2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

BBBBZ won the 2nd Italian regional yesterday.

I'll provide top8 builds as soon as possible, but tons of fat turrets there in the top 8 (a SuperDash + Jake + A, 2 different Cheebos, Deci+Soontir, Fat Han, FarlHan, Scum Boba + 2Y)

Thanks! Were you the TO? I missed this one, so I didn't email the store. If you have direct TO contact info that would be helpful. Did they use Cryodex?

Also, how many people were there?

I was not the OT, but you can mail here:

[email protected]

It was 39 people, i don't know about Cryodex ;)

Edited by LouisCypher

I can't provide the rest of the lists but this is my Boba, B list from Fargo ND.

IG88-B (49)

Aggressor (36), Predator (3), Advanced Sensors (3), “Mangler” Cannon (4), IG-2000 (0), Autothrusters (2), Inertial Dampeners (1)

Boba Fett (50)

Firespray-31 (39), Veteran Instincts (1), Gunner (5), Inertial Dampeners (1), Engine Upgrade (4)

Congratulations Evan!

Two of the Top 8 lists in Fargo were the same. I was the number 3 seed after swiss and the other was the number 1. We both lost our first elimination round.

RAC(59)-VI, Vader, Gunner, EU

Whisper(39)-VI, FCS, ACD

Brad M was the number 1 seed and her lost to the 8 seed, Ryan H who was flying,

Patrol Leader(48)-Vader Gunner

Obsidian Squad(13)x4

So, wait, THREE of the same squads in Top 8 were identical?

Clearly Sable Gryphon needs to be nerfed! :P

Great, my list went mainstream. I liked it before it was cool!

I give these guys props for putting a unique spin on it. Replacing the Proton Bomb with Inertial Dampeners and a 1-point initiative bid is a fun twist.

Great, my list went mainstream. I liked it before it was cool!

I brought it to the Swiss Regionals, and was surprised to see it a second time there (with Autoblaster instead of PB). And even the mirror match happened...

Great, my list went mainstream. I liked it before it was cool!

X Wing: Hipster Expansion. :P

I've got this great new Expansion. You've probably never heard of it.

Great, my list went mainstream. I liked it before it was cool!

I brought it to the Swiss Regionals, and was surprised to see it a second time there (with Autoblaster instead of PB). And even the mirror match happened...

BBBBZ won the 2nd Italian regional yesterday.

I'll provide top8 builds as soon as possible, but tons of fat turrets there in the top 8 (a SuperDash + Jake + A, 2 different Cheebos, Deci+Soontir, Fat Han, FarlHan, Scum Boba + 2Y)

Thanks! Were you the TO? I missed this one, so I didn't email the store. If you have direct TO contact info that would be helpful. Did they use Cryodex?

Also, how many people were there?

I can't provide the rest of the lists but this is my Boba, B list from Fargo ND.

IG88-B (49)

Aggressor (36), Predator (3), Advanced Sensors (3), “Mangler” Cannon (4), IG-2000 (0), Autothrusters (2), Inertial Dampeners (1)

Boba Fett (50)

Firespray-31 (39), Veteran Instincts (1), Gunner (5), Inertial Dampeners (1), Engine Upgrade (4)

Congratulations Evan!

Two of the Top 8 lists in Fargo were the same. I was the number 3 seed after swiss and the other was the number 1. We both lost our first elimination round.

RAC(59)-VI, Vader, Gunner, EU

Whisper(39)-VI, FCS, ACD

Brad M was the number 1 seed and her lost to the 8 seed, Ryan H who was flying,

Patrol Leader(48)-Vader Gunner

Obsidian Squad(13)x4

So, wait, THREE of the same squads in Top 8 were identical?

Clearly Sable Gryphon needs to be nerfed! :P

No. There was only one Boba-B list. Sorry Sable. Myself and my buddy were flying. RAC/Whisper.

Ohhhh.... okay, got it. Hopefully we get the full results soon anyway.

