2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Soontir, 4 TIEs, and Doom shuttle...does that mean soontir was without PTL AND auto thrusters?? Or was the shuttle actually just a naked shuttle?

Good question. PTL+Thrusters Soontir, Vader on the shuttle and 4 AP comes to 104.

He'd have to be without both upgrades if Vader is on the shuttle and if he's not then that's either PTL or thrusters he has to lose. Whacky.

Or there is one less AP and Fel and the shuttle have a few upgrades. That's how I would finish that list.

Sacramento results are partially up on List Juggler:


All the top lists are there - looks like the Fel / Obsidian Fel swarm list had no shuttle

Sacramento, California, United States

July 11, 2015

Great Escape Games

Attendance: 73

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=545

  • Winner: Han Solo + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + C-3PO + Luke Skywalker; Jake Farrell + Proton Rockets + Veteran Instincts + Autothrusters + Push the Limit
  • 2nd place: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Moff Jerjerrod + Rebel Captive + Veteran Instincts; Captain Oicunn + Mara Jade + Darth Vader
  • Top 4: Howlrunner + Predator + Hull Upgrade; Black Squadron Pilot + Draw Their Fire; 5x Academy Pilot
  • Top 4: Han Solo + Millennium Falcon + C-3PO + R2-D2; Etahn A'Baht + R5-P9 + Advanced Sensors + Predator + Shield Upgrade
  • Top 8: Chewbacca + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + C-3PO + Luke Skywalker; 3x Tala Squadron Pilot
  • Top 8: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Ysanne Isard + Gunner + Rebel Captive + Engine Upgrade + Predator; Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device
  • Top 8: Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Hull Upgrade; 5x Obsidian Squadron Pilot
  • Top 8: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Gunner + Rebel Captive + Ysanne Isard + Engine Upgrade + Veteran Instincts; Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device

Edit: the TIE Swarm player's MoV was just crazy.

Round 1: bye

Round 2: 100-27

Round 3: 100-0

Round 4: 100-0

Round 5: 100-15

Round 6: 100-51

Top 8: 100-12

Top 4: 0-100 (only loss)

His only loss was to the dual VT-49 list without Engine Upgrade. Of all his matchups during the day you would have thought he would have had the easiest time with that one!

Edited by MajorJuggler

It would be pretty easy except Oicunn brough Mara. She's a nightmare for swarms.

Sacramento results are partially up on List Juggler:


All the top lists are there - looks like the Fel / Obsidian Fel swarm list had no shuttle

Sacramento, California, United States

July 11, 2015

Great Escape Games

Attendance: 73

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=545

  • Winner: Han Solo + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + C-3PO + Luke Skywalker; Jake Farrell + Proton Rockets + Veteran Instincts + Autothrusters + Push the Limit
  • 2nd place: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Moff Jerjerrod + Rebel Captive + Veteran Instincts; Captain Oicunn + Mara Jade + Darth Vader
  • Top 4: Howlrunner + Predator + Hull Upgrade; Black Squadron Pilot + Draw Their Fire; 5x Academy Pilot
  • Top 4: Han Solo + Millennium Falcon + C-3PO + R2-D2; Etahn A'Baht + R5-P9 + Advanced Sensors + Predator + Shield Upgrade
  • Top 8: Chewbacca + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + C-3PO + Luke Skywalker; 3x Tala Squadron Pilot
  • Top 8: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Ysanne Isard + Gunner + Rebel Captive + Engine Upgrade + Predator; Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device
  • Top 8: Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Hull Upgrade; 5x Obsidian Squadron Pilot
  • Top 8: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Gunner + Rebel Captive + Ysanne Isard + Engine Upgrade + Veteran Instincts; Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device

Edit: the TIE Swarm player's MoV was just crazy.

Round 1: bye

Round 2: 100-27

Round 3: 100-0

Round 4: 100-0

Round 5: 100-15

Round 6: 100-51

Top 8: 100-12

Top 4: 0-100 (only loss)

His only loss was to the dual VT-49 list without Engine Upgrade. Of all his matchups during the day you would have thought he would have had the easiest time with that one!

Not sure how you want to treat it in your top 8 info, but the second-ranked player dropped after Swiss and so his list isn't included in the "official" top 8, but the 9th ranked player's is.

Edit: the TIE Swarm player's MoV was just crazy.

Round 1: bye

Round 2: 100-27

Round 3: 100-0

Round 4: 100-0

Round 5: 100-15

Round 6: 100-51

Top 8: 100-12

Top 4: 0-100 (only loss)

His only loss was to the dual VT-49 list without Engine Upgrade. Of all his matchups during the day you would have thought he would have had the easiest time with that one!

Gus is pretty good at this game.

TIE swarm pilot here from regionals

Gus is pretty good at this game.

Thanks Geordan :)

It would be pretty easy except Oicunn brough Mara. She's a nightmare for swarms.

