2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Jake Biggs and Corran just won Wisconsin.

Do you have a rough look at the rest of the top 8?

Jake Biggs and Corran just won Wisconsin.

Do you have a rough look at the rest of the top 8?

What I remember there was a brobots with predator and outmaneuver for epts, Richard tsu (sorry if I butchered spelling) ran his Biggs wedge btl y and z. There was a rebel control variant with 2bs using tactician and fcs, 2 Zs and a y with stressbot and autoblastwr turret I believe that was flown by sozin. Second place was the only guy to beat me that day with a loaded echo, soontir fel and royal guard tie. There was a double yt list and a decimator plus support. Cant remember the rest of the details

Edited by catachanninja

Okay this is heavily from memory at the end of a long day of playing followed by some celebrating (i took 13th and was the one who defeated star trek) but there was a brobots with predator and outmaneuver for epts, Richard tsu (sorry if I butchered spelling) ran his Biggs wedge btl y and z. There was a rebel control variant with 2bs using tactician and fcs, 2 Zs and a y with stressbot and autoblastwr turret. Second place was the only guy to beat me that day with a loaded echo, soontir fel and royal guard tie. There was a double yt list and a decimator plus support.

I was flying that rebel control variant: 2 Blues with FCS, Title, and Tactician, Gold + ABT + R3-A2, Bandit x 2.

It performed well, went 5-1 in swiss and nearly beat Nate's Corran/Jake/Biggs list in the top 8 :-)

Week 10: June 27-28

Adelaide, Australia

June 27, 2015

Infinity Games

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=514

32 Players

5 Rounds of Swiss and Top 4 Cut

  • Winner:

    4 x Thug, Ion, R4 Agro, BTL

  • 2nd place:

    Wedge, VI

    Etahn, FCS

    3 x Bandit

  • Top 4:

    Whisper, VI, FCS, ACD

    Kenkirk, Pred, Gunner, Isard, Reb Cap

  • Top 4:

    Ten Numb, Swarm Tactics, Mangler

    2 x Blue, FCS, HLC

  • 5th:

    Han, Pred, Luke, C3P0, Engine, Title

    3 x Bandits

  • 6th:

    Xizor, VI, FCS, Auto, Title

    3 x Black Sun

    2 x Pirates

  • 7th:

    Soontir, PTL, Title, Auto, Hull

    Admiral, Expose, Isard, Reb Cap, Moff, EI, Prox Mines

  • 8th:

    IG-88B, PTL, Sensor Jammer, Magler, Auto, Dampeners, Title

    IG-88C, Lone Wolf, Sensor Jammer, Magler, Dampeners, Title

All sorts of cool stuff you don't often see here:

  • E'tahn in top 2.
  • Kenkirk rather than Admiral or Oicunn.
  • Ten numb (with swarm tactics boosting the HLC blues!).
  • Xizor.
  • Sensor Jammer (!) on IG-88s.
  • And the return of 4x R4 Warthogs winning it all!

Okay this is heavily from memory at the end of a long day of playing followed by some celebrating (i took 13th and was the one who defeated star trek) but there was a brobots with predator and outmaneuver for epts, Richard tsu (sorry if I butchered spelling) ran his Biggs wedge btl y and z. There was a rebel control variant with 2bs using tactician and fcs, 2 Zs and a y with stressbot and autoblastwr turret. Second place was the only guy to beat me that day with a loaded echo, soontir fel and royal guard tie. There was a double yt list and a decimator plus support.

I was flying that rebel control variant: 2 Blues with FCS, Title, and Tactician, Gold + ABT + R3-A2, Bandit x 2.

It performed well, went 5-1 in swiss and nearly beat Nate's Corran/Jake/Biggs list in the top 8 :-)

There were two whisper and a decimator lists that were identical. I didn't run the software but the Barrister who did is going to scan all the lists and get them to sozin for crowd sourcing.

I feel like yesterday backs up what I said on a different thread about the game having surgeons. At some point everyone who has been flying turret less for a long time and has those wave one tactics will fall back into the top. It's already starting to some extent.

Okay this is heavily from memory at the end of a long day of playing followed by some celebrating (i took 13th and was the one who defeated star trek) but there was a brobots with predator and outmaneuver for epts, Richard tsu (sorry if I butchered spelling) ran his Biggs wedge btl y and z. There was a rebel control variant with 2bs using tactician and fcs, 2 Zs and a y with stressbot and autoblastwr turret. Second place was the only guy to beat me that day with a loaded echo, soontir fel and royal guard tie. There was a double yt list and a decimator plus support.

