2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

xizor's finally coming outta the woodwork :D

Yeah, I have to laugh at that, what with the big thread about the StarViper.

Dash + LW + Recon + outrider + HLC

Corran + VI + R2D2 + FCS + Engine

Won over

4 Tala

4 Bandit

At the 401 games Regional, Toronto, Ontario

53 players. Top 8 was all untimed rounds.

Vorpal, what did you run?

Kath, a Mandalorian Mercenary, and a Binayre Pirate. I was the guy in the Fly Casual t-shirt.

How did it went?

3-2, in 11th place (of the aforementioned 48). I was quite happy with the list, actually, although I suspect I'll continue tweaking and experimenting for the next few weeks; of the two losses, one was a very winnable game and the other... would take some work and some practice, certainly, but I actually outgun even Chiraneau/Whisper if I can get better at keeping my distance and breaking off when the engagement isn't to my liking.

I'm very glad to know it went well for you while still playing a list you wanted to fly instead of succumbing to the temptation of joining the meta! Got you some sweet shield tokens!

Can you talk about why the mando merc and why two firespray s plus a Z?

So why was the Phantom nerfed again? Something about being most OP and winning all the top spots when it clearly did not win worlds?

So why was the Phantom nerfed again? Something about being most OP and winning all the top spots when it clearly did not win worlds?

Can we take that discussion to a more appropriate thread, please?

Top 8 out of 23 isn't really that big of a deal. That's about the average size of a store championship in the states. Don't worry, you'll see plenty of him in a few months. Someone just couldn't wait I guess.

Let's not begin the dismissal of other country's Regionals. And given how much the Advanced is dismissed, that he was able to use pre-Raider Vader to do pretty well is rather remarkable.

This isn't about where the tournament was, just the size of it. In areas with more players, like the states or uk or other areas, there were similar instances of vader or hwks (pre sucm) or a-wings or w/e making top 8 out of low 20s is what I meant. It's cool that he did that I guess, but considering he lost to a falcon build, he very likely would've been in the finals or even won had that been another interceptor with autothrusters. I just would wonder if he wishes he had just gone with that after the fact is all.

Edited by bobbywhiskey

So why was the Phantom nerfed again? Something about being most OP and winning all the top spots when it clearly did not win worlds?

Can we take that discussion to a more appropriate thread, please?

Just saying, fat turrets still seem at the top of the charts. Yeah there are a few exceptions such as the 1 S&V build. But IMHO I don't think the nerf targeted the top tier lists.

A little prediction, the Worlds and GenCon tournaments will be won either by a list with either Han Solo or Adm. Chiraneau.

(I would be pleasantly surprised if that prediction happens to be wrong though).

So why was the Phantom nerfed again? Something about being most OP and winning all the top spots when it clearly did not win worlds?

Because it was clearly OP and more importantly; super NPE to play against. Pretty good reasons imho. Also, its still a very strong ship and undoubtedly worth its point cost. It just fills a slightly different role now. So all in all; a perfect eratta.

Stockton, UK Regionals are coming up this weekend Sun 17th.

Looks to be a busy/fun day!

Dash + LW + Recon + outrider + HLC

Corran + VI + R2D2 + FCS + Engine

Won over

4 Tala

4 Bandit

At the 401 games Regional, Toronto, Ontario

53 players. Top 8 was all untimed rounds.

Top 8 and Top 4 going untimed added some length to the day for sure. That final table was easily the longest game of X-Wing I've ever had to play.

The whisper Chiraneau list knocked me(Corran 2Y) out in first round elimination. He made it to finals where Isard/captive Chiraneau beat suicide Chiraneau.

I'm the other Corran guy. I didn't realize who you were when we chatted after round 5.

Chiraneau lists both won their semifinals but I don't know match-ups.

Soontir Fel faced the IG-88s. Whisper beat Xizor.

Yea me neither. I think we need to wear forum names at regionals next year!

Were you the Dash Corran that met Fel/Whisper/doom in round 5? I'm so shocked about his loss to dual IG.