Well, Sable Gryphon still needs to be nerfed anyway. :D

Swiss Regional 2015-06-13

23 Players

60 Minute rounds

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=494


Jake Farrell + Proton Rockets + Veteran Instincts + Autothrusters + Push the Limit

Han Solo + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + C-3PO + Luke Skywalker

Woohoo! I've been testing out a Jake/Chewie build as of late. Great to see something like that do so well!

Ohhhh.... okay, got it. Hopefully we get the full results soon anyway.

Well, Sable Gryphon still needs to be nerfed anyway. :D

I really have to agree with this statement. And now they're giving him more access to bombs...

Royal Guard Pilot + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device

Carnor Jax + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device

Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device

Seeing this warms my icy Imperial heart.

In other regional news, I just heard that the Wisconsin regional next weekend sold out....at 104 players.

Royal Guard Pilot + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device

Carnor Jax + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device

Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device

Seeing this warms my icy Imperial heart.

they're back, baby!

  • Winner: Oicunn + Predator + RebCap + Isaard + Gunner; Patrol Leader + Vader
  • 2nd place: Chewie + Predator + MF + C-3PO + R2-D2; Leebo + Lone Wolf + Mangler + RecSpec + Stealth
  • Top 4: Chewie + PtL + MF Title + JanOrs + RecSpec; 2x Blue + FCS
  • Top 4: Kenkirk + Predator + RebCap + Isaard+MercCopilot; Boba Fett+LoneWolf+RecSpec


Winner: Fel + PtL + Autothrusters + Hull; Chiraneau + Predator + Isard + RebCap + Gunner + Engine


Winner (Lando): Chewie + Predator + C-3PO + Luke + MF; Vrill + HLC + RecSpec + Anti-Pursuit Lasers


Winner: Dash+Predator+Chewie+HLC+Outrider; 3x Proto+Chaardan


Winner: Soontir Fel + PtL + Autothrusters + Stealth Device; Oicunn + Predator + Vader + Rebel Captive + Gunner + Dauntless + Proximity Mines EU


  • Winner: Soontir Fel + PtL + Autothrusters + Stealth Device; Oicunn + Predator + Vader + Rebel Captive + Gunner + Dauntless + Proximity Mines EU
  • 2nd place: Dash Rendar + Outrider + HLC + PtL + Kyle + EU; Corran Horn + VI + FCS + R2-D2
  • Top 4: Chewbacca + lone wolf + gunner + c3po + MF; Corran Horn + PtL + EU + FCS + droid (not R2-D2)
  • Top 8: Han Solo + Predator + Luke + C3PO + EU + MF; 2x Tala + homing missiles


  • Winner: Dash + HLC + Outrider + Predator + Recon Spec; Chewie + Predator + MF
  • Top 4: Chewbacca + Predator + Gunner + C-3P0 + MF; Jake + PtL + VI + Proton Rockets; Prototype + Refit
  • Top 4: ( upgrades unknown? ) Chewbacca + Predator + C-3P0 + Jan Ors + MF; Leebo + Mangler + Outrider + Predator + Recon Spec
  • Top 8: Chewbacca + Predator + C-3P0 + Jan Ors + MF; Leebo + Mangler + Outrider + Predator + Recon Spec


  • Winner: Chewbacca + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + Luke Skywalker + C-3PO; 3x Tala Squadron Pilot
  • 2nd place: Chewbacca + Predator + Jan Ors + Recon Specialist; 2x Gold Squadron Pilot + Ion Cannon Turret + R2 Astromech


  • Winner: Han + Predator + Gunner + C-3P0 + MF + EU; 3x Bandits
  • 2nd place: Dash Rendar + HLC + Outrider + PtL + Kyle + EU; Corran Horn + R2-D2 + FCS + VI( ? )



Yeah, even if complaining relentlessly about turretwing doesn't actually fix anything, at least they'll feel bad about it.

I can't provide the rest of the lists but this is my Boba, B list from Fargo ND.

