ATTACKS! (standard block 4 discussion)

By dutpotd, in UFS General Discussion

I would tell you to try to look at researching the past, algol, and cervantes decks. They would fit your luck better.

Whoops, I forgot to mention - I like to run a max of 14 attacks, when possibly. Cervy runs 15 or 16, I forget how many. But most decks, I can get away with my usual setup - 2 each of a four-of and a three-of, for 14 total. Ex: 3x Wheel Kick, 3x Third Rite, 4x Shadow Flare, 4x Wild Storm, 2x Dark Geodude

(okay, so Cervy runs 16)

MegaGeese said:

I'd kill for a reprinted of Blazing Cadenza or Devil Reverse. Just saying.

There is no 1-check card I've run even close to as much as Blazing Cadenza. I think it's the best designed 1 check made, period.

My runners-ups are Darkness Blade (yeah, I love it too, Lin), Reversal, That Was Cool. Do it Again!, Cursed Mark, Shunpu Kyaku (as Sakura), and Kongoko-Kuretsuzan.

Feline Spike, Dark Force: Mirage Body, and Lunar Slash should have all had a control check of zero.

DarkLogos, I believe MegaGeese was the one who started a thread about the value of your character card when making a deck, I think you may find it useful/insightful regardless of what you choose to take from it.

darklogos said:

I would tell you to try to look at researching the past, algol, and cervantes decks. They would fit your luck better.

Oh, believe me, I have Algol built with Researchings, and I had a Cervantes deck built. what ends up happening is I pass all my checks but then I never draw what I need. lol

Algol is also a REALLY frustrating deck to play, because by golly, if any character telegraphs their plays far too well, it's Algol. Najm NEVER hits. >_>

Tagrineth said:

darklogos said:

I would tell you to try to look at researching the past, algol, and cervantes decks. They would fit your luck better.

Oh, believe me, I have Algol built with Researchings, and I had a Cervantes deck built. what ends up happening is I pass all my checks but then I never draw what I need. lol

Algol is also a REALLY frustrating deck to play, because by golly, if any character telegraphs their plays far too well, it's Algol. Najm NEVER hits. >_>

Your algol needs more Wipe the Floors

They're in there. lol.

Tagrineth said:

They're in there. lol.

Maybe try war between sisters as well?

...don't play Najim?

Dunno what symbol you're running, but there's better attack lineups on all of his symbols.

ROTBI said:

MegaGeese said:

I'd kill for a reprinted of Blazing Cadenza or Devil Reverse. Just saying.

There is no 1-check card I've run even close to as much as Blazing Cadenza. I think it's the best designed 1 check made, period.

My runners-ups are Darkness Blade (yeah, I love it too, Lin), Reversal, That Was Cool. Do it Again!, Cursed Mark, Shunpu Kyaku (as Sakura), and Kongoko-Kuretsuzan.

Feline Spike, Dark Force: Mirage Body, and Lunar Slash should have all had a control check of zero.

DarkLogos, I believe MegaGeese was the one who started a thread about the value of your character card when making a desk, I think you may find it useful/insightful regardless of what you choose to take from it.

I can't find it. Can you give me a link.

darklogos said:

ROTBI said:

MegaGeese said:

I'd kill for a reprinted of Blazing Cadenza or Devil Reverse. Just saying.

There is no 1-check card I've run even close to as much as Blazing Cadenza. I think it's the best designed 1 check made, period.

My runners-ups are Darkness Blade (yeah, I love it too, Lin), Reversal, That Was Cool. Do it Again!, Cursed Mark, Shunpu Kyaku (as Sakura), and Kongoko-Kuretsuzan.

Feline Spike, Dark Force: Mirage Body, and Lunar Slash should have all had a control check of zero.

DarkLogos, I believe MegaGeese was the one who started a thread about the value of your character card when making a desk, I think you may find it useful/insightful regardless of what you choose to take from it.

I can't find it. Can you give me a link.

Holy cow, that took forever, but HERE it is. The search feature here leaves much to be desired.

MegaGeese said:

...don't play Najim?

Dunno what symbol you're running, but there's better attack lineups on all of his symbols.

And if you run a different attack lineup, there's also better characters on all of his symbols, totally negating the whole point of running Algol in the first place.

Tagrineth said:

there's also better characters on all of his symbols, totally negating the whole point of running Algol in the first place.

Fixed to prove my point that Algol is Fail Tier.

Tagrineth said:

MegaGeese said:

...don't play Najim?

Dunno what symbol you're running, but there's better attack lineups on all of his symbols.

And if you run a different attack lineup, there's also better characters on all of his symbols, totally negating the whole point of running Algol in the first place.

Fair enough ;.;

MegaGeese said:

Fair enough ;.;

I wouldn't say Algol is 'THAT' bad, but his combo attack is fairly tricky to pull off. It is very telegraphed... especially when you start adding up the cards you've discarded. Which is why you should always add the cards you've discarded, then play a low zone attack or a multiple or something.

Discard works too like some have already pointed out... There isn't a whole lot of speed pump available to him, so you are basically stuck with tossing 'x' number of attacks out and out carding your opponent.

That was off topic though, but I suppose the big point is that Algol works best with small attacks, check and draw manipulation, and Path of the Master on an attack that can't be blocked...

- dut