Edited by TasteTheRainbow

Yea me neither. I think we need to wear forum names at regionals next year!

Seriously! I was going to get a GeekJersey with "Klr. Ardvark" on it. Unfortunately I'm poor, lol.

Yea me neither. I think we need to wear forum names at regionals next year!

Were you the Dash Corran that met Fel/Whisper/doom in round 5? I'm so shocked about his loss to dual IG.

I'm following Sable Gryphon's lead and getting a set of maneuver templates with my handle on them.

Yes, that was my round five game, and it was a pretty interesting one. I wanted a rematch after the cut, but we both went down too soon.

Can you talk about why the mando merc and why two firespray s plus a Z?

I talked a bit about my list-building here , and I just finished putting up a tournament report here .

Edited by Vorpal Sword

Dash + LW + Recon + outrider + HLC

Corran + VI + R2D2 + FCS + Engine

Won over

4 Tala

4 Bandit

At the 401 games Regional, Toronto, Ontario

53 players. Top 8 was all untimed rounds.

Top 8 and Top 4 going untimed added some length to the day for sure. That final table was easily the longest game of X-Wing I've ever had to play.

Having all elim games untimed was kind of silly. A 12:00 am night turned into a 2:00 am night. Would have missed my train for sure, had I went all the way.

Not sure as I didn't see all of the Top 8 and Top 4 games, but did the untimed rounds produce a winner that would not have won if the games were 75 mins? Edit: Of course that could be difficult to judge as tactics are certainly different between knowing you are playing to completely kill your opponent versus playing to beat him on points at time.

Also congrats on the win David! I'll call my day a win, being the only player to get a win over the eventual champion!

Edited by LucCros

It's looking like St. Pete didn't report? We thought they were using cyrodex but maybe not. I can at least fill in three top 8 spots. I was #8 going into the top 8 with:

Gold Squadron


-Ion Cannon Turret


Gold Squadron


-Ion Cannon Turret

-R2 Astromech

Blue Squadron

-Advanced Sensors

Blue Squadron



And I got completely taken apart by #1 seed playing:

Corran Horn


-Fire Control System

-VI(I think? It wasn't relevant to the match and I'm pretty sure he was at 100)

Dash Rendar

-Engine Upgrade

-Kyle Katarn

-Push the Limit

-Heavy Laser Cannon


I flew against him at a Store Championship earlier this year where he was flying the same list(but mine was totally different), but that was the only other time I've really flown against Super Dash, so I wasn't really prepared to deal with it.

The third list I can recall in full only because it was an interesting build, he made it to Top 4, but I don't know his seeding placement.

4 x Blue Squadron w/ Accuracy Corrector

I know there's a thread in the squad list subforum discussing this specific build, and I almost flew it myself because it sounded interesting.

Of the remaining lists that I don't know the specifics of:

Top 4:

Han + 3x Bandits, who ended up winning the whole thing in the finals against the Super Dash that beat me

Corran Horn + Jake Farrel + I think Bandits?

Top 8:

Soontir + Turr + Bounty Hunter

YT-1300 + YT-2400, I think it was Chewie and Leebo

I have no clue what the last top 8 was flying, other than that it wasn't Imperial and he lost to the Accuracy Corrector Bs. So no Decimators or Phantoms in Top 8. I was very surprised to see an A-wing in the top tables, so congrats to him for getting so far with such an unconventional build. As I said above, the overall winner was Han+Bandits over Super Dash.

Edited by Otacon

I might've missed it in the sea of 11 pages...

but any news on Panic Attack's showings?

I might've missed it in the sea of 11 pages...

but any news on Panic Attack's showings?

It made top 8 in Sherbrooke... could have been better if he didn't angered the Dice God. He was second at the end of the Swiss.

I might've missed it in the sea of 11 pages...

but any news on Panic Attack's showings?