You're both right, it was an extremely easy matchup and part of the reason for my absurd MOV. I actually beat all other 3 top 4 players previously in Swiss. Against the dual Deci's, the game was over in 6 turns I think and I didn't lose a TIE. Mara's ability didn't activate once either game. Second time around he flew much better and learned a lot from the first game, but I didn't think it would be enough. Taking 3 direct hit crits from vader to instant kill 3 TIE's didn't help though. Game ended with 1 hull on Chiraneu and 2 on Oicunn. Starting from about 5 TIEs left I couldn't roll an evade to save my life, and considering the enemy didn't even have gunner like most decimators I was taking way more hits than could be expected.

Sacramento, California, United States

July 11, 2015

Great Escape Games

Attendance: 73

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=545

  • TIE Swarm player's MoV was just crazy.

Round 1: bye

Round 2: 100-27

Round 3: 100-0

Round 4: 100-0

Round 5: 100-15

Round 6: 100-51

Top 8: 100-12

Top 4: 0-100 (only loss)

His only loss was to the dual VT-49 list without Engine Upgrade. Of all his matchups during the day you would have thought he would have had the easiest time with that one!

Same dual decimator (2nd place player) was my round 3 as well so I was surprised when I started losing. Tournament champion was my round 6. Tournament 4th place was my round 5.

I'm astounded by my MOV as well. I was expecting a weaker MOV due to TIE's dying and so I was shooting for 6 wins from the get go. Most of my games were over in way under 60 minutes... and we had 75 minutes to play. Almost none of my opponents really knew how to face a TIE swarm and that (combined with the large base ship meta, I faced 3 small base ships in total) allowed me to annihilate huge chunks of the enemy's list in just a few turns. I had games that ended in 6 turns and 7 turns.

It used to be the case back a few waves that players just HAD to know about the TIE swarm and consider it as a viable force, and even though it still is very dangerous, it does not get the representation on the battlefield that it deserves as one of the most iconic and deadly lists. I only started playing the TIE swarm more recently because simply no one else is doing it (except Darth Dave in this area, and Dallas Parker down south I haven't seen a full 7 at a tournament in a year).

So it seems like a great many people have either forgotten how to fly against a swarm or never considered a TIE swarm to be a threat in competitive play and that went hugely to my advantage. I hope that I got to teach some people how to be better prepared for next time and perhaps that people see the strong showing of mine and the few TIE swarms that performed in regionals and start practicing it up the tie count at tournaments and shift the meta a bit.

Dual Deci pilot.

The other thing about our game was that you rolled maybe 1 or 2 crits the entire game. Neither being a huge game changer.

Dang it, you've spoiled my surprise. :P

Or there is one less AP and Fel and the shuttle have a few upgrades. That's how I would finish that list.

My bad, Soontir with the usual AT/SD, it was 3 TIEs, 2 OSP and 1 BSP.

Not sure how you want to treat it in your top 8 info, but the second-ranked player dropped after Swiss and so his list isn't included in the "official" top 8, but the 9th ranked player's is.

I'd think, because I actually completed the Swiss rounds, I'd be listed at #2, with Drop listed as "true." Doesn't matter to me, honestly, but it does mean the data is inaccurate, if it stays as it is.

Edited by Jeff Wilder

Russian Regionals:
August, 8th - St.Petersburg.
August, 15th - Moscow.


Russian Regionals:

August, 8th - St.Petersburg.

August, 15th - Moscow.

Thanks! Do you have any contact info the the store or TO that will be running the event, or an online event page?

TIE swarm pilot here from regionals

Gus is pretty good at this game.

Thanks Geordan :)

It would be pretty easy except Oicunn brough Mara. She's a nightmare for swarms.

You're both right, it was an extremely easy matchup and part of the reason for my absurd MOV. I actually beat all other 3 top 4 players previously in Swiss. Against the dual Deci's, the game was over in 6 turns I think and I didn't lose a TIE. Mara's ability didn't activate once either game. Second time around he flew much better and learned a lot from the first game, but I didn't think it would be enough. Taking 3 direct hit crits from vader to instant kill 3 TIE's didn't help though. Game ended with 1 hull on Chiraneu and 2 on Oicunn. Starting from about 5 TIEs left I couldn't roll an evade to save my life, and considering the enemy didn't even have gunner like most decimators I was taking way more hits than could be expected.

Sacramento, California, United States

July 11, 2015

Great Escape Games

Attendance: 73

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=545

  • TIE Swarm player's MoV was just crazy.

Round 1: bye

Round 2: 100-27

Round 3: 100-0

Round 4: 100-0

Round 5: 100-15

Round 6: 100-51

Top 8: 100-12

Top 4: 0-100 (only loss)

His only loss was to the dual VT-49 list without Engine Upgrade. Of all his matchups during the day you would have thought he would have had the easiest time with that one!

Same dual decimator (2nd place player) was my round 3 as well so I was surprised when I started losing. Tournament champion was my round 6. Tournament 4th place was my round 5.

