2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Any word from Tacoma?

When we left it was Dash/Corran vs. Oicunn/Patrol Leader+Vader and Han/WSF vs. Airen+Z swarm w/ missiles in the top 4, I believe.

Edited by PhantomFO

Yeah that "Headtrauma" list is pretty mean--especially in today's meta. I'm honestly surprised I haven't seen anyone else using anything like it. Ever.

How was it working?

Like mechanically how does it work? Or how has it served the player using it?

Like mechanically how does it work? Or how has it served the player using it?

Both, I suppose. Which pilots, which missiles, and what made them such an effective counter to the current meta?

im guessing he used Craken + 4x Tala Squadron all with concussion missiles? maybe a few assault missiles in the mix as well? am i close??

Edited by The_Brown_Bomber

im guessing he used Craken + 4x Tala Squadron all with concussion missiles? maybe a few assault missiles in the mix as well? am i close??

It's this:


Oddly, I completely tabled it in Swiss with Chirafel and took 3 total damage (+1 for voluntarily flying through a rock) on Chiraneau; my wife beat it in Swiss (on her way to her 5-0) but got matched up against it in elimination and lost.

It's legitimately terrifying to face -- make a mistake and you're eating Concussions all day.

It's so cool so see an ordnance swarm doing well!

The word is in, and the double decimators won it. I don't know the particular list but I guess Zs were getting one-shotted before they could use their missiles.

Anyway, to answer the question, the list is predicated on Cracken+Squad leader lending out actions to fire 2 focus/TLed concussions a turn, which is enough to drop fatties really quickly. It matches up very favorably in the 2 ship meta since they can usually kill one ship within a turn or 2 of combat.

Noooo the missile swarm :(


Edited by zathras23

Noooo the missile swarm :(

I know, maybe it's for the best though. We'd have to clamor for a nerf to ordinance if he won it ;P

Noooo the missile swarm :(

im guessing he used Craken + 4x Tala Squadron all with concussion missiles? maybe a few assault missiles in the mix as well? am i close??

It's this:


Oddly, I completely tabled it in Swiss with Chirafel and took 3 total damage (+1 for voluntarily flying through a rock) on Chiraneau; my wife beat it in Swiss (on her way to her 5-0) but got matched up against it in elimination and lost.

It's legitimately terrifying to face -- make a mistake and you're eating Concussions all day.

It's so cool so see an ordnance swarm doing well!

wow, thats rather unexpected, with all the predator lists ive seen, 2PS headhunters seem rather fragile. a single ion pulse missile for the pancakes. free target lock from crackens ability and another from squad leader gives 2 missiles with focus per turn. i suppose oncethe missiles are away, those headhunters block for the second wave of firing? meanwhile cracken slow rolls up and gives another 2 free TLs :)

The word is in, and the double decimators won it. I don't know the particular list

Oicun + Rebel Captive, Ysanne Isard, Predator

Patrol Leader + Gunner, Darth Vader

im guessing he used Craken + 4x Tala Squadron all with concussion missiles? maybe a few assault missiles in the mix as well? am i close??

It's this:


Oddly, I completely tabled it in Swiss with Chirafel and took 3 total damage (+1 for voluntarily flying through a rock) on Chiraneau; my wife beat it in Swiss (on her way to her 5-0) but got matched up against it in elimination and lost.

It's legitimately terrifying to face -- make a mistake and you're eating Concussions all day.

It's so cool so see an ordnance swarm doing well!

wow, thats rather unexpected, with all the predator lists ive seen, 2PS headhunters seem rather fragile. a single ion pulse missile for the pancakes. free target lock from crackens ability and another from squad leader gives 2 missiles with focus per turn. i suppose oncethe missiles are away, those headhunters block for the second wave of firing? meanwhile cracken slow rolls up and gives another 2 free TLs :)

Well, the thing is - it's a meta hunter, and that's all.

It's super strong vs two-ship builds, and as that's about 80% of what is out there, it does really well as long as it gets matched accordingly.

You put it against any 3-4 ship lists, or 'elite arc dodgers'...it gets torn to pieces, often completely tabled. So you really only need to win the first round of Swiss (when all the 3-4 ship lists and arc dodgers lose to the fat turrets), and then you are playing against your ideal match the rest of the day.

I am the pilot of Head Trauma. It was an intense tournament, where I went 8-3 versus a variety of different lists. Although I designed it to tackle 2 ship lists as well, I actually started flying this before the phantom nerf, and it was mainly a test to see if ordnance could work, as everyone was (and still is) complaining about how ordnance sucks. This list actually does well against EVERYTHING in the meta right now. I will do a quick synopsis of what I flew against, just to give some of you that doubt it an idea of what the list is capable of.

