2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Holy cow. Flechette Cannon made a Top 4!

It's a great combo with 88B. Makes the opponent decide between letting a hit get through on the first shot and suffering the follow-up, possibly stressing shot. Or just makes it more likely for you to land a second stress on Soontir.

Nay good sir, no double stress.


Here are the finalists (Top 8) from the Regional at Dice Age Games in Vancouver, WA on Saturday, June 13th. 40 players total. I'll have the full results in List Juggler later in the week.

1st Place (7th after Swiss)
100 points
Rear Admiral Chiraneau [Predator, Ysanne Isard, Darth Vader, Gunner, Engine Upgrade] (65)
Soontir Fel [Royal Guard TIE, Push the Limit, Autothrusters, Stealth Device] (35)
2nd Place (5th after Swiss)
100 points
Boba Fett [Veteran Instincts, Proton Bombs, Tactician, Slave-1, Engine Upgrade] (51)
IG88-B [Veteran Instincts, Advanced Sensors, Heavy Laser Cannon, IG-2000, Autothrusters] (49)
Top 4 (1st after Swiss)
100 points
Wedge Antilles [R2-D2, Draw Their Fire, Shield Upgrade] (38)
Biggs Darklighter (25)
Bandit Squadron Pilot (12)
Gold Squadron Pilot [bTL-A4 Y-Wing, R3-A2, Ion Cannon Turret] (25)
Top 4 (6th after Swiss)
100 points
IG88-B [Determination, Fire-Control System, Heavy Laser Cannon, Flechette Cannon, Inertial Dampeners, IG-2000, Autothrusters] (51)
IG88-D [Determination, Fire-Control System, Heavy Laser Cannon, Inertial Dampeners, IG-2000, Autothrusters] (49)
Top 8 (2nd after Swiss)
100 points
Soontir Fel [Royal Guard TIE, Push the Limit, Autothrusters, Hull Upgrade] (35)
Rear Admiral Chiraneau [Push the Limit, Rebel Captive, Ysanne Isard, Gunner, Engine Upgrade] (65)
Top 8 (3rd after Swiss)
99 points
Captain Oicunn [Daredevil, Rebel Captive, Gunner, Dauntless, Engine Upgrade] (59)
Dark Curse (16)
Academy Pilot (12)
Academy Pilot (12)
Top 8 (4th after Swiss)
100 points
Soontir Fel [Royal Guard TIE, Push the Limit, Autothrusters, Stealth Device] (35)
Rear Admiral Chiraneau [Predator, Ysanne Isard, Gunner, Rebel Captive, Engine Upgrade] (65)
Top 8 (8th after Swiss)
100 points
Blue Squadron Pilot [Fire-Control System] (24) x 2
Blue Squadron Pilot [Flechette Cannon, B-Wing/E2, Tactician] (27)
Gold Squadron Pilot [bTL-A4 Y-Wing, R3-A2, Ion Cannon Turret] (25)

I wish they scheduled the 2 regionals a bit better here in the NW. Having them on back to back weekends I think really hurt the attendance of the Vancouver one. Only 40 players is pretty low. I think most are choosing to go to Tacoma. Attendance is around 80 I believe.

There's actually three NW regionals. The Vancouver one was effectively Portland, the Tacoma one for Seattle/Tacoma area players, and the third in Boise.

I think the Tacoma one was always going to be the biggest. Firstly, because it's actually at a board game convention. Second, the game has a large concentration of players thanks to all the engineering and tech industries in the area, so this regional is the most geographically convenient for those people.

Seriously? Daredevil on a Decimator?

Seriously? Daredevil on a Decimator?

If that Decimator is Oicunn, it's extra damage. Hard to go wrong.

Seriously? Daredevil on a Decimator?

Ain't nothing wrong with a lil' double-tap y'know.

Holy cow. Flechette Cannon made a Top 4!

Flechette cannon won the Northern Swedish Regional.

