2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Here are the results from KC that I have. Cryodex was used, do not know when that will be uploaded since all I did was videos. If there are any mistakes someone please correct them.


IG88-B: Mangler, Predator, Advanced Sensors, Inertial Dampeners, Autothrusters

IG88-A: HLC, FCS, Inertial Dampeners, Autothrusters

Runner Up:

Han Solo: Veteran Instincts, C-3PO, Gunner, Millenium Falcon

3x Tala Squadron Pilot

Top 4 (lost to Runner Up):

Chewbacca: Leebo, C-3PO, Predator, Millenium Falcon

Corran Horn: Push the Limit, Advanced Sensors, R2-D2, Engine Upgrade

Top 4 (Lost to Winner):

Rexler Brath: Predator, HLC, Hull Upgrade, Ion Pulse Missile

Colonel Vessery: Lone Wolf, HLC, Stealth Device

Top 8:

Howlrunner: Stealth Device, Push the Limit

Black Squadron Pilot: Wingman

5x Academy Pilot

Top 8:

Chewie: Predator, C-3PO, Gunner, Millenium Falcon

Corran Horn: Push the Limit, FCS, Engine, R2-D2

Top 8:

Dash Rendar: HLC, Outrider, Navigator, Veteran Instincts

Corran Horn: Push the Limit, FCS, Engine, R2-D2

Top 8:

Corran Horn: Push the Limit, Engine Upgrade, R2-D2, FCS

Luke Skywalker: Lone Wolf, R5-P9, Shield Upgrade

Prototype Pilot: Chaardan Refit .

I like this top eight.

Did the top 4 Chewie/horn lose to Han completely or did it go to time?

That I don't know, I was in charge of the other top 4 match which was happening in a separate room.

Here are the results from KC that I have. Cryodex was used, do not know when that will be uploaded since all I did was videos. If there are any mistakes someone please correct them.


IG88-B: Mangler, Predator, Advanced Sensors, Inertial Dampeners, Autothrusters

IG88-A: HLC, FCS, Inertial Dampeners, Autothrusters

Runner Up:

Han Solo: Veteran Instincts, C-3PO, Gunner, Millenium Falcon

3x Tala Squadron Pilot

Top 4 (lost to Runner Up):

Chewbacca: Leebo, C-3PO, Predator, Millenium Falcon

Corran Horn: Push the Limit, Advanced Sensors, R2-D2, Engine Upgrade

Top 4 (Lost to Winner):

Rexler Brath: Predator, HLC, Hull Upgrade, Ion Pulse Missile

Colonel Vessery: Lone Wolf, HLC, Stealth Device

Top 8:

Howlrunner: Stealth Device, Push the Limit

Black Squadron Pilot: Wingman

5x Academy Pilot

Top 8:

Chewie: Predator, C-3PO, Gunner, Millenium Falcon

Corran Horn: Push the Limit, FCS, Engine, R2-D2

Top 8:

Dash Rendar: HLC, Outrider, Navigator, Veteran Instincts

Corran Horn: Push the Limit, FCS, Engine, R2-D2

Top 8:

Corran Horn: Push the Limit, Engine Upgrade, R2-D2, FCS

Luke Skywalker: Lone Wolf, R5-P9, Shield Upgrade

Prototype Pilot: Chaardan Refit .

I like this top eight.

I like that I played half those guys. I would have loved to see that Corran/Luke/Prototype list up close, though. The Chewbacca/Corran in the top 4 was cleaning up during Swiss. At 5-1 he still had the highest total MOV. I think he went 3 or 4 games of 200-0.

No Chirafels in KC top 8? What madness is this?

Independent thought patterns detected.

Top 4 (Lost to Winner):

Rexler Brath: Predator, HLC, Hull Upgrade, Ion Pulse Missile

Colonel Vessery: Lone Wolf, HLC, Stealth Device

Wow that's a new one to me.

I'm not quite sure what's up with that. Perhaps the TO meant drop, but that's what was posted.

