2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

The problem with having fewer rounds is that the players on the bubble of the cut may have never had the chance to play any of the people who ultimately made the cut, making it unclear whether those that made the cut were clearly better than those which barely missed it, or if they simply got better pairings. Luckily, FFG gives you some leeway on their recommendations, so we added the round to avoid this issue.

Kudos to you guys, then. It's always nice to be more sure than less sure the best are at the top. More games are fun, too.

Nathan is on final table again with Jake Corran Biggs. Up against Han/fringer. I think The Corran list wins this 8/10 times.

Maybe not: Corran dies after k-turning without shields...

Edited by TasteTheRainbow
Hida77, on 19 Jul 2015 - 1:57 PM, said:

Madness Results / Top 16 uploaded to List Juggler


We had 115 Players, 7 Rounds of Swiss, Top 8 Cut

Top 8:

Winner: Dash Rendar [HLC, Outrider, Recon, Lone Wolf], Corran Horn [R2D2, VI, FCS, EU]

2nd Place: Torkhil Mux [iCT, Greedo], 5xBlack Sun Soldier [ Feedback Array]

3/4: Chewbacca [Predator, MR, 3PO, Luke], Eaden Vrill [Recon, HLC, APL]

3/4: Corran Horn [R2D2, FCS, PtL, Hull], Jake Ferrel [Refit, VI, AT, PtL], Blue Squadron [E2, Tactician]

5/8: IG-88B [Outmaneuver, HLC, Title, FCS, AT], IG-88C [Outmaneuver, HLC, Title, FCS, AT]

5/8: RAC [Proton Bombs, Isard, Gunner, EU, PtL], Carnor Jax [RG TIE, VI, Stealth, AT]

5/8: Chewbacca [Predator, Recon, 3PO], Leebo [Predator, Mangler, Recon, Outrider]

5/8: 3xSyndacate Thug [bTL, Ion, R4 Agro], Syndacate Thug [bTL, Ion, Unhinged]

Thanks for all the players who came out! Hope to get even bigger next year!

Pretty good variety in lists.

List number 2 is awesome and I love flying black sun soldiers with feedback. Seriously one of the most fun lists atm for me in game.

Just got eliminated in the top 8 at the San Diego Regionals:

Top 4 lists:

Brobots PTL, ADVS, HLC Mangler duo

Soontir Whisper Doom Shuttle

Whisper Mini swarm

Chirpy Whisper

Top 8:

Dash Corran

Thug Life (auto blasters, unhinged, Kavil on one of them and Seismics) :)

Chirpy Fel

Brobots (BC, VI FCS HLC ID AT) (my list)

Fun day!

Preliminary results based off my questionable memory, hoping the TO will correct me and add more information.

Eindhoven Regionals
August 25th
Participants: 23(?)
5 Swiss rounds + Top 4 cut

Winner: Han Solo [Milennium Falcon, Predator, C-3PO, R2-D2, EU], 3xTala.
2nd place: Syndicate Thug [Autoblaster Turret], Boba Fett [inertial Dampeners], IG-88D [Adv Sensors, VI].
Top 4: Oicunn [Ruthlessness, Gunner, Vader, Anti-Pursuit Lasers], Kath Scarlett [VI, Mangler, Tactician].
Top 4: BBBBZ

Other impressions:
There were four or five swarm-like lists. There were a surprising number of lists with Firesprays. Plenty of Chirpy/Fel lists but they seemed to be struggling at making their way up the rankings. Most curious list I encountered was likely a two phantom list (Whisper and Echo both with VI, FCS, ACD, IA, and a naked Omnicron) that was very mobile and difficult to pin down due to the Intelligence Agents.

Nathan is on final table again with Jake Corran Biggs. Up against Han/fringer. I think The Corran list wins this 8/10 times.

Maybe not: Corran dies after k-turning without shields...

the benefit is that I flew this list (with VI Corran, no Autothruster Jake, and Tarn instead) at a store champ so I know it's power. Very very good list flown by a very very good player (Nathan). That Corran K-turn without shield was the turning point. then we spent 20 turns with Han just doing no damage to Jake and Jake getting Han down to 4 hull from full shields, and 3 turns of blank greens (cue ficklegreendice :P ) and somehow I won...

