Hello Rogue Trader fans!
This week, we take a look at a topic near to my heart— space combat —as Sarvus Trask and the Cerberus take on a ship of deadly Ork Freebooterz.
Hello Rogue Trader fans!
This week, we take a look at a topic near to my heart— space combat —as Sarvus Trask and the Cerberus take on a ship of deadly Ork Freebooterz.
So it's like regular combat but uses a few different formulas. Interesting.
From what I read. Cervabtes3773 is right on the money. Space Comabt is going to be killer!!
Very, very interesting stuff. Especially about the weapon ranges - both ships in orbit around the same planet and they have to close before coming into range. Seems the action is a lot closer than in some sources.
I really looking forward to getting my hands on the book to find out more
The void unit used is a huge (but not set in stone) distance. 1 void unit ( equal to 1 square or hex if using a grid) is equal to 10,000km. When you can consider a ship can move 5 to 10 VU or so in 1 tactical round (30 mins). That's a lot of distance covered. A standard move action for a ship is to move it's entire distance and make a 45 degree turn (90 degree for some of the smaller ships). That means a cruiser would travel 50,000km before making a turn. Weapons have ranges around 6 VU or so. So in the example, the ships being 20 VU apart would be a huge distance.
I personally plan on using a much smaller scale for VU during combat. (seeing that the rules say it's a flexable unit) Though I still want the distance to be large, I was thinking of using 1,000km to 10,000km per VU. depending on the scale of the combat. Ships in close orbit and moving at slower relative speeds might use the lower rating, while ships that are speeding toward the outer edges of the solar sytem and are moving much faster would use a larger void unit scale.
Every designer diary just makes me want my copies of Rogue Trader all the more. How dare you tantalize me so!