Round 1 - BBBBZ - Win

Round 2 - Keyan, Autoblaster Super Dash - Win

Round 3 - Fat Corran, 2 Autoblaster Ys, Z - Win

Round 4 - HLC RecSpec Dash NO OUTRIDER, Jake, FCS B - loss (This player went 5-0 in Swiss)

Round 5 - Chiraneau Soontir - HUGE LOSS!! (Final round of Swiss, I thought I wouldn't make it through)

Round 6 - Rematch round 4 - Win

Round 7 - Oicunn, 2x Saber PtL - Win

Round 8 - Fat Han (EU, 3PO, Pred, MF, Gunner), 3Z - Win

Round 9 - Fat Han (EU, 3PO, Lone Wolf, MF, Gunner), Outrider Mangler WSF - Win

Round 10 - Decivader gunner, Oicunn (Pred, Rebel Captive, Isard) - Loss

The loss in the final was a bummer. My opponent deployed directly across from me for a joust, and I honestly thought I had it in the bag before the first turn even started. I did 9 damage to the Decivader on the first round of combat (2nd turn), with 2 of my 4 concussion missiles. I TL'd Oicunn with the other 2 thinking that I would finish the Decivader next turn, or at latest the turn after. Unfortunately that was not the case, as my opponent had prioritized his targets very well, and had hot dice to boot. My green dice (after a day of AMAZING rolling) did fairly well, but not enough, and I think 3 of my ships got 1-shotted over the next couple of turns. I never managed to kill the Decivader (it had 1 hull remaining) and I think I only got 4 or 5 damage on Oicunn. A couple of dice rolls determined the game, and that is okay, because I had a great time!

Yes, the list smashes 2 ship lists. It also wrecks B's, as Z95's are an amazing ship to counter Bs with. It does fairly well against Brobots because of their low health and reliance on green dice, and the fact that Cracken can pass 2 TLs against anything PS8 or lower, depending on initiative.

I have practiced with this list extensively over the past 3 months, and I can say with confidence that, if flown well, it can beat any list out there. I didn't fly into a single rock on accident on the 2nd day (elimination rounds) and the list requires you to actually think about your maneuvers a few turns in advance in order to succeed, which is very satisfying.

I will do a comprehensive write-up when I have time, maybe tomorrow. Until then, if you have questions, ask away!

Edited by Gersun

im guessing he used Craken + 4x Tala Squadron all with concussion missiles? maybe a few assault missiles in the mix as well? am i close??

It's this:


Oddly, I completely tabled it in Swiss with Chirafel and took 3 total damage (+1 for voluntarily flying through a rock) on Chiraneau; my wife beat it in Swiss (on her way to her 5-0) but got matched up against it in elimination and lost.

It's legitimately terrifying to face -- make a mistake and you're eating Concussions all day.

It's so cool so see an ordnance swarm doing well!

How'd it make elimination losing two game with 100 players?

How'd it make elimination losing two game with 100 players?

There were two flights of 60ish each; top 16 made the cut to day 2, 32 player single elimination.

How'd it make elimination losing two game with 100 players?

There were two flights of 60ish each; top 16 made the cut to day 2, 32 player single elimination.

Ahh, makes sense. Thanks,

Just want to say... Hsu won the Mesa, AZ regionals with:

Wedge, R2-D2, Draw Their Fire, Shield Upgrade



Gold Squadron, BTL, R3-A2, Ion Cannon Turret

75 player field, went 8-1.

He's such a @#%^ing monster. An all around great player.

He's probably played more games of high level competition this regionals season than I have played games of X-wing ever. You could make a game out of "Six degrees of Richard Hsu", but it wouldn't be a game, because 90% of X-wing players have met him.

I was hoping he'd win one. He's a good guy.

Played my very first game of X-wing against him. Talk about being thrown straight into the fire.

How'd it make elimination losing two game with 100 players?

There were two flights of 60ish each; top 16 made the cut to day 2, 32 player single elimination.

5 rounds? It's interesting that the list never would have made the cut at 3-2 (or even close, really) if the tournament had been run as normal, but nice run in the elimination rounds.

Edited by AlexW

Not to toot my own horn too much, but I made top 8 in this same tournament with a Feedback Array Z-95 swarm and then dropped, letting the opponent I beat advance instead. It was really cool to see two Z-95 swarms in the top tables yesterday. Great job Greyson!

Just want to say... Hsu won the Mesa, AZ regionals with:

Wedge, R2-D2, Draw Their Fire, Shield Upgrade



Gold Squadron, BTL, R3-A2, Ion Cannon Turret

75 player field, went 8-1.

He's such a @#%^ing monster. An all around great player.

He's probably played more games of high level competition this regionals season than I have played games of X-wing ever. You could make a game out of "Six degrees of Richard Hsu", but it wouldn't be a game, because 90% of X-wing players have met him.

I was hoping he'd win one. He's a good guy.

Played my very first game of X-wing against him. Talk about being thrown straight into the fire.

Ditto. I managed to beat him, but only because I threw both Nien Numb and Recon Specialist onto my HWK.

I think I spent the next six months getting tabled by him on a regular basis.

Yes, the list smashes 2 ship lists. It also wrecks B's, as Z95's are an amazing ship to counter Bs with. It does fairly well against Brobots because of their low health and reliance on green dice, and the fact that Cracken can pass 2 TLs against anything PS8 or lower, depending on initiative.

It does well vs. Bro Bots? I didn't take my Tie Bomber list due to Bro Bots. I found their high green dice can evade the missiles if they roll well enough. Then again, you have 5 ships with missiles where I only had 4. That does make a difference. That and the extra Focus helps, too.

Yes, the list smashes 2 ship lists. It also wrecks B's, as Z95's are an amazing ship to counter Bs with. It does fairly well against Brobots because of their low health and reliance on green dice, and the fact that Cracken can pass 2 TLs against anything PS8 or lower, depending on initiative.

It does well vs. Bro Bots? I didn't take my Tie Bomber list due to Bro Bots. I found their high green dice can evade the missiles if they roll well enough. Then again, you have 5 ships with missiles where I only had 4. That does make a difference. That and the extra Focus helps, too.

Can confirm that there were quite a few brobots at this tourney so I imagine he did ok.