Edited by kryzak

Prelim Chicago Regionals results (it's 3am here, but thank goodnes I'm on Pacific Coast time and I'm a night owl :P )

After swiss:




Top 8 (I only remember 6 of the lists vaguely):

1. Bernie Lin (me) - Han (Predator, Gunner, C3PO, MF Title, Engine), Wild Space Fringer (Mangler Cannon, Chewbacca - MVP of the tournament)

2. Nick Jones - Howl (with Determination), Backstabber, 5 OSP

3. David Pontier - Scum Boba (PTL, RecSpec, Engine, Dampner), Kath (PTL, K4, Engine, Dampner)

4. Nick Ruivo - Sable's Boba (VI, Tactician, Engine, Proton Bomb), IG-B (VI, Dampners, HLC, FCS, Autothrusters)

5. Brent Drollinger - not sure what he flew, maybe ChiraFel?

6. Zach Bart - Jake (VI, PTL, Title, Rockets, Autothursters), Corran (VI, R2D2, FCS), Gold (Title, R3-A2, Ion)

7. Nathan Eide - Corran (PTL, FCS, R2D2, Hull), Jake (VI, PTL, Title, Chardaan, Autothrusters), Biggs

8. Zack Mathews - 2xBlue with Tactician, 1 Gold with Ion, BTL Title and R3-A2, 1 Gold with Ion, BTL title, and Bomb loadout (seismic)

Top 8:

1 beat 8

7 beat 2

3 beat 6

4 beat 5

Top 4

1 beat 4

7 beat 3


1 beat 7

I'll try to type up a report and post on TC and here soon.

Edited by kryzak

Well done Bernie!

Well done Bernie!

Thanks Morgan! See you at Worlds? I may make a quick trip to Australia later this year too.

Nathan was also burned out at the end of a long day. Hats off to Bernie for great flying and surviving the brutal marathon!

Well done Bernie!

Thanks Morgan! See you at Worlds? I may make a quick trip to Australia later this year too.

Yep - See you at Worlds Bernie! I was lucky enough to grab a ticket in time and there are a group of 8 Aussies coming over as well, should be a great time!

Let me know if/when you are coming to Aus and drop me a pm if you need a place to stay in Sydney.

Edited by MorganR

Chewbacca - MVP of the tournament

Seriously underrated. Almost a must-include for me on secondary weapon turret ships with Crew options. The number of times I flew a named HWK only to lose the turret, pilot ability, or both was ridiculous. Enter Crewbacca and I've had Jake Ferrel roll up with 5-hit Prockets on Roark and only end up losing my shield .

Edited by ObiWonka

Just got eliminated in the top 8 at the San Diego Regionals:

Top 4 lists:

Brobots PTL, ADVS, HLC Mangler duo

Soontir Whisper Doom Shuttle

Whisper Mini swarm

Chirpy Whisper

Top 8:

Dash Corran

Thug Life (auto blasters, unhinged, Kavil on one of them and Seismics) :)

Chirpy Fel

Brobots (BC, VI FCS HLC ID AT) (my list)

Fun day!

Did someone forget to tell SoCal that Phantoms were terrible now?

Chewbacca - MVP of the tournament

Seriously underrated. Almost a must-include for me on secondary weapon turret ships with Crew options. The number of times I flew a named HWK only to lose the turret, pilot ability, or both was ridiculous. Enter Crewbacca and I've had Jake Ferrel roll up with 5-hit Prockets on Roark and only end up losing my shield .

You rolled two natural evades before that! :P

Nathan was also burned out at the end of a long day. Hats off to Bernie for great flying and surviving the brutal marathon!

Thanks! For sure. It was a funny get because the two of us were both so tired and a Han vs Jake game was actually quite frustrating to the players. Both of us just wanted the get to be timed, haha.

Well done Bernie!

Thanks Morgan! See you at Worlds? I may make a quick trip to Australia later this year too.

Yep - See you at Worlds Bernie! I was lucky enough to grab a ticket in time and there are a group of 8 Aussies coming over as well, should be a great time!

