Getalinks' List of Fun...

By Getalinks, in Agrabah Bazaar

Before you ask... I don't have promos aside from the listed ones. I haven't been trying to get them, but could always have them included in a trade to sweeten the deal (or do a complete promo set for your half of a trade.) As you might or might not know, I'm the owner of Universal TCGs, so you're pretty safe trading with me. I have too much to lose per repuation to screw anyone.

So, without further words, here the lists:


Beginning Set


All, let me know what you need.

Super Rares:

1x #77/91 Ariel Level 1
1x #68/91 Donald Duck Level 1
1x #69/91 Donald Duck Level 2
1x #65/91 Sora Level 1
1x #66/91 Sora Level 2
1x #67/91 Sora Level 3
1x #91/91 Tinker Bell Level 2

A Darkness Awakens


All, let me know what you need.

Super Rares:

1x #002/128 Donald Duck Level 4
1x #094/128 Hundred Acre Wood
1x #099/128 Sally Level 0
1x #100/128 Beast Level 1
1x #103/128 Hercules Level 1
1x #107/128 Peter Pan Level 2
1x #111/128 Leon Level 4
1x #113/128 Dumbo Level 4
1x #115/128 Tinker Bell Level 4
1x #119/128 Queen of Hearts Level 8
1x #123/128 Ursula Level 8
1x #125/128 Captain Hook Level 8

Light and Darkness


All, let me know what you need.

Super Rares:

1x #04/91 Ansem Level 10
2x #14/91 Fairy Godmother Level 2
2x #30/91 Aerith Level 2
1x #31/91 Cloud Level 4
2x #34/91 Genie Level 1
2x #48/91 Ultima Weapon
2x #60/91 Jafar-Genie Level 8
1x #61/91 Dragon Maleficent Level 9
3x #74/91 Trickmaster
1x #76/91 Aladdin Level 4
3x #78/91 The Cheshire Cat Level 2
1x #81/91 Wendy Level 0
1x #82/91 Winnie the Pooh Level 1
1x #84/91 Tinker Bell Level 0
2x #85/91 Aeroga Level 5
1x #86/91 Lord Fortune
1x #87/91 Agrabah Level 1
2x #88/91 Agrabah Level 3
1x #89/91 Monstro Level 2
1x #90/91 Neverland Level 2
2x #91/91 The King Level 0 (Pretty, aren't they?)

Break of Dawn


All, let me know what you need.

Super Rares:

3x #003/162 Sora
2x #004/162 Sora (Valor Form)
1x #005/162 Sora (Wisdom Form)
4x #006/162 Ansem
4x #009/162 Roxas
1x #011/162 Mickey Mouse
3x #012/162 Minnie Mouse
1x #013/162 Diz
1x #014/162 Captain Pete
2x #025/162 Alice
3x #035/162 Jasmine
3x #043/162 Jack Skellington
3x #058/162 Yuffie
3x #059/162 Leon
4x #064/162 Auron
3x 105/162 Pete
3x 126/162 Phantom
2x 130/162 Behemoth
2x 132/162 Cerberus
6x 136/162 Parasite Cage
4x 141/162 Jafar-Genie
2x 142/162 Hades
2x 143/162 Destiny Islands
4x 159/162 End of the World


4x Event 1


A Darkness Awakens

1x #020/128 Chip and Dale Level 0 (It's one of the four cards I don't have)
1x #026/128 King Triton Level 2 (It's one of the four cards I don't have)
2x #085/128 Disney Castle

Light and Darkness

2x #32/91 Sephiroth Level 4
1x #67/91 Monstro Level 2 (It's one of the four cards I don't have)
1x #72/91 Dark Riku Level 3 (It's one of the four cards I don't have)

Is the Event promo non-foil?

Nope, foiled goodness...

Hey man I have the following on your wants:

1x #026/128 King Triton Level 2 (It's one of the four cards I don't have)
2x #085/128 Disney Castle
1x #67/91 Monstro Level 2 (It's one of the four cards I don't have)

I am definitely interested in your Cloud and Dragon Maleficent. is my trade thread so if you want to check for anything else you may desire. I have LOADS of stuff that is up for trade so check it out and let me know what you think :-)

Oh, and obviously I just copied and pasted your needs list since it has that whole "one of the four cards I don't have" stuff. I really should learn to edit before I post when copying and pasting. . .

interested in

1x #48/91 Ultima Weapon
1x #91/91 The King Level 0 (Pretty, aren't they?)
1x #064/162 Auron


4x Event 1 yes i have all 4.

I am interested in 3x Rings 2x Fira (BoD) 3x Firaga BoD 9x Dusk. I have the Monstro lvl 2 but that's it so let me know what you would be willing to do

I've got an SR Dark Riku and an SR Monstro lvl 2. What exactly is included when you say "full set of promos"?

He's saying he would like a full set of promos as your half of the deal. Not that he has them. If you read what he wrote you'll see that he clearly states he doesn't have any promos other than the ones listed (meaning the 4 Event 1 Foil Promos).

i am interested in and event 1, 2 rings, spears, and a lot of dusks, and the other nobodys. will you sell any of them?

i have one disney castle rare and monstro rare not to mention some promos if you could take a look at what i have. Iknow this sound outrageous but i would like your cloud or king

I don't have any cards on your want list, but I'd be willing to pay for Aerith or Cloud or Both.