2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Just took home the win in Monroeville!

Nice one! Looking forward to hearing all about it on the next NOVA Squadron Radio podcast...

Jake Farrel, seeing some love.

Mathwing is going to Worlds!

actually Jakes been seeing a meta-ful of love recently. As a wingman to Han.

Also congrats MJ. Good to see those maths are showing off.

I placed 2nd at Dallas. I was flying:

5x Black Sun Soldiers + Feedback

Torkil Mux + ICT + Greedo

Yes, Greedo in the finals at the largest Regionals. Full writeup will be coming soon.

Greedo's so OP.

Edited by swimmingordy

I placed 2nd at Dallas. I was flying:

5x Black Sun Soldiers + Feedback

Torkil Mux + ICT + Greedo

Yes, Greedo in the finals at the largest Regionals. Full writeup will be coming soon.

Just took home the win in Monroeville!

A ton of thanks for Osoroshi for flying me out with his frequent flyer miles, and Chad Ed and the gang for hosting me, and bringing me something to eat in Elimination matches... that helped ha ha. (Edit: thanks again Linda!)

I was flying Symmetric IG88BC @98 points, with VI, HLC, FCS, thrusters, title, and dampeners.

Went 5-1 in Swiss with 1046 MoV (highest of the day, edging out the 2 undefeated players including Ron who was playing his 4BZ beast mode). FFG software was used but I have a large stack of papers with most the details. So it might get uploaded....

Really, I just wanted the big cookie from Good Games! ;-)

Congratulations and well done. What did you face, and did your point fortress insurance ever come into play in a game that went to time?

I'm surprised you dumped IG88D as much as you've been touting him on the podcast, but I think that's a really clever list for the expected environment:

(1) Two identical ships for tournament fatigue mitigation, plus identical pilot skills for maneuvering flexibility;

(2) VI plus initiative bid to win mirror matches, plus the aggressive 2-point initiative bid wins against asymmetric brobot builds with a 1-point bid;

(3) HLC + FCS for steady, reliable,action-indepedent high-red-dice output, especially with Iggy B;

(4) Iggy C for the additional defense, nasty to face in concert with autothrusters;

(5) Dual 49s means your opponent has a harder time picking a high payoff target, and if you face something like a 62-point Obese Han you can trade ship for ship and still win on points at time.

Just took home the win in Monroeville!

A ton of thanks for Osoroshi for flying me out with his frequent flyer miles, and Chad Ed and the gang for hosting me, and bringing me something to eat in Elimination matches... that helped ha ha. (Edit: thanks again Linda!)

I was flying Symmetric IG88BC @98 points, with VI, HLC, FCS, thrusters, title, and dampeners.

Went 5-1 in Swiss with 1046 MoV (highest of the day, edging out the 2 undefeated players including Ron who was playing his 4BZ beast mode). FFG software was used but I have a large stack of papers with most the details. So it might get uploaded....

Really, I just wanted the big cookie from Good Games! ;-)

Congratulations and well done. What did you face, and did your point fortress insurance ever come into play in a game that went to time?

I'm surprised you dumped IG88D as much as you've been touting him on the podcast, but I think that's a really clever list for the expected environment:

(1) Two identical ships for tournament fatigue mitigation, plus identical pilot skills for maneuvering flexibility;

(2) VI plus initiative bid to win mirror matches, plus the aggressive 2-point initiative bid wins against asymmetric brobot builds with a 1-point bid;

(3) HLC + FCS for steady, reliable,action-indepedent high-red-dice output, especially with Iggy B;

(4) Iggy C for the additional defense, nasty to face in concert with autothrusters;

(5) Dual 49s means your opponent has a harder time picking a high payoff target, and if you face something like a 62-point Obese Han you can trade ship for ship and still win on points at time.

Edited by AlexW

Plano cut to top 8:

Swiss standings:

1. Dash/Corran

2. Dual IG

3. 5 Z's w/ feedback and Torkil

4. Chewie/Eaden Vrill

5. Chirpy/Carnor Jax

6. Chewie/Leebo

7. Corran/Jake farrel/Blue B

8. 4 warthog Y wings

I don't have the full lists for all of them, but I can put these in order:

1st: Dash/Corran (Corran + VI + FCS + R2D2 + Engine and Dash + Lone Wolf + Recon Specialist + Outrider + HLC)

2nd: Murder of Crows ( Torkil Mux + Ion Cannon Turret + Greedo and 5x Black Sun Soldiers + Feedback Array)

Top 4:

Chewy/Eaden Vrill

Jake/Corran/Blue ( Jake + PTL + VI + Thrusters + Title + Refit, Corran + PTL + FCS + Hull +R2D2, Blue Squad + E2 + Tactician)

Top 8:

Dual IG

Chirpy + Carnor

Chewy + Leebo (Chewy + C3P0 + Recon Specialist + Predator and Leebo + Mangler + Outrider + Predator + Recon Specialist)

4 Warthog Y-Wings

I'll have the full Saskatoon Regional data up into List Juggler, but I can tell you that the winner was an Iggy-Boba list, and it went up against a Chireneau-Echo list. We cut to top 4 of 19, the other two top lists included a BBBBZ and a Deci+3 Ties list.