I know one guy dropped at the beginning of the fourth round after meeting his top four opponent, possibly that was one? But people may have missed game time after the dinner break, again not sure.

One drop was a guy heading to work, and the other left after the 4th round going 0-4.

The DQs were 1 missing the game start after the lunch break and the other guy left without informing the TO.

Wasn't there unfortunately, but here are the top 4 from Fredericton:

Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

June 6, 2015

Gamezilla Fredricton

Attendance: 20


Chewbacca + Millennium Falcon + Recon Specialist + C‑3PO + Predator (52)

"Leebo" + Predator + Jan Ors + Outrider + "Mangler" Cannon (48)



Top 4:

Luke Skywalker+ Veteran Instincts + Engine Upgrade + R3-A2

Bandit x 5

Top 4:

Han Solo + Engine Upgrade + Millennium Falcon + Push The Limit + Recon Specialist + Jan Ors (59)

Luke Skywalker + R2‑D2 + Shield Upgrade + Predator (39)

One small correction to this, the Top 4 with Luke and 5x Bandits was actually Luke (as shown) with 4x Tala and 1x Bandit. Playtested against him a few days before and by the end of the game everyone on both sides was stressed or had multiple stress on them.

The Top 8 in KC was awesome. Four turrets (Han, Dash, 2xChewie), three with Corran and one with Talas. Three Corran, including two of the turrets, but the third had Luke (Luke!) and an A-Wing of all things. A pure TIE swarm with Howlrunner with a nice twist to her build. One asymmetrical Brobot list using A and B. A twin Defender list!


All in all, an excellent example of a meta that appears to be regaining its diversity. :-)

Half of all the lists were Rebel fat turrets. There were two Bro bots. So, only 25% of the Top 8 were something different and this is considered a diverse list? I mean, in comparison it is refreshing, but I'd not call it diverse.

The Top 8 in KC was awesome. Four turrets (Han, Dash, 2xChewie), three with Corran and one with Talas. Three Corran, including two of the turrets, but the third had Luke (Luke!) and an A-Wing of all things. A pure TIE swarm with Howlrunner with a nice twist to her build. One asymmetrical Brobot list using A and B. A twin Defender list!


All in all, an excellent example of a meta that appears to be regaining its diversity. :-)

Half of all the lists were Rebel fat turrets. There were two Bro bots. So, only 25% of the Top 8 were something different and this is considered a diverse list? I mean, in comparison it is refreshing, but I'd not call it diverse.

The Top 8 in KC was awesome. Four turrets (Han, Dash, 2xChewie), three with Corran and one with Talas. Three Corran, including two of the turrets, but the third had Luke (Luke!) and an A-Wing of all things. A pure TIE swarm with Howlrunner with a nice twist to her build. One asymmetrical Brobot list using A and B. A twin Defender list!


All in all, an excellent example of a meta that appears to be regaining its diversity. :-)

Half of all the lists were Rebel fat turrets. There were two Bro bots. So, only 25% of the Top 8 were something different and this is considered a diverse list? I mean, in comparison it is refreshing, but I'd not call it diverse.

Not exactly. There were 4 turrets, a 3 Rebel ship build a TIE swarm,1 Brobots, and 1 dual Defenders list. The Defenders and 3-ship Rebels are pretty uncommon, and of the Turrets, I think only one was also a high PS arc-dodger, which makes those turret play totally differently.

Top 4 (Lost to Winner):

Rexler Brath: Predator, HLC, Hull Upgrade, Ion Pulse Missile

Colonel Vessery: Lone Wolf, HLC, Stealth Device

Wow that's a new one to me.

Its brave. Essentially Brobots on smaller bases, less hitpoints and less maneuverable.

Its brave. Essentially Brobots on smaller bases, less hitpoints and less maneuverable.

And no Autothrusters. Honestly, that's what keeps me from playing the Defender right now.

I took Rex to FFGs regionals and handily won my first three games. Then fel showed up.....

Very true. One bad roll and you are in trouble. Many sacrifices need to be made to the dice Gods when running dual Defenders.