Let me know if/when you are coming to Aus and drop me a pm if you need a place to stay in Sydney.

I'll let you know Morgan! With an invite like that, I'll definitely swing by Sydney if I'm down under.

Chewbacca - MVP of the tournament

Seriously underrated. Almost a must-include for me on secondary weapon turret ships with Crew options. The number of times I flew a named HWK only to lose the turret, pilot ability, or both was ridiculous. Enter Crewbacca and I've had Jake Ferrel roll up with 5-hit Prockets on Roark and only end up losing my shield .

Now I want to take Chewbacca everywhere. Thanks to Kleintz/Silver for making me take Chewbacca on the WSF!

Just got eliminated in the top 8 at the San Diego Regionals:

Top 4 lists:

Brobots PTL, ADVS, HLC Mangler duo

Soontir Whisper Doom Shuttle

Whisper Mini swarm

Chirpy Whisper

Top 8:

Dash Corran

Thug Life (auto blasters, unhinged, Kavil on one of them and Seismics) :)

Chirpy Fel

Brobots (BC, VI FCS HLC ID AT) (my list)

Fun day!

Did someone forget to tell SoCal that Phantoms were terrible now?

I was thinking the same thing! The Chicago top 8 lists were quite diverse. No decimators made the top 8 and only 1 IG.

Anyone know how the top 4 went in San Diego?

Whisper/RAC won the finals beating the Soontir, Whisper, Shuttle.

Prelim Chicago Regionals results (it's 3am here, but thank goodnes I'm on Pacific Coast time and I'm a night owl :P )

Top 8 (I only remember 6 of the lists vaguely):

1. Bernie Lin (me) - Han (Predator, Gunner, C3PO, MF Title, Engine), Wild Space Fringer (Mangler Cannon, Chewbacca - MVP of the tournament)

2. Nick Jones - I think it was a Soontir, Howl, and 4AP list

3. David Pontier - Scum Boba/Kath, both with PTL, not sure of the upgrades.

4. Nick Ruivo - Sable's Boba (VI, Tactician, Engine, Proton Bomb), IG-B (VI, Dampners, HLC, FCS, Autothrusters)

5. Brent Drollinger - not sure what he flew

6. Zach Bart - not sure what he flew

7. Nathan Eide - Corran (PTL, FCS, R2D2, EU), Jake (VI, PTL, Title, Chardaan, Autothrusters), Biggs

8. Zack Mathews - 2xBlue with Tactician, 1 Gold with Ion, BTL Title and R3-A2, 1 Gold with Ion, BTL title, and Bomb loadout (seismic)

Top 8:

1 beat 8

7 beat 2

3 beat 6

4 beat 5

Top 4

1 beat 4

7 beat 3


1 beat 7

Nick Jones ran a classic TIE swarm: Howl (with Determination), Backstabber, 5 AP.

Whisper/RAC won the finals beating the Soontir, Whisper, Shuttle.

And in the semifinals:

- Whisper/Soontir/Doomshuttle beat Whisper/Howlrunner/AP swarm

- Chiraneau/Whisper beat double IG

Prelim Chicago Regionals results (it's 3am here, but thank goodnes I'm on Pacific Coast time and I'm a night owl :P )

Top 8 (I only remember 6 of the lists vaguely):

1. Bernie Lin (me) - Han (Predator, Gunner, C3PO, MF Title, Engine), Wild Space Fringer (Mangler Cannon, Chewbacca - MVP of the tournament)

2. Nick Jones - I think it was a Soontir, Howl, and 4AP list

3. David Pontier - Scum Boba/Kath, both with PTL, not sure of the upgrades.

4. Nick Ruivo - Sable's Boba (VI, Tactician, Engine, Proton Bomb), IG-B (VI, Dampners, HLC, FCS, Autothrusters)

5. Brent Drollinger - not sure what he flew

6. Zach Bart - not sure what he flew

7. Nathan Eide - Corran (PTL, FCS, R2D2, EU), Jake (VI, PTL, Title, Chardaan, Autothrusters), Biggs

8. Zack Mathews - 2xBlue with Tactician, 1 Gold with Ion, BTL Title and R3-A2, 1 Gold with Ion, BTL title, and Bomb loadout (seismic)

Top 8:

1 beat 8

7 beat 2

3 beat 6

4 beat 5

Top 4

1 beat 4

7 beat 3


1 beat 7

Nick Jones ran a classic TIE swarm: Howl (with Determination), Backstabber, 5 AP.

thank you! I'll update the original post!