I finished 7th, after a 1st round bye (odd man out) and a bad 2nd round matchup, I lost my third round matchup by 1 missed crit, and then proceeded to table my 4th and 5th round opponents. I got some dice and shields, so I guess I'm happy. Really, really wanted the top 4 for a set of templates though.


Edited by jkokura

I'm worried putting Greedo on a HWK. How often did it pay off vs you getting a bad crit on yourself?

Yeah, I don't understand Greedo in this at all.

Mux and the Soldiers are all PS3. I'm guessing Greedo lets Mox drop a critical on someone after the soldiers have stripped tokens and shields. He's only a point.

I'm worried putting Greedo on a HWK. How often did it pay off vs you getting a bad crit on yourself?

He got second at the largest regional. It obviously paid off for him to go 6-1 and play better than 113 other players.

I am actually thinking about trying a bug zapper list like that. Greedo's not bad for a point.

Nice meetin' a bunch of you guys at the Plano regionals yesterday! Russell here, the strange Corran/Dash that squeaked into 19th and was totally psyched about it.

Just took home the win in Monroeville!

A ton of thanks for Osoroshi for flying me out with his frequent flyer miles, and Chad Ed and the gang for hosting me, and bringing me something to eat in Elimination matches... that helped ha ha. (Edit: thanks again Linda!)

I was flying Symmetric IG88BC @98 points, with VI, HLC, FCS, thrusters, title, and dampeners.

Went 5-1 in Swiss with 1046 MoV (highest of the day, edging out the 2 undefeated players including Ron who was playing his 4BZ beast mode). FFG software was used but I have a large stack of papers with most the details. So it might get uploaded....

Really, I just wanted the big cookie from Good Games! ;-)

With the ffg software- did it seem to get the pairings right?

Edited by Bloodstripe Baron

I'm worried putting Greedo on a HWK. How often did it pay off vs you getting a bad crit on yourself?

The biggest example. Top 4. Enemy Jake has a Focus and TL on a damaged Z-95 at Range 1. Torkil makes him PS 0. My Headhunters attack Jake, but are only able to strip his focus and last shield. Torkil attacks at Range 2 out of arc. I roll three hits (after focus). Jake rolls 2 evade and an eye (after Thrusters). The ion damage is dealt face-up. And it is a Direct Hit. Jake dies before he can blast a Z off the board and escape. Greedo materially and significantly added to my chances that game by taking a serious threat off the board.

Because they are all PS3, I can shoot in any order. I would attack with Zs until the shields of a target were down and its defensive tokens were gone before attacking with Torkil. This had two major, game changing effects. First, it meant that I could land a crit on an enemy ship at will. Because they were PS0, this is before they get to shoot, leading to a crippled ship if not a dead one. Second, some canny opponents let damage from my Z-95s through in order to save tokens to try to defend against Torkil's attack. This allowed me to land a higher amount of damage on an enemy ship than I otherwise would manage.

Edited by SableGryphon

I'm worried putting Greedo on a HWK. How often did it pay off vs you getting a bad crit on yourself?

The biggest example. Top 4. Enemy Jake has a Focus and TL on a damaged Z-95 at Range 1. Torkil makes him PS 0. My Headhunters attack Jake, but are only able to strip his focus and last shield. Torkil attacks at Range 2 out of arc. I roll three hits (after focus). Jake rolls 2 evade and an eye (after Thrusters). The ion damage is dealt face-up. And it is a Direct Hit. Jake dies before he can blast a Z off the board and escape. Greedo materially and significantly added to my chances that game by taking a serious threat off the board.

Because they are all PS3, I can shoot in any order. I would attack with Zs until the shields of a target were down and its defensive tokens were gone before attacking with Torkil. This had two major, game changing effects. First, it meant that I could land a crit on an enemy ship at will. Because they were PS0, this is before they get to shoot, leading to a crippled ship if not a dead one. Second, some canny opponents let damage from my Z-95s through in order to save tokens to try to defend against Torkil's attack. This allowed me to land a higher amount of damage on an enemy ship than I otherwise would manage.

That's cool. I like the concept behind the build. But, how about your end? Did Torkil get a lot of crits directly from Greedo?