The Top 8 in KC was awesome. Four turrets (Han, Dash, 2xChewie), three with Corran and one with Talas. Three Corran, including two of the turrets, but the third had Luke (Luke!) and an A-Wing of all things. A pure TIE swarm with Howlrunner with a nice twist to her build. One asymmetrical Brobot list using A and B. A twin Defender list!


All in all, an excellent example of a meta that appears to be regaining its diversity. :-)

Half of all the lists were Rebel fat turrets. There were two Bro bots. So, only 25% of the Top 8 were something different and this is considered a diverse list? I mean, in comparison it is refreshing, but I'd not call it diverse.

A dual defender list, a 3 ship Rebel with Luke and an A-Wing, an asymmetric A/B brobot, and a dedicated TIE swarm but you don't think there is any diversity there?

Also, you skipped right over the part where I noted that about half of the total tournament entries were fat turrets in the first place, which means that all of these builds were competitive vs. the "easy mode", "OP", (or whatever other pejorative term you want to use) turret lists. The perception of fat turrets being both easier and more powerful is perpetuated by comments such as yours, but the objective data coming in as the Regionals season progresses disagrees.

A dual defender list, a 3 ship Rebel with Luke and an A-Wing, an asymmetric A/B brobot, and a dedicated TIE swarm but you don't think there is any diversity there?

Also, you skipped right over the part where I noted that about half of the total tournament entries were fat turrets in the first place, which means that all of these builds were competitive vs. the "easy mode", "OP", (or whatever other pejorative term you want to use) turret lists. The perception of fat turrets being both easier and more powerful is perpetuated by comments such as yours, but the objective data coming in as the Regionals season progresses disagrees.

^This. I couldn't hit like enough times to satisfy how much I agree with KO's statement here.

Edited by JFunk

Its brave. Essentially Brobots on smaller bases, less hitpoints and less maneuverable.

And no Autothrusters. Honestly, that's what keeps me from playing the Defender right now.

getting ****** by turrets and cannons is no fun :(

but they are fun ships, and strangely effective against their big brobots I've found. Similar statline and tiny bases lets them wedge themselves between obstacles that brobots detest

slap on some flechette cannons to deny red maneuvers while you white 4k, and you'll have a pair of infuriated a.is

Edited by ficklegreendice

Also, you skipped right over the part where I noted that about half of the total tournament entries were fat turrets in the first place, which means that all of these builds were competitive vs. the "easy mode", "OP", (or whatever other pejorative term you want to use) turret lists. The perception of fat turrets being both easier and more powerful is perpetuated by comments such as yours, but the objective data coming in as the Regionals season progresses disagrees.


There were a LOT of Decimators in the field in KC. Note how many of them made Top 8.

A dual defender list, a 3 ship Rebel with Luke and an A-Wing, an asymmetric A/B brobot, and a dedicated TIE swarm but you don't think there is any diversity there?

Also, you skipped right over the part where I noted that about half of the total tournament entries were fat turrets in the first place, which means that all of these builds were competitive vs. the "easy mode", "OP", (or whatever other pejorative term you want to use) turret lists. The perception of fat turrets being both easier and more powerful is perpetuated by comments such as yours, but the objective data coming in as the Regionals season progresses disagrees.

^This. I couldn't hit like enough times to satisfy how much I agree with KO's statement here.

50% of the lists being same old, same old? That's still not enough diversity to satisfy me.

I did skip over the part about how many fat turrets there were b/c I didn't think it was relevant. I haven't been saying that turrets are "easy mode". My chief complain for months has been about diversity (or lack thereof). I do think turrets have some sort of advantage over other lists or else we wouldn't see as many of them taken by the best players.