Prelim Chicago Regionals results (it's 3am here, but thank goodnes I'm on Pacific Coast time and I'm a night owl :P )

Top 8 (I only remember 6 of the lists vaguely):

1. Bernie Lin (me) - Han (Predator, Gunner, C3PO, MF Title, Engine), Wild Space Fringer (Mangler Cannon, Chewbacca - MVP of the tournament)

2. Nick Jones - I think it was a Soontir, Howl, and 4AP list

3. David Pontier - Scum Boba/Kath, both with PTL, not sure of the upgrades.

4. Nick Ruivo - Sable's Boba (VI, Tactician, Engine, Proton Bomb), IG-B (VI, Dampners, HLC, FCS, Autothrusters)

5. Brent Drollinger - not sure what he flew

6. Zach Bart - not sure what he flew

7. Nathan Eide - Corran (PTL, FCS, R2D2, EU), Jake (VI, PTL, Title, Chardaan, Autothrusters), Biggs

8. Zack Mathews - 2xBlue with Tactician, 1 Gold with Ion, BTL Title and R3-A2, 1 Gold with Ion, BTL title, and Bomb loadout (seismic)

Top 8:

1 beat 8

7 beat 2

3 beat 6

4 beat 5

Top 4

1 beat 4

7 beat 3


1 beat 7

Nick Jones ran a classic TIE swarm: Howl (with Determination), Backstabber, 5 AP.

Nick Jones was running Obsidion Squadron Pilots. I think one of the missing lists was Fel+RAC.

David ran K4 on Kath, Recspec on Boba, and... I want to say dual Engine upgrade and Innertial dampners.

Hmm... I know one of the guys I carpooled with took pictures of the beginnings of each of the Top 8. If we don't have the official report before Tuesday, I think he and I can reconstruct Top 8 from the picture.

Also, congratulations to everyone in the Top 8 at Chicago for some well played matches. They were enjoyable to watch (Well, Jake Vs. Han got old when we were all wanting to go home. But that was hardly Nathan or Bernie's fault)! Best of luck at nationals!

Edited by Squark

Just got eliminated in the top 8 at the San Diego Regionals:

Top 4 lists:

Brobots PTL, ADVS, HLC Mangler duo

Soontir Whisper Doom Shuttle

Whisper Mini swarm

Chirpy Whisper

Top 8:

Dash Corran

Thug Life (auto blasters, unhinged, Kavil on one of them and Seismics) :)

Chirpy Fel

Brobots (BC, VI FCS HLC ID AT) (my list)

Fun day!

Did someone forget to tell SoCal that Phantoms were terrible now?

In the day I faced 3 Whispers total! And two mirror or near mirror Brobot builds. It was a tough day, Phantoms are still very much alive and well as it turns out.

Chewbacca - MVP of the tournament

Seriously underrated. Almost a must-include for me on secondary weapon turret ships with Crew options. The number of times I flew a named HWK only to lose the turret, pilot ability, or both was ridiculous. Enter Crewbacca and I've had Jake Ferrel roll up with 5-hit Prockets on Roark and only end up losing my shield .

You rolled two natural evades before that! :P

Yeah, but the point, as always, was that was a shot that could've one-shotted any other HWK (and given the Crow title, I had extra Focii so I didn't have to rely completely on natural Evades). Two Direct Hits from the crits could smoke a lot of ships. Chewie just laughs a rumbling Wookiee laugh and Roark flies on.

The last italian regional had around 43 people attending and has been won by a 3 ships rebel list featuring
-a naked Biggs

-VI, FCS, R2-D2 Corran Horn

-VI,PTL,prockets, autothruster Jake Farrel

The champion beated a Dash+3Zs of which I do ignore the specifics, a Decifel in the semi and a BBYY in the top8

I wasn't there thus this all that I know