2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

NSW Regional

Sydney, Australia

13 June, 2015

Good Games Town Hall

Attendance: 40

List Juggler: TBC


63 Oicunn, Pred, Gunner, Isard, Vader, Engine, Title

36 Soontir, PTL, Title, Autos, Shield


2nd Place:

54 Dash, PTL, HLC, Kyle, Title

46 Corran, VI, FCS, R2-D2, Engine


3rd (lost to winner):

Boba, VI, Autoblaster, Engine, Dampeners

Pirate x 4

4th (lost to 2nd):


5th (lost to 4th):

Dash, Pred, HLC, Recce Spec

Corran, VI, FCS, R2-D2, Engine

6th (lost to 2nd):

Xizor, VI, FCS, Auto, Dampeners

Pirates x 5

7th (lost to winner):

Corran, PTL, Sensor Jammer, R2-D2

WSF, Mangler, Intel Agent, APL, Title


8th (lost to 3rd):

Whisper, VI, FCS, ACD

Soontir, PTL, Title, Auto, Stealth



I like this top 8 as well.

He's kind of the obvious answer to turrets and once-per-turn defensive abilities. I don't understand why it didn't happen sooner.

He can also get pretty fat and be hard to take down. R2-D2 pairs best with 3AGI.

Did you win again Morgan? :D

This time with Oicunn though?

Twitch Feed for Fargo Regional:


I was lucky enough to have the pleasure of creating unholy Oicunn/Gunner/Vader terror on any over eager Corrans for the day MJ! Good fun and thanks for the twitch link!

I'm noticing that as the season progresses, we are seeing almost as many Corran Horn in the top 8 as we are fat turrets of all types.

Good pickup Aaron and I would say Corran is the most popular ship/pilot in our Region's meta (and has been for awhile). 5/8 of my games yesterday were against him in various forms. He popped up here around the start of wave 5 and all but got rid of Han Solo from tournaments in our state then stayed around and became even more popular to give the remaining super ships nightmares.

I'm not surprised he's been having stronger Top 8 showings recently, in fact, I'm just surprised he hasn't been there consistently from the start!

He's kind of the obvious answer to turrets and once-per-turn defensive abilities. I don't understand why it didn't happen sooner.

I thought he was around quite often last wave (making his debut with Dash and then branching out into the yt-1300)

we've only recently started seeing him with other small ships though, which is probably your fault :P

Super-positioning 4 attack die ships used to do him wrong. Now, with fewer Phantoms to contend with (and those without a portion of their ability to outmaneuver him) he is able to run a little more freely.

Just my guess as to why we are seeing him so much more nowadays.

Less phantoms is also good for his Dash escort.

He's kind of the obvious answer to turrets and once-per-turn defensive abilities. I don't understand why it didn't happen sooner.

It's funny because nothing really has changed to make him more favorable. When the E-wing first came out there was a lot of negative publicity around the ship and became overshadowed by the Phantom. The funny thing was, that Mr. Horn with VI was (and still is) a very hard counter to the Phantom, but he still wasn't popular. It wasn't until wave 5 when he started to gain some traction.

Another interesting case study is the now popular BBBBZ list. That list was possible all the way back to wave 4, but wasn't popular until about Wave 6. Nothing in that time frame really made it more or less favorable. The phantom nerf made it more favorable, yet it became popular before then.

I think people choose lists due to popularity and forum chatter almost as much as how effective those lists are.

Winners yesterday in Fargo and Raleigh were Boba/IG and 4 B's with accuracy corrector.

He's kind of the obvious answer to turrets and once-per-turn defensive abilities. I don't understand why it didn't happen sooner.

It's funny because nothing really has changed to make him more favorable. When the E-wing first came out there was a lot of negative publicity around the ship and became overshadowed by the Phantom. The funny thing was, that Mr. Horn with VI was (and still is) a very hard counter to the Phantom, but he still wasn't popular. It wasn't until wave 5 when he started to gain some traction.

Another interesting case study is the now popular BBBBZ list. That list was possible all the way back to wave 4, but wasn't popular until about Wave 6. Nothing in that time frame really made it more or less favorable. The phantom nerf made it more favorable, yet it became popular before then.

I think people choose lists due to popularity and forum chatter almost as much as how effective those lists are.

Sure people play lists for reasons of popularity, but that's an oversimplification that ignores some differences in the meta between Wave 4 and now, including some very large changes. I think there are reasons both of those lists are more effective now and more popular because of that. There are, imo, clearly far more favorable conditions for both of them, especially BBBBZ.

