2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

4th: Boba and 3 Bandits


4th: Boba and 3 Bandits


Yeah yeah, Pirates.

Regional of Lisbon, Portugal, at 4th of July.
20 participants

Those are the results of the top 4:

IG-88B + Predator + Heavy Laser Cannon + Advanced Sensors + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters
Boba Fett + Veteran Instincts + Inertial Dampeners + Engine Upgrade + Tactician

2nd place:
IG-88B + Veteran Instincts + Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire-Control System + Feedback Array + Autothrusters
Boba Fett + Veteran Instincts + Feedback Array + Seismic Charges + Engine Upgrade + Tactician

IG-88C + Predator + Heavy Laser Cannon + IG-2000 + Advanced Sensors + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters
IG-88B + Lone Wolf + Mangler Cannon + IG-2000 + Advanced Sensors + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters

Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Stealth Device + Autothrusters
Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Gunner + Rebel Captive + Ysanne Isard + Dauntless + Engine Upgrade + Veteran Instincts

From memory, I can tell we had a little of everything: one list with a darth vader, one with a defender, a whisper + Soontir + yorr, a rebel swarm, 3 lists with decimators, a 3B + Jack, one Corran + Dash

Criodex was used and the tournament is uploaded in ListJuggler, so in the next days (hopefully) all list will be inserted.

Edit: Tournament and all lists are in ListJuggler

Edited by Crimson Dux

Vancouver, Canada just wrapped up. 33 Players participated. I've got a copy of the final lists from the TO, but here's a quick rundown on top 8.

Winner - Patryck - Han Solo, Jake Farrell

Runner Up - Calen - Corran Horn, 2 Gold Y-Wings, Bandit Z95

Top 4 - Terrance - Kath Scarlett, Whisper

Top 4 - Jon - Soontir Fel, Turr Phennir, Bounty Hunter

Top 8 - Jonathan - 3 Blue B-Wings, Gold Y-Wing

Top 8 - Mike - Soontir Fel, 5 Academy TIEs

Top 8 - Nick - Dual IG-88

Top 8 - Jonas - Tarn Mison, 6 Bandit Z95s

Full lists will be submitted to List Juggler in the next day or two.

Vancouver, Canada just wrapped up. 33 Players participated. I've got a copy of the final lists from the TO, but here's a quick rundown on top 8.

Winner - Patryck - Han Solo, Jake Farrell

Runner Up - Calen - Corran Horn, 2 Gold Y-Wings, Bandit Z95

Top 4 - Terrance - Kath Scarlett, Whisper

Top 4 - Jon - Soontir Fel, Turr Phennir, Bounty Hunter

Top 8 - Jonathan - 3 Blue B-Wings, Gold Y-Wing

Top 8 - Mike - Soontir Fel, 5 Academy TIEs

Top 8 - Nick - Dual IG-88

Top 8 - Jonas - Tarn Mison, 6 Bandit Z95s

Full lists will be submitted to List Juggler in the next day or two.

Dear Australia,

Sorry we are more diverse.

Regards, Canada

EDIT: Made it a haiku, because.

Edited by ObiWonka

Vancouver, Canada just wrapped up. 33 Players participated. I've got a copy of the final lists from the TO, but here's a quick rundown on top 8.

Winner - Patryck - Han Solo, Jake Farrell

Runner Up - Calen - Corran Horn, 2 Gold Y-Wings, Bandit Z95

Top 4 - Terrance - Kath Scarlett, Whisper

Top 4 - Jon - Soontir Fel, Turr Phennir, Bounty Hunter

Top 8 - Jonathan - 3 Blue B-Wings, Gold Y-Wing

Top 8 - Mike - Soontir Fel, 5 Academy TIEs

Top 8 - Nick - Dual IG-88

Top 8 - Jonas - Tarn Mison, 6 Bandit Z95s

Full lists will be submitted to List Juggler in the next day or two.

Dear Australia,

Sorry we are more diverse.

Regards, Canada

EDIT: Made it a haiku, because.

Vancouver, Canada just wrapped up. 33 Players participated. I've got a copy of the final lists from the TO, but here's a quick rundown on top 8.

Winner - Patryck - Han Solo, Jake Farrell

Runner Up - Calen - Corran Horn, 2 Gold Y-Wings, Bandit Z95

Top 4 - Terrance - Kath Scarlett, Whisper

Top 4 - Jon - Soontir Fel, Turr Phennir, Bounty Hunter

Top 8 - Jonathan - 3 Blue B-Wings, Gold Y-Wing

Top 8 - Mike - Soontir Fel, 5 Academy TIEs

Top 8 - Nick - Dual IG-88

Top 8 - Jonas - Tarn Mison, 6 Bandit Z95s

Full lists will be submitted to List Juggler in the next day or two.

what was in that kath scarlet + whisper list?

what was in that kath scarlet + whisper list?

Magic . The Force.

I was chatting with Terrance for a while about his list, and I know that Kath had Mangler, Rebel Captive, and a Flechette torp. Whisper had Sensor Jammer as her system, too.

I was chatting with Terrance for a while about his list, and I know that Kath had Mangler, Rebel Captive, and a Flechette torp. Whisper had Sensor Jammer as her system, too.

I have his list down as Kath with VI, Mangler, Captive, Engine, Slave 1/Flechette Torps, Ion Pulse Missiles and Whisper with VI, ACD, Sensor Jammer and RecSpec.

Top 8 - Mike - Soontir Fel, 5 Academy TIEs

Mike had Backstabber and 4 Academy TIEs with Soontir. I got to face that one in swiss play and didn't fare so well.

I also want to say I had a blast at the tournament. It was my first regionals, and I was amazed by how friendly everyone was and how diverse the lists were! All in all, a very positive experience.