I was flying that rebel control variant: 2 Blues with FCS, Title, and Tactician, Gold + ABT + R3-A2, Bandit x 2.

It performed well, went 5-1 in swiss and nearly beat Nate's Corran/Jake/Biggs list in the top 8 :-)

Okay this is heavily from memory at the end of a long day of playing followed by some celebrating (i took 13th and was the one who defeated star trek) but there was a brobots with predator and outmaneuver for epts, Richard tsu (sorry if I butchered spelling) ran his Biggs wedge btl y and z. There was a rebel control variant with 2bs using tactician and fcs, 2 Zs and a y with stressbot and autoblastwr turret. Second place was the only guy to beat me that day with a loaded echo, soontir fel and royal guard tie. There was a double yt list and a decimator plus support.

I was flying that rebel control variant: 2 Blues with FCS, Title, and Tactician, Gold + ABT + R3-A2, Bandit x 2.

It performed well, went 5-1 in swiss and nearly beat Nate's Corran/Jake/Biggs list in the top 8 :-)

Did the ABT pay off? I'd like the list better with title and ion on the Y. Have to drop the 2 fcs to afford it though.

Well against Nathan no lol. Nathan and I played Thursday against my 2bs 2ys and I won. Ive found for me at least that the Zs dont do enough damage to 3 evade ships and most people can get out of range of the autoblaster. Come top 8 though sozin was playing and I was watching so it had to have done some good along the way!

Wisconsin is still streaming. http://www.twitch.tv/boardgamebarrister

Hsu's top 8 game is live on stream now.

They posted this in the stream chat. Looks like 84 in attendance after DQs. http://knizia.boardgamebarrister.com/images/SWX-Regionals-Standings-20150627.html

Edit: 2 of the top 4 are camera shy. That might have been the last broadcast game. They're showing a game of X-wing vs Attack Wing while the top 4 play and then hopefully we get the see the final match :(

2nd Edit: X-wing beat Attack Wing. Final match will be streamed.

97 was our starting number after DQs for no shows.

I believe we only had 7 more drops during the day. Most players stuck it out.

Speaking of sticking it out: I lost the first two rounds. Then won the last 4 rounds 100-0 to grab 16th.

BoardGameBarrister deserves a lot of applause. They finished swiss 5 minutes ahead of schedule and had all of the right touches throughout the day. I mean, the day started off with parking lot attendants directing traffic with lightsabers! I'm a Twin Cities Xwing player and the FFG EC treats us wonderfully but they can take a few tips from BoardGameBarrister. I will be back next year.

Boise regional had 43 players. Soontir/ RAC won the regional. Despite a pretty well known top list winning it all, top 8 was pretty diverse. A Vrill, Biggs, and Jan Ors were all in top 8 lists. The tournament was pretty poorly run (in my opinion), and they had the players in a room with no air conditioning, and the TO would go play a game (marvel dice?) with another person from the store during rounds, wait until every game had turned in their results, THEN go put the numbers in the computer. It left a lot of dead time between rounds while we waited for him to get the numbers in, and it is not fun to sit in a hot stuffy room longer then necessary. There were also a couple of occasions where a player or two would find an issue about the scoring when the rankings were posted, and the TO would then go back to look at the numbers again, then come back again after another 10 minutes or so with adjusted rankings. He originally did not give the correct points for the super-byes from store championships, so that was caught early and I believe he changed it correctly.

Also, rounds were 65 minutes, although a buddy of mine was told they would do 75 minute rounds over the phone when signing up for the tournament (but, with the venue having no air conditioning, that was probably fine for most every one in the long run).

All in all, it was a good day of xwing and despite the heat, most every one was in a very good mood and enjoyed themselves from what I could see.

On the Valencia (Spain) regional, I've seen the results were already sent to MajorJuggler, but there is a nice little extra around there: three Top8 games recorded. Sadly, there's too much Corran-Dash on them :P

Edited by Kharnete

Boise regional had 43 players. Soontir/ RAC won the regional. Despite a pretty well known top list winning it all, top 8 was pretty diverse. A Vrill, Biggs, and Jan Ors were all in top 8 lists. The tournament was pretty poorly run (in my opinion), and they had the players in a room with no air conditioning, and the TO would go play a game (marvel dice?) with another person from the store during rounds, wait until every game had turned in their results, THEN go put the numbers in the computer. It left a lot of dead time between rounds while we waited for him to get the numbers in, and it is not fun to sit in a hot stuffy room longer then necessary. There were also a couple of occasions where a player or two would find an issue about the scoring when the rankings were posted, and the TO would then go back to look at the numbers again, then come back again after another 10 minutes or so with adjusted rankings. He originally did not give the correct points for the super-byes from store championships, so that was caught early and I believe he changed it correctly.