The first of those changes is that since Wave 5 the TIE Swarm has been on the endangered species list and it is an extreme deterrent to both VI Horn and BBBBZ. VI Horn really doesn't like a lot of ships on the board since, even though his double tapping can take out one a turn, he is still vulnerable to blocking and is one of the most predictable "Ace" type ships seeing play. BBBBZ gets absolutely shredded by an Obsidian swarm led by Howl.

Re: The Phantom: I also disagree that a VI Horn is a "hard" counter to a phantom (then or now). He's 46 points with one action (EU, R2D2, VI, EU), two more points than a Gunner, VI, ACD, FCS Whisper. He still has to guess where the phantom is going, and even though he can adjust it means he would have no other action (no modified defense). He can double tap with FCS, but he's very likely going to be doing so against a cloaked Whisper. I'm not saying he's not good against a phantom, but I wouldn't put him in the "very hard counter" category. Regarding phantoms and BBBBZ pre-nerf, do I really need to go into detail about this one? ;)

I also think both BBBBZ and Horn benefit from the current meta quite a bit. BBBBZ is hard for two ships to chew through and the phantom nerf means it can more likely put guns on a phantom than before. I think VI Horn especially likes facing very few guns in this meta since it means his attack is generally more effective and he's often just facing two guns (great for escaping and for being able to recharge). Seeing less of whisper isn't bad for him either since it's one less gun that can eat through his shields.

I think there are very clear competitive reasons you didn't see BBBBZ at all when it first became an option and that's true, maybe to a lesser extent but still true, of seeing more of Horn as well (and he was played more). I don't think it's nearly as much about popularity as effectiveness in the current meta, especially at top tables.

Edited by AlexW

Whoah 2 non turret winners this weekend at 2 different regionals? We better nerf turrets!

Arnhem / Netherlands Regionals have reportedly been won by a Howlrunner TIE swarm, piloted by the same player who won the The Hague Regionals (flying RAC/Fel there). Runner-up was also the same player as in the Hague, once again with BroBots. Cryodex was not used, I'm trying to get at least the final standings and lists from the TO, hopefully round-by-round results are available, too.

I was at Raleigh and had my dreams crushed. I played Xizor + 5 Z-95's. I played 2 near identical bro bot lists for the first two rounds and won. I played a Dash + 2 Y-wings and won. My 4th game was vs. Phantom + Decimator. I made the wrong dial choice in Turn 3 and it was game over. Makes me remember why I hate Phantoms. I still had a chance if I could pull off my last game vs. Decimator + 3 Tie Fighters. My dice just left me. I couldn't hit anything. My opponent even said he almost felt bad for me...almost. I lost that with only killing 2 Tie Fighters and ended up with the worst MoV for 3-2. I was at 33 out of 64.

I was at Raleigh and had my dreams crushed. I played Xizor + 5 Z-95's. I played 2 near identical bro bot lists for the first two rounds and won. I played a Dash + 2 Y-wings and won. My 4th game was vs. Phantom + Decimator. I made the wrong dial choice in Turn 3 and it was game over. Makes me remember why I hate Phantoms. I still had a chance if I could pull off my last game vs. Decimator + 3 Tie Fighters. My dice just left me. I couldn't hit anything. My opponent even said he almost felt bad for me...almost. I lost that with only killing 2 Tie Fighters and ended up with the worst MoV for 3-2. I was at 33 out of 64.

So your Chadwick! I should have asked you for your handle. I was your first round match.

He beat me 49-24...time expired, he rolled three hits on a range three shot, I rolled three focus and a blank, with one evade token, one went through and he killed an Iggy. I ended up 10th, 4-1 with a low MOV. It was a little crazy that 4th-8th place MOV was separated by 5 points.

It was great to meet you, we had a great game!

Whoah 2 non turret winners this weekend at 2 different regionals? We better nerf turrets!

Yeah that brings non turrets up to what 12% of the tournaments? Clearly turrets are fine.

I was at Raleigh and had my dreams crushed. I played Xizor + 5 Z-95's. I played 2 near identical bro bot lists for the first two rounds and won. I played a Dash + 2 Y-wings and won. My 4th game was vs. Phantom + Decimator. I made the wrong dial choice in Turn 3 and it was game over. Makes me remember why I hate Phantoms. I still had a chance if I could pull off my last game vs. Decimator + 3 Tie Fighters. My dice just left me. I couldn't hit anything. My opponent even said he almost felt bad for me...almost. I lost that with only killing 2 Tie Fighters and ended up with the worst MoV for 3-2. I was at 33 out of 64.

So your Chadwick! I should have asked you for your handle. I was your first round match.

He beat me 49-24...time expired, he rolled three hits on a range three shot, I rolled three focus and a blank, with one evade token, one went through and he killed an Iggy. I ended up 10th, 4-1 with a low MOV. It was a little crazy that 4th-8th place MOV was separated by 5 points.

