-About Serena. What happens if she is defeated? Does she automatically get lost? I'd say yes, as on the contrary, heroes would get an advantage is she is defeated, as this way she could't then get lost on any way.
-About heros. What happens when they are knocked down? Do they get lost automatically? Can they trace LoS to the wisp while KO? If not, can they stan up by themselves, as lost heroes are supossed to not be able to perform actions while lost? Can a KO hero be targeted by healing skills?
-About lost heroes (not KO). Can a lost hero be targeted by attacks or any other skill? Do lost heroes have a turn? Do "star-of-your-turn" things trigger (i.e. Poison)? Rules say that lost heroes (or Serena) can't perform actions, but, can they do "non-action" things? Like exhausting cards. I'm thinking now of Herbal Lore, which is exhausted during other heroes turn, not Apothecary's. Does a lost hero block movement or LoS?
Now it's me who's completely lost...