I think there may have been more it that :P

Flechette cannons are great , they're just not R3-A2 (god of all stress) and they don't stack like tactician which makes them unappetizing to stress-heavy builds

load them on a pair of generic defenders, though, and you'll give brobots fits (no they don't stack, but it's good to have the redundancy in case the dice crap out and you only really need one stress to remove a great deal of their maneuverability)

Edited by ficklegreendice

Seriously? Daredevil on a Decimator?

If that Decimator is Oicunn, it's extra damage. Hard to go wrong.

Seriously? Daredevil on a Decimator?

If that Decimator is Oicunn, it's extra damage. Hard to go wrong.

Edited by doji

I have been to 3 Regionals so far with a 4th one on the way. These are my opportunities to improve myself and play against players who are better than me (or, failing that, win).

Limiting players to just 1 premiere event will prevent that kind of improvement in the player base and ultimately result in a decline in overall player skill across the meta. Players will be forced to form smaller "teams" to improve competitively on a realistic level, as seen in other competitive game circuits. This will create a very large skill gap in the Nationals and Worlds scenes, where players who are able to regularly play competitively have a significant edge over those who are not able to, due to the exclusivity of these hypothetical teams and limitations in attending more than one Regional events.

That is just the ripple effect of limiting Regional play at this stage in the games lifespan.

You would think that until he trapped a decimator in the corner for the auto win.

Forgive me, but I don't understand what you mean.

Holy cow. Flechette Cannon made a Top 4!

It's a great combo with 88B. Makes the opponent decide between letting a hit get through on the first shot and suffering the follow-up, possibly stressing shot. Or just makes it more likely for you to land a second stress on Soontir.

Nay good sir, no double stress.


One stress comes from Soontir PtL'ing.

Holy cow. Flechette Cannon made a Top 4!

It's a great combo with 88B. Makes the opponent decide between letting a hit get through on the first shot and suffering the follow-up, possibly stressing shot. Or just makes it more likely for you to land a second stress on Soontir.

Nay good sir, no double stress.


One stress comes from Soontir PtL'ing.

And if you give him one you're just giving him a free focus. Unless you've blocked 100% of greens next turn you've actually buffed him.

Edited by TasteTheRainbow

@Ailowynn : either soontir is stressed before receiving the flechette and then does not receive a second (by the card text), or was stressed in the activation phase, did not remove the stress and thus did not push the limit for a stress. Either way no double stress.


Edited by Icareane

Holy cow. Flechette Cannon made a Top 4!

It's a great combo with 88B. Makes the opponent decide between letting a hit get through on the first shot and suffering the follow-up, possibly stressing shot. Or just makes it more likely for you to land a second stress on Soontir.

Nay good sir, no double stress.


One stress comes from Soontir PtL'ing.

Yeah, and it is the only one because Flechette Cannon only stresses an unstressed target. Read carefully.

The ships that are running Flechette also have Tactician, don't they?

The ships that are running Flechette also have Tactician, don't they?

Some do. The Flechette stress triggers before tactician does, so you can double stress with a Flechette and tactician.

Minor correction to the winning list in this tournament - it had Flechette Cannons not Mangler Cannons! (List Juggler entry is correct.) Also, they had a cool news clip about the event which I added. Thanks to Rolf for messaging me on facebook with these updates. :)

Östersund, Sweeden

June 13, 2015


Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/357985571061676/

Attendance: 26

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=492

News clip about the event: http://www.svtplay.se/klipp/3028462/masterskap-i-bradspel