Also, rounds were 65 minutes, although a buddy of mine was told they would do 75 minute rounds over the phone when signing up for the tournament (but, with the venue having no air conditioning, that was probably fine for most every one in the long run).

All in all, it was a good day of xwing and despite the heat, most every one was in a very good mood and enjoyed themselves from what I could see.

I would email FFG about the poorly run tournament. A store that is not committed to running a quality event should not be hosting a regional.

Did the ABT pay off? I'd like the list better with title and ion on the Y. Have to drop the 2 fcs to afford it though.

ABT was great. The Y created a bubble with the ABT around him that was very annoying. The ABT took out 4 ships and doled out 10+ points of uncancellable damage across all the rounds.

My feeling on ICT + Title is that it is good if it is the primary (or only) source of stress; I had a good conversation with Hsu about this during the tournament. But when you have two Tactician Blues in the list, like I did, the need to have the double tap stress hit from the hog is minimized, and the ICT can be downgraded.

Edited by sozin

Boise regional had 43 players. Soontir/ RAC won the regional. Despite a pretty well known top list winning it all, top 8 was pretty diverse. A Vrill, Biggs, and Jan Ors were all in top 8 lists. The tournament was pretty poorly run (in my opinion), and they had the players in a room with no air conditioning, and the TO would go play a game (marvel dice?) with another person from the store during rounds, wait until every game had turned in their results, THEN go put the numbers in the computer. It left a lot of dead time between rounds while we waited for him to get the numbers in, and it is not fun to sit in a hot stuffy room longer then necessary. There were also a couple of occasions where a player or two would find an issue about the scoring when the rankings were posted, and the TO would then go back to look at the numbers again, then come back again after another 10 minutes or so with adjusted rankings. He originally did not give the correct points for the super-byes from store championships, so that was caught early and I believe he changed it correctly.

Also, rounds were 65 minutes, although a buddy of mine was told they would do 75 minute rounds over the phone when signing up for the tournament (but, with the venue having no air conditioning, that was probably fine for most every one in the long run).

All in all, it was a good day of xwing and despite the heat, most every one was in a very good mood and enjoyed themselves from what I could see.

I would email FFG about the poorly run tournament. A store that is not committed to running a quality event should not be hosting a regional.

Where would they play after that?

Hopefully Utah...

Did the ABT pay off? I'd like the list better with title and ion on the Y. Have to drop the 2 fcs to afford it though.

ABT was great. The Y created a bubble with the ABT around him that was very annoying. The ABT took out 4 ships and dolled out 10+ points of uncancellable damage across all the rounds.

My feeling on ICT + Title is that it is good if it is the primary (or only) source of stress; I had a good conversation with Hsu about this during the tournament. But when you have two Tactician Blues in the list, like I did, the need to have the double tap stress hit from the hog is minimized, and the ICT can be downgraded.

I definitely agree on not needing the double tap for stress, but ive found the range one to be the greater issue, I keep the turrets locked in for the damage output against bigger targets

Boise regional had 43 players. Soontir/ RAC won the regional. Despite a pretty well known top list winning it all, top 8 was pretty diverse. A Vrill, Biggs, and Jan Ors were all in top 8 lists. The tournament was pretty poorly run (in my opinion), and they had the players in a room with no air conditioning, and the TO would go play a game (marvel dice?) with another person from the store during rounds, wait until every game had turned in their results, THEN go put the numbers in the computer. It left a lot of dead time between rounds while we waited for him to get the numbers in, and it is not fun to sit in a hot stuffy room longer then necessary. There were also a couple of occasions where a player or two would find an issue about the scoring when the rankings were posted, and the TO would then go back to look at the numbers again, then come back again after another 10 minutes or so with adjusted rankings. He originally did not give the correct points for the super-byes from store championships, so that was caught early and I believe he changed it correctly.

Also, rounds were 65 minutes, although a buddy of mine was told they would do 75 minute rounds over the phone when signing up for the tournament (but, with the venue having no air conditioning, that was probably fine for most every one in the long run).

