I got a new-er person to play UFS however we do not have any new cards from the three sets in current rotation. but we more importantly wanted to know when and where around Arizona (Tempe area) the playgroup meets up.
Arizona Playgroup; where and when do we play?
knew_b33 said:
I got a new-er person to play UFS however we do not have any new cards from the three sets in current rotation. but we more importantly wanted to know when and where around Arizona (Tempe area) the playgroup meets up.
Showtime on SE corner of Southern & McClintock. Our tournaments are on Saturdays. They start at about 1 PM, but you'll usually see our players show up around 12 or 12:30. Some of our playgroup also shows up on Thursday and Friday afternoons between 4-close, usually, so you might be able to pick up a game or two then. Saturdays are your best bet.
Cool, now that I have that straightened out we're happy now
we were also wondering if it can be possible to do a drafting format somehow at one of the two shops, Game Depot (since they still sell UFS) or the Showtime store.
knew_b33 said:
Cool, now that I have that straightened out we're happy now
we were also wondering if it can be possible to do a drafting format somehow at one of the two shops, Game Depot (since they still sell UFS) or the Showtime store.
Stop by Saturday and we can all talk about it. We've done one before. Aside from people not following directions on opening the packs, it all went down rather well. I'd definitely like to see another one happen.
DoctorAlbertWily said:
knew_b33 said:
Cool, now that I have that straightened out we're happy now
we were also wondering if it can be possible to do a drafting format somehow at one of the two shops, Game Depot (since they still sell UFS) or the Showtime store.
Stop by Saturday and we can all talk about it. We've done one before. Aside from people not following directions on opening the packs, it all went down rather well. I'd definitely like to see another one happen.
Also, I forgot to mention, on Saturday, we're having a tournament comprising of Blocks 2 and 3, so if you and your friend want to, build a deck with your older cards, if you still have them, and come on down to play. We would love more people.
cool... of course you would have that setup since two/three is the best... but I'm trying to get only block 3 stuff because I'm sorta lame like that.
but I don't think we'll be able to stop by this saturday but we will try whenever we can.
do you guys ever come up with special types of events for your local tournament play?
knew_b33 said:
cool... of course you would have that setup since two/three is the best... but I'm trying to get only block 3 stuff because I'm sorta lame like that.
but I don't think we'll be able to stop by this saturday but we will try whenever we can.
do you guys ever come up with special types of events for your local tournament play?
Not as of yet, but we might at some point. So far, the most we're doing is specific block legacy tournaments.
cool then, because I'm from wisconsin where ShadowDragon will have specific events for the battle on us to give the fun a better edge.
how do you 'start' events anyway, because I wouldn't at all mind trying to start up the Game Depot again but then again I'm new to it anyway and don't know anyone around heres schedules.
If you could get Game Depot running again on Thursdays again, I would love you - it's the only day I can hang. And I don't have much Block 4 right now and I don't have the money, but I wanna play...maybe running some Legacy stuff?
Hey Arizona, Do any of you think you will make it to a Pro Tour event in Texas? It will be our only central US Pro Tour event this season, and will most likely be in April. You can win a plane ticket to GenCon 2010 and play at worlds, so don't miss out!