  • Winner: 3x Blue + Flechette Cannon + E2-mod + Tactician; Green + Lone Wolf + Refit
  • 2nd place: Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Hull Upgrade + Royal Guard TIE; Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Rebel Captive + Ysanne Isard + Gunner
  • Top 4: IG-88B + IG-2000 + Mangler Cannon + Lone Wolf + Advanced Sensors + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters; IG-88C + IG-2000 + Heavy Laser Cannon + Predator + Advanced Sensors + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters
  • Top 4: 4x Blue Squadron Pilot + Accuracy Corrector
  • Top 8: Blue Squadron Pilot + Ion Cannon + Fire-Control System; 3x Blue Squadron Pilot + Fire-Control System
  • Top 8: Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Proximity Mines + Ion Pulse Missiles; 3x Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Proximity Mines; Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Ion Pulse Missiles
  • Top 8: IG-88B&C + Heavy Laser Cannon + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Fire-Control System + IG-2000
  • Top 8: Kavil + Blaster Turret + R4 Agromech; Kath Scarlet + Daredevil + Engine Upgrade + K4 Security Droid; NDru Suhlak + Lone Wolf + Stealth Device
Edited by MajorJuggler

Royal Guard Pilot + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device

Carnor Jax + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device

Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device

Seeing this warms my icy Imperial heart.

I'd run a similar list at the NW Regionals, and it did fairly well (3 wins, 2 losses in swiss), with the following changes:

- Instead of the RG+PtL, went with Turr+VI, so had PS8, PS9, PS9 on the table

- Hull upgrade instead of Stealth on all ships - reasoning being that I knew a bunch of Gunners would be out there, and 'letting a hit through' to prevent gunner triggering is super annoying on Stealth, as it kills the device. Also: I suck with green dice, so the hull upgrade is just more reliable.

It did, as it always does, well with the lists it should outperform, but when the dice crap out, it still dies. One opponent took a range-2 shot from an A-Wing at an undamaged, Focused, Carnor. Only a single A-Wing...he'd spread out his forces so that there was no concentration of fire, but also no ability to get outside of EVERYONE'S fire arc, so I'd dodged my way out of the more dangerous ship arcs. Or so I thought! He rolled his two dice...both crits. Ooookay, fine, I roll my three evades...all blanks. WTF? Fine, draw two crits (remember I have a hull upgrade)...Direct Hit...Direct Hit. ?!?! 1/3 of my list gone in a single luck shot.

Calgary regionals starting now. 31 in attendance, 4 super byes. Good luck everyone!

I don't have the TO contact info for Calgary so feel free to let them know we are looking forward to results in ListJuggler!

Poland, Bielsko-Biała, only 19 players, so top4:

Panic attack 3xB and Y (the winner)

2x IG

Chiraneau + Fel

Oicunn + 2x Saber

Unfortunately Imperial players couldn't play longer, so it was the final match only.

Should be uploaded to Jaggler soon.

The winner of the Calgary Regional was playing Brobots against IG-88B plus 2 Ys. The match ended with both IG-88Bs blowing each other up simultaneously and the dual IG player won due to having initiative.

(I told the TO to upload to List Juggler)

The winner of the Calgary Regional was playing Brobots against IG-88B plus 2 Ys. The match ended with both IG-88Bs blowing each other up simultaneously and the dual IG player won due to having initiative.

(I told the TO to upload to List Juggler)

id be interested to see that IG-88+YY list ;)

The Calgary regionals was so much fun! I squeaked into the top eight on a crazy circumstance.

My opponent forgot to declare a guess for C3P0. Had he guessed, chewy would have survived the last turn, and he would have placed 8th. Instead, I snuck into 8th. That was a tremendous moment of sportsmanship! As soon as he rolled, he said, wow, i didn't guess. I don't recall your name, but you were awesome to play against!

In the top 8 game, it came down to my 2 hull echo vs. FULL HEALTH chewy. I stuck at range 3 for a while, using the rocks, and whittled chewy down to 6 hull. Then, the final turn:

My only option was to get in range one (previous round was a bump). I land 5 hits (focus and TL), he gets 0 evade. Chewy is down to 1!!!, and I'm at 1 hull as well. He still shoots, and lands 3 hits. I need 3 evade/focus, but only get 2. It was sooooooooooo close!

Crazy day of games, and I had a blast!

BTW, Echo is still a thing.