All in all, it was a good day of xwing and despite the heat, most every one was in a very good mood and enjoyed themselves from what I could see.

I was there as well. It was a great turnout, and pretty much everyone I talked to was really friendly. Definitely a good day of playing as far as the people were concerned.

However, I agree the venue was lacking. To add some further details, the game store was located in a strip mall type place. The tournament was held in a vacant store further down the mall, 4 or 5 stores away. Nobody could figure out how to turn the A/C on. There were also no bathrooms in the location, so you had to walk back to the game store each time. They had a couple mats, but mostly just had plywood for the boards, though they had taken time to paint them black and add some star flecks. Unfortunately, they had it set up for the maximum number of people (at least 60) with all of the boards side to side. When pairings were called, people found their partner and then tried to find a spot that had enough room to set up their tokens and templates. As a result, there was no "top table" or anything and it was difficult to gauge the relative rankings.

And as mentioned, it was really hot. It was over a hundred degrees outside, but dry, which meant it was actually more comfortable outside than the sweaty humid interior. Luckily they did go back to the game store for the top 8, which had plenty of space and was nicely air conditioned. The brought over water to sell, but quickly changed their mind and made it free.

All in all, it was a great set of games, but not a great venue. Especially considering what seemed to be a high entry fee.

Ugh, all those Wisconsin drops day of the regional make me a sad panda.

Jake Biggs and Corran just won Wisconsin.

Do you have a rough look at the rest of the top 8?
Okay this is heavily from memory at the end of a long day of playing followed by some celebrating (i took 13th and was the one who defeated star trek)

What I remember there was a brobots with predator and outmaneuver for epts, Richard tsu (sorry if I butchered spelling) ran his Biggs wedge btl y and z. There was a rebel control variant with 2bs using tactician and fcs, 2 Zs and a y with stressbot and autoblastwr turret I believe that was flown by sozin. Second place was the only guy to beat me that day with a loaded echo, soontir fel and royal guard tie. There was a double yt list and a decimator plus support. Cant remember the rest of the details

Yeah, there was 2x Whisper/RAC lists from the Twin Cities too. I know they run Gunner and Vader, I forget what else. They had the mirror match in top 8 and one knocked the other out.

Rekkon won Boise Regionals with RAC and Soontir. Soontir had Stealth with AT, PtL and RAC had Pred, Gunner, Isard, Engines and Rebel Captive.

The runner up was Super Dash (HLC, Outrider, Engines, Push, Kyle) and Vrill with HLC and Tactician. Rekkon beat it twice, once in swiss to make the cut (it was the top seed) and then again in the final game.

Top 4 was IGs with Stay on Target and HLCs not sure on upgrades and other was RAC (Vader) and Soontir (hull).

The pairing seemed to be randomly within the scoring so the best score didn't face the next top.

Edited by Danath

Rekkon won Boise Regionals with RAC and Soontir. Soontir had Stealth with AT, PtL and RAC had Pred, Gunner, Isard, Engines and Rebel Captive.

The runner up was Super Dash (HLC, Outrider, Engines, Push, Kyle) and Vrill with HLC and Tactician. Rekkon beat it twice, once in swiss to make the cut (it was the top seed) and then again in the final game.

Top 4 was IGs with Stay on Target and HLCs not sure on upgrades and other was RAC (Vader) and Soontir (hull).

The pairing seemed to be randomly within the scoring so the best score didn't face the next top.

IG B&D, both with Stay on Target, FCS, Autothrusters, Inertial Dampeners, HLC, and title. He was one of the guys I travelled up there with. He made Montana proud. I had to settle for top 16 with an IG + Boba list.

Ugh, all those Wisconsin drops day of the regional make me a sad panda.

Yeah i was thinkin of you brother. Wish you could have been there

Who won in Tacoma? I saw a post here about top 8 matchups, but nothing about who actually won or what that person was using.

Week 10: June 27-28

Adelaide, Australia

June 27, 2015

Infinity Games

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=514

32 Players

5 Rounds of Swiss and Top 4 Cut

All sorts of cool stuff you don't often see here:

  • E'tahn in top 2.
  • Kenkirk rather than Admiral or Oicunn.
  • Ten numb (with swarm tactics boosting the HLC blues!).
  • Xizor.
  • Sensor Jammer (!) on IG-88s.
  • And the return of 4x R4 Warthogs winning it all!

In SA we will fly anything! lots of people will take things just for fun