IG88-B (49)

Aggressor (36), Predator (3), Advanced Sensors (3), “Mangler” Cannon (4), IG-2000 (0), Autothrusters (2), Inertial Dampeners (1)

Boba Fett (50)

Firespray-31 (39), Veteran Instincts (1), Gunner (5), Inertial Dampeners (1), Engine Upgrade (4)

Congratulations Evan!

Two of the Top 8 lists in Fargo were the same. I was the number 3 seed after swiss and the other was the number 1. We both lost our first elimination round.

RAC(59)-VI, Vader, Gunner, EU

Whisper(39)-VI, FCS, ACD

Brad M was the number 1 seed and her lost to the 8 seed, Ryan H who was flying,

Patrol Leader(48)-Vader Gunner

Obsidian Squad(13)x4

So, wait, THREE of the same squads in Top 8 were identical?

Clearly Sable Gryphon needs to be nerfed! :P

Great, my list went mainstream. I liked it before it was cool!

I ran this back in March Sable, sorry. Just didn't get out to a regional till the last two weekends. Still glad to see more Fetts taking home the title though.

Edited by LegionThree

Great, my list went mainstream. I liked it before it was cool!

I ran this back in March Sable, sorry. Just didn't get out to a regional till the last two weekends. Still glad to see more Fetts taking home the title though.

So did I. I won my store championships with it. My recap: http://teamcovenant.com/sablegryphon/2015/03/15/madness-store-championship-recap/ :)

:mellow: Well call it a draw lol, you keep your proton bomb and Ill keep my gunner. :P

Here are the finalists (Top 8) from the Regional at Dice Age Games in Vancouver, WA on Saturday, June 13th. 40 players total. I'll have the full results in List Juggler later in the week.

1st Place (7th after Swiss)
100 points
Rear Admiral Chiraneau [Predator, Ysanne Isard, Darth Vader, Gunner, Engine Upgrade] (65)
Soontir Fel [Royal Guard TIE, Push the Limit, Autothrusters, Stealth Device] (35)
2nd Place (5th after Swiss)
100 points
Boba Fett [Veteran Instincts, Proton Bombs, Tactician, Slave-1, Engine Upgrade] (51)
IG88-B [Veteran Instincts, Advanced Sensors, Heavy Laser Cannon, IG-2000, Autothrusters] (49)
Top 4 (1st after Swiss)
100 points
Wedge Antilles [R2-D2, Draw Their Fire, Shield Upgrade] (38)
Biggs Darklighter (25)
Bandit Squadron Pilot (12)
Gold Squadron Pilot [bTL-A4 Y-Wing, R3-A2, Ion Cannon Turret] (25)
Top 4 (6th after Swiss)
100 points
IG88-B [Determination, Fire-Control System, Heavy Laser Cannon, Flechette Cannon, Inertial Dampeners, IG-2000, Autothrusters] (51)
IG88-D [Determination, Fire-Control System, Heavy Laser Cannon, Inertial Dampeners, IG-2000, Autothrusters] (49)
Top 8 (2nd after Swiss)
100 points
Soontir Fel [Royal Guard TIE, Push the Limit, Autothrusters, Hull Upgrade] (35)
Rear Admiral Chiraneau [Push the Limit, Rebel Captive, Ysanne Isard, Gunner, Engine Upgrade] (65)
Top 8 (3rd after Swiss)
99 points
Captain Oicunn [Daredevil, Rebel Captive, Gunner, Dauntless, Engine Upgrade] (59)
Dark Curse (16)
Academy Pilot (12)
Academy Pilot (12)
Top 8 (4th after Swiss)
100 points
Soontir Fel [Royal Guard TIE, Push the Limit, Autothrusters, Stealth Device] (35)
Rear Admiral Chiraneau [Predator, Ysanne Isard, Gunner, Rebel Captive, Engine Upgrade] (65)
Top 8 (8th after Swiss)
100 points
Blue Squadron Pilot [Fire-Control System] (24) x 2
Blue Squadron Pilot [Flechette Cannon, B-Wing/E2, Tactician] (27)
Gold Squadron Pilot [bTL-A4 Y-Wing, R3-A2, Ion Cannon Turret] (25)
Edited by Emrico

Decimator +3 TIEs?