Regional Mitte, Göttingen, Germany

58 Players - 5 Rounds - Top 16 (for whatever insane reason) - 60 mins


98P, 1 large asteroid, 1 large debris

Corran Horn - VI, FCS, R2-D2, Engine Upgrade
Gold Squadron - Ion Turret, Flechette Torp, R3-A2, BTL-A4

Gold Squadron - Ion Turret, Flechette Torp, BTL-A4

Runner Up

100P, 3 large debris

Gold Squadron - Ion Turret, R3-A2, BTL-A4
Gold Squadron - Ion Turret, BTL-A4

Blue Squadron - FCS, E2, Tactician

Blue Squadron - FCS

Top 4 (lost to winner)



(dont know the exakt squad)

Top 4

100P , 1 asteroids, 2 debris (?)

Gold Squadron - Ion Turret, R3-A2, BTL-A4

Blue Squadron - FCS, E2, Tactician

Blue Squadron - FCS

Blue Squadron - FCS

Top 8 (lost to runner up)

99P, 3 small asteroids

Soontir Fel - PTL, RGP, AT, Shield Upgrade

Whisper - VI, FCS, ACD, Gunner

Dark Curse - Hull Upgrade

TOP 8 (lost to winner)

100P , 3 debris

Gold Squadron - Ion Turret, R3-A2, BTL-A4

Blue Squadron - FCS, E2, Tactician

Blue Squadron - FCS

Blue Squadron - FCS


100P, large debris

Boba Fett - VI, Autoblaster, Recon Specialist, Engine Upgrade

IG88B - VI, FCS, HLC, Autothrusters

2 IGs

I was runner up at the tournament. Dont think the TO will make the list online available, so I just entered what I saw my fellow pilots fly. Will update if I get more Information.

Overall there was a good number of IGs and Interceptor lists, though few made the cut. Propably because there were more Rebell-Controll lists then I have ever seen at a German tournament. Also very few Pancakes and CorranDashes, that there very popular last week in berlin.

Edited by caolilan

Crazy Germans, at it again.

Crazy Germans, at it again.

Someone has to keep the rest of the meta-world on its toes, right? ;)

A dual defender list, a 3 ship Rebel with Luke and an A-Wing, an asymmetric A/B brobot, and a dedicated TIE swarm but you don't think there is any diversity there?

Also, you skipped right over the part where I noted that about half of the total tournament entries were fat turrets in the first place, which means that all of these builds were competitive vs. the "easy mode", "OP", (or whatever other pejorative term you want to use) turret lists. The perception of fat turrets being both easier and more powerful is perpetuated by comments such as yours, but the objective data coming in as the Regionals season progresses disagrees.

^This. I couldn't hit like enough times to satisfy how much I agree with KO's statement here.

50% of the lists being same old, same old? That's still not enough diversity to satisfy me.

I did skip over the part about how many fat turrets there were b/c I didn't think it was relevant. I haven't been saying that turrets are "easy mode". My chief complain for months has been about diversity (or lack thereof). I do think turrets have some sort of advantage over other lists or else we wouldn't see as many of them taken by the best players.

The number of entries is the only thing relevant when talking about the relative strength of a list. If 2/3 of the entries were turrets, but only half of the top 8 were turrets, it would suggest they are less capable than the rest of the field. If 1/3 of the field was turrets, but half of the top 8 were, it would suggest they are more capable. If they were half of the entries and half of the top 8, it suggests they are pretty balanced against the field.

On the other hand, the total number of entries in the field is pretty purely a function of perception. People bring what they believe will give them the best chance of success. Right now, with the constant harping online and the way most tournaments only report the top 8, we see a feedback mechanism where lots of turrets are reported and lots of people play them because they are reported. But the top players I know have moved on, with fat turrets as part of their repertoire but no longer their main go-to list. They have not been nerfed to insignificance, but neither are they a dominant force on the table anymore.

If anything, the only ship I see gaining powerhouse status over the course of the season is Corran Horn. He is everywhere in the Top 8, in numbers far out of proportion to his total entries. If we are going to complain rationally, we should be complaining about E-Wings.

I don't know about you, but having E-Wings be the #1 target of my concern is a welcome change of pace. :-)

Edited by KineticOperator

I think that German winner is the only other top 8 Corran 2Y in all of the regionals beside me. Glad someone else took it, but that fragile Corran build is braver than I am.