul Calibur* x2
Kazuya's Gloves x2
Purple Army Suit


Fury of the Ancients x5
Knight Breaker x4
Dragon's Flame x2
Siegfried's Earth Divide
Double Grounder Beta x2
Hades Destroyer
Alshain Najm
Descending Dragon Spear x2
Command the Sandstorm x2
Twilight Embrace x4
Two Deadly Rings Technique x3
Crane Strike x5
Wrath of Heaven
Mighty Knee Strike x3
Blazing Fist x2
Ice Pick
Rage of the Dragon x2
Striking Thunder x3
Jotun's Fury x5
Lightning Uppercut


Unnatural Grace x4
Hunger for Souls x2
Destruction in his Wake
Test of Strength x2
Corrupting Evil x2



Unstoppable Warrior x5
Covenant Elder x5
Intolerant of Failure x3
Endless Years of Practice x8
Bloodied and Unbowed x4
Determined to be the Best x6
Anger Towards a God x5
Artificial Soul
Memories That Stain It's Armor x3
Atoning for His Wicked Deeds x2
Temporary Being x2
Mesmerizing Dance x3
Researching Anywhere x3
No Mercy x2
Boxing is Life x2
Keep them Down x2
Dead for One Thousand Years x4
Calming the Mind x5
Atoning for the Past x5


Tower of Rememberance - Degredation x4
Tower of Rememberance - Spiral of Time x4
Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remnant x3
Eiserne Drossel x3
Psuedo-Soul Calibur x2
Ostrheinburg Castle - Twilight
Valkyra's Shield x15
Armor of the Foresaken One x6
Ymirfang x6


Flinging Half Nelson x4
Turn Thruster x4
Double Face Kick
Rolling Sobat
Gut Drill x4
Hammer of the Gods x3
Curse of the Ancient Mariner x4
Midnight Launcher
Howling Spirits x4
One Handed Crocodile Grasp x8
Dragon Lifter x4
Peaceful Path Hold x4
Dragon Punch x2
Execution Technique Third Rite x8
Fierce Twin Slash x4
Hammer Uppercut x4
Samba x2


No Forgiveness! x4
Aura of Strength
Ready to Launch x2
The Dragon of Mt. Lao x5
Ascending Zephyr x2
Flowing Strikes x5
Pillage x5


Kazuya Mishima x2
Nina Williams.
Paul Phoenix. x2



Tower of Souls x5
Faithful Bodyguard x4
Heir to the Storm x5
Martial Arts Champion (Original, non-foil) x4


Bryan Fury
Steve Fox
Heihachi Mishima
White Crane x2
Astrid x4
Jin Kazama



The Devil Within x4
Power of the Edge x7
Clash of the Ages x4


Wonderworld Comics x3
Wonderworld Warriors x4
Path of the Master x3

High Wants: (Will trade well for these)

x3 Jin Kazama
x2 Kazuya Mishima
x4 Need to Destroy
x4 Tekken Forces
x3 Paul's Gi
x4 Martial Arts Champion (5 star only)
x4 Close Throw (5 star only)
Hammer of the Gods
Path of the Master
Wonderworld Comics

Med Wants:

x4 Chasing After the Power
x4 Driven by Fear
x3 Shredding Vibrato
Two Deadly Rings Technique
x4 Mark of the Beast (5 star only)
x4 Shadow Flare

Low Wants:

x2 Boxing is Life
x3 Dragon's Flame
x3 Dark Geo Da Ray
x3 Destruction in His Wake

Legacy Wants:

x4 You Will Not Escape
x4 Yoga Mastery
x4 The Ways of Punishment
x4 The Glare from the Abyss

Interested in your
Phoenix Smasher
Twilight Embrace
Two Deadly Rings Technique
Need to Destroy
Keep them Down
Paid to Protect

Jin Kazama
Valued but not Trusted x2
Ice Pick
Controller of Souls
Eiseirne Drossel

email me at [email protected]

Sol Badguy - I'm interested in the following. Make me an offer and we'll work off of it.

Menuett Dance x3
Shredding Vibrato x3
Valued But not Trusted x2
Destruction in his Wake x2
Proficient Sniper x1
Mark of the Beast x3
Close Throw x3
Cursed Blood x3

Dakkon - I'm mainly interested in the Jin and the Controller of Souls. What would you want for them? You can email me at [email protected]

E Mailed you an offer

Sol Badguy and Dakkon - Sorry I haven't replied to your emails. I will have a reply out tonight.