1st after Swiss was an XXYZ list.

Oh my. Also, Rush is now playing in my head!


Also ideas a slam deci daredevil plus eu

So as I'm likely to miss my second regional in a row this year (haven't been to one yet), I have a wish list for future regionals that many might not agree with, but it's my two cents.

1) Add more regionals - the fact that many have had a ton of people, and at least one over 100 (mine) means they need more.

2) Limit people to one regional - I know many people won't like this, but that's part of the problem that some have gotten so big, is that people are going to multiple regionals. With so few to begin with, it doesn't help if they get even more crowded from people attending multiple. It would be hard to enforce would be the biggest issue.

3) Have a set cap for regionals - Having over 100 people at a regional is crazy, and makes it super hard to win, let alone make top 8. Maybe a cap of 64? That wouldn't effect that many regionals I think, especially if the above two ideas were done.

4) Have them in a different time of year - This is extremely unlikely to change, but unfortunately for me, may and june are by far my two busiest months of the year. Besides mother's day, memorial day, and father's day, and often a graduation and/or wedding, I also have my birthday, my wedding anniversary, and 4 other immediate family birthdays during those two months. It's reason why I've had to miss regionals both years.

Holy cow. Flechette Cannon made a Top 4!

So as I'm likely to miss my second regional in a row this year (haven't been to one yet), I have a wish list for future regionals that many might not agree with, but it's my two cents.

1) Add more regionals - the fact that many have had a ton of people, and at least one over 100 (mine) means they need more.

2) Limit people to one regional - I know many people won't like this, but that's part of the problem that some have gotten so big, is that people are going to multiple regionals. With so few to begin with, it doesn't help if they get even more crowded from people attending multiple. It would be hard to enforce would be the biggest issue.

3) Have a set cap for regionals - Having over 100 people at a regional is crazy, and makes it super hard to win, let alone make top 8. Maybe a cap of 64? That wouldn't effect that many regionals I think, especially if the above two ideas were done.

4) Have them in a different time of year - This is extremely unlikely to change, but unfortunately for me, may and june are by far my two busiest months of the year. Besides mother's day, memorial day, and father's day, and often a graduation and/or wedding, I also have my birthday, my wedding anniversary, and 4 other immediate family birthdays during those two months. It's reason why I've had to miss regionals both years.

I see what you're getting at, but...I strongly disagree with your third point, and I don't particularly like 2 and 4. Setting a cap on the number of players will make it HARDER to get into a Regional tournament, which goes against the point you're trying to make. Plus, it SHOULD be hard to make the cut -- this is competitive play! This is a big deal (for us)! I could definitely see making the cut Top 16 instead of Top 8, but not limiting the number of players -- at that point, you're just excluding people. I don't like limiting folks to one regional for the same reason, and also because it won't have a very big positive effect (you're not cutting a lot of people out) and would be INCREDIBLY frustrating to implement (can you imagine cross-checking 100 [or even 64] people against the names of previous Regionals particpants?). As for a different time of year . . . meh, I get ya. It varies from person to person. I love having Regionals during summer, since it means I'm off school ;P

That said, I definitely agree with that first bit -- I'd really like to see more Regionals next year, given how much tournament participation has shot up recently.

Holy cow. Flechette Cannon made a Top 4!

It's a great combo with 88B. Makes the opponent decide between letting a hit get through on the first shot and suffering the follow-up, possibly stressing shot. Or just makes it more likely for you to land a second stress on Soontir.

Edit: Hey, I recognize that last squad! ^_^ :P

Edited by Ailowynn

Holy cow. Flechette Cannon made a Top 4!

Flechette cannon won the Northern Swedish Regional.