I'm astounded by my MOV as well. I was expecting a weaker MOV due to TIE's dying and so I was shooting for 6 wins from the get go. Most of my games were over in way under 60 minutes... and we had 75 minutes to play. Almost none of my opponents really knew how to face a TIE swarm and that (combined with the large base ship meta, I faced 3 small base ships in total) allowed me to annihilate huge chunks of the enemy's list in just a few turns. I had games that ended in 6 turns and 7 turns.

It used to be the case back a few waves that players just HAD to know about the TIE swarm and consider it as a viable force, and even though it still is very dangerous, it does not get the representation on the battlefield that it deserves as one of the most iconic and deadly lists. I only started playing the TIE swarm more recently because simply no one else is doing it (except Darth Dave in this area, and Dallas Parker down south I haven't seen a full 7 at a tournament in a year).

So it seems like a great many people have either forgotten how to fly against a swarm or never considered a TIE swarm to be a threat in competitive play and that went hugely to my advantage. I hope that I got to teach some people how to be better prepared for next time and perhaps that people see the strong showing of mine and the few TIE swarms that performed in regionals and start practicing it up the tie count at tournaments and shift the meta a bit.

I saw a similar list during the Store Championships that replaced Predator on Howl with Determination, using the extra two points to upgrade an Academy to another DTF Black Squadron. Guy only lost two TIEs all day before dropping after Swiss. I faced him in the third round, and it was like flying into a blender.

Russian Regionals:

August, 8th - St.Petersburg.

August, 15th - Moscow.

Thanks! Do you have any contact info the the store or TO that will be running the event, or an online event page?


I saw a similar list during the Store Championships that replaced Predator on Howl with Determination, using the extra two points to upgrade an Academy to another DTF Black Squadron. Guy only lost two TIEs all day before dropping after Swiss. I faced him in the third round, and it was like flying into a blender.

I was debating about doing this in the long car ride up to regionals. I ended up sticking with Predator due to the fact that it seemed cooler for Howl to be doing damage with the rest of her squad.

I saw a similar list during the Store Championships that replaced Predator on Howl with Determination, using the extra two points to upgrade an Academy to another DTF Black Squadron. Guy only lost two TIEs all day before dropping after Swiss. I faced him in the third round, and it was like flying into a blender.

I was debating about doing this in the long car ride up to regionals. I ended up sticking with Predator due to the fact that it seemed cooler for Howl to be doing damage with the rest of her squad.

Every time I run Howl, she is dead before she gets to buff the swarm for the 2nd time. Its like my green dice know its Howl and will blank out.

Edited by Jo Jo

I saw a similar list during the Store Championships that replaced Predator on Howl with Determination, using the extra two points to upgrade an Academy to another DTF Black Squadron. Guy only lost two TIEs all day before dropping after Swiss. I faced him in the third round, and it was like flying into a blender.

I was debating about doing this in the long car ride up to regionals. I ended up sticking with Predator due to the fact that it seemed cooler for Howl to be doing damage with the rest of her squad.

Every time I run Howl, she is dead before she gets to buff the swarm for the 2nd time. Its like my green dice know its Howl and will blank out.

nah, that's just how it is with every 3 agility ship ever

except your opponents', of course

I saw a similar list during the Store Championships that replaced Predator on Howl with Determination, using the extra two points to upgrade an Academy to another DTF Black Squadron. Guy only lost two TIEs all day before dropping after Swiss. I faced him in the third round, and it was like flying into a blender.

I was debating about doing this in the long car ride up to regionals. I ended up sticking with Predator due to the fact that it seemed cooler for Howl to be doing damage with the rest of her squad.

Every time I run Howl, she is dead before she gets to buff the swarm for the 2nd time. Its like my green dice know its Howl and will blank out.

nah, that's just how it is with every 3 agility ship ever

except your opponents', of course

Unfortunately, if you try to counter this by flying low-agility, high-hull ships, then your opponent will also start rolling 3+ hits on every attack.

Headed to Saskatoon for my first regional today. Perty stoked!


I saw a similar list during the Store Championships that replaced Predator on Howl with Determination, using the extra two points to upgrade an Academy to another DTF Black Squadron. Guy only lost two TIEs all day before dropping after Swiss. I faced him in the third round, and it was like flying into a blender.

I was debating about doing this in the long car ride up to regionals. I ended up sticking with Predator due to the fact that it seemed cooler for Howl to be doing damage with the rest of her squad.

I have done well with a similar list (Howl + Predator, Backstabber, 2x Obsidian, 3x Academy), and Predator is great on her if you have the points. NO one expects Howlrunner to be an offensive threat, so it's fun to sneak in and do high PS damage with her as opportunities present themselves. It also allows her to take an evade and still be potent offensively from longer range (at least as much so as other TIEs).

Good luck to everyone playing at Regionals this weekend! Get something original in the top eight so we can all have something to oooh and aaah over for a week! :)

Good luck in Saskatoon!

You have a list in mind?

Good luck in Saskatoon!

You have a list in mind?

Yep. But I'm not saying, because there are actually 4 in mind and I'm having trouble choosing.


Regional in Plano, TX today had 88 pre-registered as of last night. My team has some unconventional builds, hopefully we can report back on some meta-crushing success!