It was great to meet you, we had a great game!

Hey! It was a great game. I think it was my favorite for the day. I was really lucky on that shot. Everyone watching thought I was crazy to change targets, but I recalled your last one only had 1 hull point and you bumped with no actions. So, I just hoped my luck was with me. Turns out it was! Very fun game. Sorry that lose caused your MoV issues. You did better than me for the day!

Whoah 2 non turret winners this weekend at 2 different regionals? We better nerf turrets!

Yeah that brings non turrets up to what 12% of the tournaments? Clearly turrets are fine.

We're still waiting on results from the Regional Tournament in Vancouver, WA yesterday. There were Chiraneaus + arc dodgers everywhere (I was no exception, flying Echo alongside my predator Chiraneau), and my sources tell me that one of my opponents won the tournament with a Chirpy/Fel list.

However, an X-heavy list did do very well (getting 2nd place) against a lot of the more meta lists.

In the meantime, HNN reports on my microcosm of the event:

Skirmishes Rage in Arkanis Sector: Outcome Undetermined

3Bs (Flechette Cannon and Tacticians) + Green squadron A-Wing (Lone Wolf and refit) just won the Northern Sweden Regional. Defeating RAC/Fel in the final.

Edited by Veldrin

We're still waiting on results from the Regional Tournament in Vancouver, WA yesterday. There were Chiraneaus + arc dodgers everywhere (I was no exception, flying Echo alongside my predator Chiraneau), and my sources tell me that one of my opponents won the tournament with a Chirpy/Fel list.

However, an X-heavy list did do very well (getting 2nd place) against a lot of the more meta lists.

In the meantime, HNN reports on my microcosm of the event:

Skirmishes Rage in Arkanis Sector: Outcome Undetermined

I'll probably do a write-up later once my brain has reformed from the puddle of ooze it melted into after that event.

Edited by PhantomFO

Arnhem / Netherlands Regionals have reportedly been won by a Howlrunner TIE swarm, piloted by the same player who won the The Hague Regionals (flying RAC/Fel there). Runner-up was also the same player as in the Hague, once again with BroBots. Cryodex was not used, I'm trying to get at least the final standings and lists from the TO, hopefully round-by-round results are available, too.


-Howlrunner + hull upgrade + determination

-6x Obsidian Squadron Pilot.


-IG-B Predator, Mangler, AS, Title, Autothrusters

-IG-C Predator, HLC, AS, Title, Autothrusters, Inertial Dampeners

Top 4:

-Soontir PTL, Autothrusters, Hull

-Carnor Jax PTL, Autothrusters, Hull

-Captain Yorr Rebel Captive, Tactician, FCS

-Soontir PtL Autothrusters

- Howlrunner Swarm Tactics

-4x Academy

Edited by TobyW

So the same player who won with RAC/Fel also won with Tie swarm. Interesting results!

Northern Sweden Regional

Players: 26

75 minutes per round

List Juggler Link: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=492


Blue Squadron Pilot + Flechette Cannon + Tactician + bwing/E2

Blue Squadron Pilot + Flechette Cannon + Tactician + bwing/E2

Blue Squadron Pilot + Flechette Cannon + Tactician + bwing/E2

Green Squadron Pilot + Lone Wolf + Chardaan Refit


Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Hull Upgrade + Royal Guard TIE

Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Rebel Captive + Ysanne Isard + Gunner

Third place:

IG-88B + IG-2000 + Mangler Cannon + Lone Wolf + Advanced Sensors + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters

IG-88C + IG-2000 + Heavy Laser Cannon + Predator + Advanced Sensors + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters

Fourth place:

Blue Squadron Pilot + Accuracy Corrector

Blue Squadron Pilot + Accuracy Corrector

Blue Squadron Pilot + Accuracy Corrector

Blue Squadron Pilot + Accuracy Corrector


Blue Squadron Pilot + Ion Cannon + Fire-Control System

Blue Squadron Pilot + Fire-Control System

Blue Squadron Pilot + Fire-Control System

Blue Squadron Pilot + Fire-Control System


Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Proximity Mines + Ion Pulse Missiles

Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Proximity Mines

Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Proximity Mines

Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Proximity Mines

Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Ion Pulse Missiles


IG-88B + Heavy Laser Cannon + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Fire-Control System + IG-2000

IG-88C + Heavy Laser Cannon + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Fire-Control System + IG-2000


Kavil + Blaster Turret + R4 Agromech

Kath Scarlet + Daredevil + Engine Upgrade + K4 Security Droid

NDru Suhlak + Lone Wolf + Stealth Device

We'll, we've now seen Bombers make top 8.

Here's looking at you, Scyks.