Edited by MortalPlague

Vancouver was indeed a great event! I had a blast playing Boba, Guri, pirate and almost made top 8. Guri just couldn't finish off a 2 HP b-wing on the last turn (but I still love her).

I didn't really care about any personal success, but I really wanted a starviper in the top 8!

Thanks again to the TOs and all the players making that the most fun, most casual tournament I've ever attended!

**** Canberra, the Adelaide Regional made Australia look diverse then Dash/Corran madness has infected your brains.

Shame Canberra, Shame!

I had a blast playing Boba, Guri, pirate and almost made top 8.

Was that the Punisher Firespray?

I had a blast playing Boba, Guri, pirate and almost made top 8.

Was that the Punisher Firespray?

That's the one!

Another haiku from Australia, overheard as the players arrived:

Best pilot is Dash,

Especially with Corran.

One of us should change .

Edited by ObiWonka

The 3rd Italian Regional was won by a Decifel who beated in the final game a 98 point list with PTL-title-C3PO-Jan Ors Han Solo and an Instict-Adv.Sensor-autoblaster Farlander.

Top 4 had another Decifel (beated by Han/Farlander) and an interesting 6 ship rebel swarm which had 2 blues, 3 bandits and an R3A2 Gold (beated by the tournament champion)

Top 8 consisted in a double IG (B and D), a Dash+Corran, 4 Scum Ys and an IG-B+Boba.

Overall the tournament had lots of Decifel, all kind of Dash combinations and lots of rebel swarms.

I'm sure the TO will provide further details like it was done for the other regionals. Overall was a nice tournament and despite the fact I did very poorly I went home satisfied since I had the chance to see my buddy take the win!

what was in that kath scarlet + whisper list?

whisper had sensor jammer, ACD, Rec Spec and VI

Kath had Ion pulse missile, flechette torp, VI, Mangler Cannon, EU and there may have been another few goodies, i can't remember

I had a blast playing Boba, Guri, pirate and almost made top 8.

Was that the Punisher Firespray?

That's the one!

and what a fantastic paint job you did


i hope you don't mind me posting your Firespray but i feel there will be those out there that would like to know what we're talking about :)

if you want me to remove it just say the word and it's gone!

Edited by executor

I don't mind at all, thanks for the kind words. I was just too lazy to take my own pictures and post them!

Lists for the Vancouver regionals have now been entered on List Juggler. Hope I got 'em all right. I was working off photographs of the squad sheets submitted to the TO.


The list juggler wouldn't accept Anti-Pursuit Lasers on an Aggressor though, so there is a list missing those.

It probably can't compute the lack of autothrusters and crashed.

Copenhagen results are on ListJuggler!

Link: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=535

Winner: Mads Barkman Petersen - 1st after swiss

Chewbacca + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + C-3PO + Luke Skywalker

Tala Squadron Pilot

Tala Squadron Pilot

Tala Squadron Pilot


Runner-up: Victor Pluntky - 3rd after swiss

IG-88B + IG-2000 + Mangler Cannon + Lone Wolf + Advanced Sensors + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters

IG-88C + IG-2000 + Heavy Laser Cannon + Predator + Advanced Sensors + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters


Third: Kristofer Bengtsson (me) - 2nd after swiss (lost to runner-up in semi)

Dash Rendar + Heavy Laser Cannon + Predator + Outrider

Chewbacca + Predator + Millennium Falcon + C-3PO


Fourth: Jonas Soedring - 5th after swiss (lost to winner in semi)

Binayre Pirate

Binayre Pirate

Binayre Pirate

Binayre Pirate

Boba Fett + Hot Shot Blaster + Push the Limit + Engine Upgrade + Recon Specialist


Top 8: Rune Pritzlau - 4th after swiss (lost to fourth in top 8)

Chewbacca + Predator + Millennium Falcon + C-3PO

Dash Rendar + Heavy Laser Cannon + Predator + Outrider


Top 8: Kasper Scharling - 6th after swiss (lost to runner-up in top 8)

Blue Squadron Pilot + Fire-Control System

Blue Squadron Pilot + Ion Cannon + Fire-Control System

Rookie Pilot + R3-A2

Biggs Darklighter + R4-D6


Top 8: Ole Nielsen - 7th after swiss (lost to third in top 8)

Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Hull Upgrade + Royal Guard TIE

Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Darth Vader + Gunner + Ysanne Isard


Top 8: Tommy Byo - 8th after swiss (lost to winner in top 8)

Blue Squadron Pilot + bwing/E2 + Tactician

Blue Squadron Pilot + bwing/E2 + Tactician

Gold Squadron Pilot + Ion Cannon Turret + R3-A2 + BTL-A4 Y-Wing

Biggs Darklighter


Edited by Veldrin

Fourth: Jonas Soedring - 5th after swiss (lost to winner in semi)

Binayre Pirate

Binayre Pirate

Binayre Pirate

Binayre Pirate

Boba Fett + Hot Shot Blaster + Push the Limit + Engine Upgrade + Recon Specialist


Awesome list. I like it.

Lists for the Vancouver regionals have now been entered on List Juggler. Hope I got 'em all right. I was working off photographs of the squad sheets submitted to the TO.


The list juggler wouldn't accept Anti-Pursuit Lasers on an Aggressor though, so there is a list missing those.

bug, I'll fix it, ty

Fourth: Jonas Soedring - 5th after swiss (lost to winner in semi)

Binayre Pirate

Binayre Pirate

Binayre Pirate

Binayre Pirate

Boba Fett + Hot Shot Blaster + Push the Limit + Engine Upgrade + Recon Specialist


Awesome list. I like it.

Yeah that one caught my eye too!