Updated with 6 boxes of shadowar

hey ill email you two but my 3xcontroler of souls,1xjin kazama,2xtoughest in the universe for your 4xshadowar.lmk thanks email is [email protected]

All emails replied to. Bump with updates

You've got this:

sfiscus said:

Haves :(have foil test pattern card from shadowar. it's a rainbow test pattern)
Paul's Gi
Jaguar Mask

Phoenix Smasher
Blazing Fist x1
Shockwave Palm


Boxing is Life
Paul Phoenix. x1


Heir to the Storm x1
The Devil Within x2
Clash of the Ages x2

I've got this:

sfiscus said:

High Wants:(Will trade well for these)

Paid to Protect x4 (will know for certain if I still have these on Sunday)
Controller of Souls x1
Mark of the Beast x2 (5 star only)
Cursed Blood x1 (5 star only)
Close Throw x2 (5 star only)

Driven by Fear
Shadow Flare x1

Dark Geo Da Ray x1
Ostrheinburg Castle - Twilight x1

email is my: <username> @ gmail.com

Let me know if we can work something out.

bump and updated with yet another fight life kit

Tekken Forces x1 and Path of the Master x1 for your Stand Off x3 and Turn Thruster x1?

I don't need the Turn Thruster anymore.

Seems onesides but using "internet pricing"

my KB ($40) for your Ice pick + controller of souls + Unnatural Grace x2 ($36).

If you could throw in a Jimmy kimmel Hula Hoop would be awesome, Havent checked your refs but as long as its decent (im like +2 i think lol, not a big net trader) i will send first.

Pmed you my email addy.


Smazzurco said:

Seems onesides but using "internet pricing"

my KB ($40) for your Ice pick + controller of souls + Unnatural Grace x2 ($36).

If you could throw in a Jimmy kimmel Hula Hoop would be awesome, Havent checked your refs but as long as its decent (im like +2 i think lol, not a big net trader) i will send first.

Pmed you my email addy.


Instead of taking this trade she (i say that with a grain of salt because even with the name "sara", "she" is possibly an overweight white male) asked for more cards (hammer of the gods and dark geo ray) and i politely declined and stated i would rather hold on to my KB and get something i want for it than to trade it away for something i don't want. Here was her reply.

Sorry i'd rather not work out a deal with someone who ******* out of a trade when it's time to finalize. It's really annoying considering YOUR the one who made the offer, and pushed to get it done before the weekend so you could send it out before hand. The Knight Breaker was for someone else and they thought it was in the works. Now it's not. If this seems hostile I apologize, but cocksucker move is a cocksucker move =/

Just remember people you don't have to take a trade if you don't want to. Don't let someone try to bully you into taking a trade you don't want lol

I said it once and i'll say it again. Your a ******* idiot if you think KB is worth $40. As far as your white comment goes, i'll assume your a fat, lazy moron who is just pissed at the world that you can't find your *****. Standing over the toilet and hoping it hits is no way to live. I'd be angry too. The deal was in your favor imo so yeah I asked for 2 more cards to be added AND offered to add in 2 more myself. So if your going to quote me then do it in whole. Not what you want everyone to see. If you wanted out of the trade fine, but your idiotic ass emailed me begging me to hurry so you could get it sent out before the weekend. So yes that was a cocksucker move. Bullying? Really? Are you that big of a *****, that any hostility from a girl is viewed as bullying? Get a life jack ass.

sfiscus said:

I said it once and i'll say it again. Your a ******* idiot if you think KB is worth $40. As far as your white comment goes, i'll assume your a fat, lazy moron who is just pissed at the world that you can't find your *****. Standing over the toilet and hoping it hits is no way to live. I'd be angry too. The deal was in your favor imo so yeah I asked for 2 more cards to be added AND offered to add in 2 more myself. So if your going to quote me then do it in whole. Not what you want everyone to see. If you wanted out of the trade fine, but your idiotic ass emailed me begging me to hurry so you could get it sent out before the weekend. So yes that was a cocksucker move. Bullying? Really? Are you that big of a *****, that any hostility from a girl is viewed as bullying? Get a life jack ass.

lol is all i got to say. Like i said in my email, some people are worth my time, you are not one of them. Have a nice life. Don't worry, someday you will get that sound out of your ******.

Funny. You did email me prior to this and stated that I was not worth your time, yet you have posted 2 times since then. If I wasn't worth your time then you wouldn't have wasted it posting that im not worth it. Just keep proving your idiocy. It's cute.

Continue to show your intelligence, it's very revealing as to who you are as a person.

Frankly i'd rather not sit at a table across from you and play a game with you, let alone send you anything of value.

I have nothing to prove to you, everytime you post you are saying way more than i ever could.

Quit stalking me werido. Your continuous posting after the fact of "your not worth my time" shows more than anything.

Hey sfiscus,

I am wanting 2x Gut Drills. I am offering a Driven by Fear and a Destruction in his Wake as trade. Is this doable?

You may also reply me at my email addy: [email protected]



So...are you still wanting to trade? I haven't heard one way or the other, but i would certainly appreciate a respone. Thank you. happy.gif