Had a lot of fun, I was running the 4 Y's in 8th place. Ran into the buzzsaw matchup which is Super Dash for my list, but still had a great time and that was my best finish by far at a regionals. Great meeting and seeing a lot of you guys again, congrats to all the other T8 squads!

The Saskatoon Regional has been uploaded to List Juggler, and I have just entered all the lists for the tourney.


Some notes:

- Our champion is Paul L, the same guy doing those really awesome Alt Art cards you might see round the forum. Super awesome guy, super awesome artist, great player, and he brought his son who also made top 8!

- We had 8 rebel lists, 6 imperial, and 5 scum lists

- Lots of big ships. Mostly 2 ship lists actually. Of the 19 players, there were 7 dual large base lists, 7 large base with small escort, and 5 small base only lists. In the top 8, this played out to 4, 3 and 1, and in the top 4 cut this played out to 1, 2 and 1.

- Only 1 dual IG, but a couple IG/Firespray lists

- We had a pair of Bomber only lists, a 5 bomber and a 4 bomber list. Watching them face off against one another was pretty unbelievable

- Only one 4BZ list, piloted by the most excellent Derek C, who took it to a 2nd place finish in the swiss before losing the semi to the eventual champ.

- We had representation from 4 provinces. There were people there from Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. The one guy from Ontario lives 2500km away (about 1550 miles). Some people drove 8ish hours to be here for the tourney. Very few actual local people, but lots of representation from all over our province. (For you american guys, it's like having someone from New York, a few from Texas, and a few from Oregon in for a Southern California Tourney).

- We had 2 minors in our tourney, both children of two of our other participants. Both finished in the top 8, and one finished in the top 4 (way to go JL and Charlie!). This is a family friendly game, so pass it on to your kids because they can do well!

I had a good time in the end. It wasn't the easiest tourney for me, but a big shout out should go to Darren and Alan from Dragon's Den, who helped us set this up, and Darren M, our TO who did a really great job. Our little scene in Saskatchewan is growing!


Just took home the win in Monroeville!

A ton of thanks for Osoroshi for flying me out with his frequent flyer miles, and Chad Ed and the gang for hosting me, and bringing me something to eat in Elimination matches... that helped ha ha. (Edit: thanks again Linda!)

I was flying Symmetric IG88BC @98 points, with VI, HLC, FCS, thrusters, title, and dampeners.

Went 5-1 in Swiss with 1046 MoV (highest of the day, edging out the 2 undefeated players including Ron who was playing his 4BZ beast mode). FFG software was used but I have a large stack of papers with most the details. So it might get uploaded....

Really, I just wanted the big cookie from Good Games! ;-)

Hey Bob! Congrats on the win! You were flying (what is in my opinion) the best Robot list and you flew it really well. I'm pretty proud to have been the only person to take a game off you.

I'm worried putting Greedo on a HWK. How often did it pay off vs you getting a bad crit on yourself?

The biggest example. Top 4. Enemy Jake has a Focus and TL on a damaged Z-95 at Range 1. Torkil makes him PS 0. My Headhunters attack Jake, but are only able to strip his focus and last shield. Torkil attacks at Range 2 out of arc. I roll three hits (after focus). Jake rolls 2 evade and an eye (after Thrusters). The ion damage is dealt face-up. And it is a Direct Hit. Jake dies before he can blast a Z off the board and escape. Greedo materially and significantly added to my chances that game by taking a serious threat off the board.

Because they are all PS3, I can shoot in any order. I would attack with Zs until the shields of a target were down and its defensive tokens were gone before attacking with Torkil. This had two major, game changing effects. First, it meant that I could land a crit on an enemy ship at will. Because they were PS0, this is before they get to shoot, leading to a crippled ship if not a dead one. Second, some canny opponents let damage from my Z-95s through in order to save tokens to try to defend against Torkil's attack. This allowed me to land a higher amount of damage on an enemy ship than I otherwise would manage.

That's cool. I like the concept behind the build. But, how about your end? Did Torkil get a lot of crits directly from Greedo?

Out of 10 rounds, I suffered 3-4 Greedo inflicted crits on myself. None of them materially impacted the game. Two of them were direct hits. One of those was in my first loss, but it was Torkil vs Dash and Corran with close to full health, so it's not like it cost me the game. While all of them were less than ideal, I never lost Torkil because of such a crit nor did I feel I would have done better without Greedo. Greedo gained me more points than he lost.

One of the problems is that, enemy ships that attempt to go after Torkil have to contend with a cloud of hungry Z-95s. Further, Torkil can reduce the ship with the best shot on him to PS0, who may then not survive to shoot. For 25 points, the Torkil/ICT/Greedo combo is really effective. Honestly, I was surprised at how capable it is and how much being able to have an auto-crit with an Ion Cannon improved my chances of removing a threat from the board.