As I said above, I flew something Panic Attack-ish, and made Top 8. I don't have two Phantoms so didn't have a second Tactician, so rather than go the Ion Cannon route and lose damage I just went with Advanced Sensors instead.

Dash + LW + Recon + outrider + HLC

Corran + VI + R2D2 + FCS + Engine

Won over

4 Tala

4 Bandit

At the 401 games Regional, Toronto, Ontario

53 players. Top 8 was all untimed rounds.

Top 8 and Top 4 going untimed added some length to the day for sure. That final table was easily the longest game of X-Wing I've ever had to play.


Edited by Darph Nader

It's looking like St. Pete didn't report? We thought they were using cyrodex but maybe not. I can at least fill in three top 8 spots. I was #8 going into the top 8 with:

Gold Squadron


-Ion Cannon Turret


Gold Squadron


-Ion Cannon Turret

-R2 Astromech

Blue Squadron

-Advanced Sensors

Blue Squadron



And I got completely taken apart by #1 seed playing:

Corran Horn


-Fire Control System

-VI(I think? It wasn't relevant to the match and I'm pretty sure he was at 100)

Dash Rendar

-Engine Upgrade

-Kyle Katarn

-Push the Limit

-Heavy Laser Cannon


I flew against him at a Store Championship earlier this year where he was flying the same list(but mine was totally different), but that was the only other time I've really flown against Super Dash, so I wasn't really prepared to deal with it.

The third list I can recall in full only because it was an interesting build, he made it to Top 4, but I don't know his seeding placement.

4 x Blue Squadron w/ Accuracy Corrector

I know there's a thread in the squad list subforum discussing this specific build, and I almost flew it myself because it sounded interesting.

Of the remaining lists that I don't know the specifics of:

Top 4:

Han + 3x Bandits, who ended up winning the whole thing in the finals against the Super Dash that beat me

Corran Horn + Jake Farrel + I think Bandits?

Top 8:

Soontir + Turr + Bounty Hunter

YT-1300 + YT-2400, I think it was Chewie and Leebo

I have no clue what the last top 8 was flying, other than that it wasn't Imperial and he lost to the Accuracy Corrector Bs. So no Decimators or Phantoms in Top 8. I was very surprised to see an A-wing in the top tables, so congrats to him for getting so far with such an unconventional build. As I said above, the overall winner was Han+Bandits over Super Dash.

Thanks, how many players were there, and do you have contact info for the TO?

Dash + LW + Recon + outrider + HLC

Corran + VI + R2D2 + FCS + Engine

Won over

4 Tala

4 Bandit

At the 401 games Regional, Toronto, Ontario

53 players. Top 8 was all untimed rounds.
Top 8 and Top 4 going untimed added some length to the day for sure. That final table was easily the longest game of X-Wing I've ever had to play.
Ours was an 2.5hr epic back and forth struggle for regional supremacy. My Zeds refused yield the starfield until the last laser bolt sent them to oblivion. What a day to be sure, so close yet so far again. Again my Headhunters proved their mettle and you sir are both a worthy opponent and champion.


Indeed. I always appreciate the Commonwealth pronunciation of "Zed" when you come north of the border to throw it down with us here. You were a master bloodhound with flying those ships, never giving me an inch to breathe. I think for everyone watching, they were hoping that be 1am, one of us would be so cooked, we'd screw up large and have it end so we could all go home.

Unfortunately, a nearby McCafe and the on-site energy drink supply kept the focus going right up until that 2am finish. Going the distance on a day that long and playing as expertly as you did is an accomplishment not many can pull off. Considering how gross the air in the room was during the Swiss, you kept it professional and somehow we still managed to have some laughs during that marathon final. I don't know if anyone on the stream found it as entertaining...

Does it count as collusion if I was silently praying to an eldritch god to have your greens come up blank?

Thanks, how many players were there, and do you have contact info for the TO?

58. As for contact info the best I can give you is their contact page . I should also note they filmed several of the Top 8 cut matches, including my pitiful performance, so that'll be up on YouTube at some point.