2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

I did notice and was curious about how 7th and 8th got into a final match. Aren't they supposed to get matched up at sem-finals?

Or was it a

1-8 4-5 ------- 2-7 3-6

kind of deal?

This was it exactly. This is the bracket used to Seeds 1 and 2 don't face in Top 4. Theoretically, being the best two players, they should face in the Finals.

1st seed Dash Corran. Who knocked him out?

Lucas Davidson (8th seed) knocked out Sideslip in Top 8.

4 Y-wings won the Italian regional vs Brobots in final game.

I hope to be able to give more details in the forthcoming days, but the final should have been filmed.

40 players, i got 17th place so no tokens for me :(

Still had fun, though.

I want to see that game. I am sad that FFG opted to show the YTs vs YTs matchup instead of the Iggys vs Xizor squad.

I did notice and was curious about how 7th and 8th got into a final match. Aren't they supposed to get matched up at sem-finals?

Or was it a

1-8 4-5 ------- 2-7 3-6

kind of deal?

Elimination playoffs are always seeded 1v8(A), 4v5(B) and 2v7©, 3v6(D). Semi: AvB and CvD

I want to see that game. I am sad that FFG opted to show the YTs vs YTs matchup instead of the Iggys vs Xizor squad.

100% agree. The Xizor vs battlebots match would have been all about positioning, feints, blocking, and even deception. The reveal of each individual dial would have been a joy to behold. But instead we got YT-7400, perhaps the most boring dice-fest I can imagine seeing. My apologies if it turned out otherwise, I didn't stay to watch the whole thing; and I don't mean this as turret-hate, as I'm pretty sure even the Chewbo players would've preferred to watch the other match.

I want to see that game. I am sad that FFG opted to show the YTs vs YTs matchup instead of the Iggys vs Xizor squad.

That wasn't an option. The Xizor list lost in the top 8 to dual phantoms + a tie. The 88s were facing that list and not the Xizor squad.

I want to see that game. I am sad that FFG opted to show the YTs vs YTs matchup instead of the Iggys vs Xizor squad.

That wasn't an option. The Xizor list lost in the top 8 to dual phantoms + a tie. The 88s were facing that list and not the Xizor squad.

Then I was misremembering what was in the top 4.

A double phantom list I think?

They opted to show the game they did just for variety, since you had just watched Joe beat me and they figured you'd want to see someone else (he had apparently been on the stream a lot, I didn't notice because I was many tables down most of the day). When they decided that, I don't think they knew what the matchup was, since they mentioned it immediately after our match was over.

A double phantom list I think?

I never played against it, but I'm pretty sure it was Whisper, Echo, and Night Beast.

Yeah, double Phantoms and Night Beast. I had just tuned back in as the one game was ending.

They opted to show the game they did just for variety, since you had just watched Joe beat me and they figured you'd want to see someone else (he had apparently been on the stream a lot, I didn't notice because I was many tables down most of the day). When they decided that, I don't think they knew what the matchup was, since they mentioned it immediately after our match was over.

Yea, that makes sense. Happens sometimes when someone is consistently winning, they end up being on the stream all day.

Anyway, I'm glad so many stores are jumping on the TwitchTV thing. For those of us that aren't able to attend weekly sessions at the FLGS, it's nice to be able to see some squads in action. I think we're just seeing the beginning of this trend; I'm hoping by this time next year we'll see these same streams with live commentary.

55 players for Melbourne, Australia, yesterday.

Winner was Chewy-Leebo with HLC, defeating 7 Academy and Dark Curse.

3rd was RAC and Whisper, lost to first.

4th was Fat Han, lost to the swarm.

The other four squadrons (from memory) were:

Fat Han, lost to 4th in the mirror.

Decimator + ? (I'm not 100% sure on this) lost to the swarm.

Oicunn + Patrol Leader, lost to first.

Boba + 2 Y-Wings, lost to 3rd.

The winner was forum member X-Wing Nut. He had a Store Champs bye and won all four of his Swiss rounds. Leebo's HLC was brutal the whole day.

Wait for the official squadrons from the TO's report.

Edited by TezzasGames

So can anyone who was there say if there were a lot of Decimator/Soontir or Deci-phantoms that just got blown up, or did people not bring them? I'm quite confused about what the meta even is at the moment.

Melbourne was roughly 50% Rebels, 25% Imperial and 25% Scum.

All I saw was Decimators being shredded by a HLC...

Does anyone know if Epic Loot Games at the Ohio Regional is going to livestream games?

55 players for Melbourne, Australia, yesterday.

Winner was Chewy-Leebo with HLC, defeating 7 Academy and Dark Curse.

3rd was RAC and Whisper, lost to first.

4th was Fat Han, lost to the swarm.

The other four squadrons (from memory) were:

Fat Han, lost to 4th in the mirror.

Decimator + ? (I'm not 100% sure on this) lost to the swarm.

Oicunn + Patrol Leader, lost to first.

Boba + 2 Y-Wings, lost to 3rd.

The winner was forum member X-Wing Nut. He had a Store Champs bye and won all four of his Swiss rounds. Leebo's HLC was brutal the whole day.

Wait for the official squadrons from the TO's report.

Thanks, I added those as a preliminary report on the first page.

Do you know if the TO used Cryodex and is going to upload the results to List Juggler?

So can anyone who was there say if there were a lot of Decimator/Soontir or Deci-phantoms that just got blown up, or did people not bring them? I'm quite confused about what the meta even is at the moment.

Where are you asking? Roseville? Yeah, they were there in decent numbers, and I think you'd see a couple in the Top 16 but none of them made the Top 8.

One thing that was very tough about Roseville is that a second loss meant you were out of the top 8 and 5-1 meant it would depend on MoV (6 games, 80 players). I don't remember how many 5-1 didn't make it, but I know a buddy of mine who got 10th went 5-1, so there were at least two.

I think the meta has some variety, but it's dominated by large ships overall, at least as the central building block in most lists. Among those, there's quite a bit of variety in the pilots (IG88s, Han, Chewie, Dash, RAC, Leebo, etc..) and even upgrades . There are some small-fighter-only lists making it but no consistency in which do make it, but it seems there are very few regionals where the Top 8 isn't mostly made up of lists based around a large ship or two and I don't think any of those are in the US.

Edited by AlexW

MJ, I didn't ask Scott what software he was using.

Give him time. He will be extremely busy editing the footage.

Scott is an open TO, he won't hide the data.

I only posted the basic Top 8 results to fill in the short-term gaps.

X-Wing Nut's peanut gallery of observers (of which I was one), was all waiting for him to lose so we could drive home!!!

MJ, I didn't ask Scott what software he was using.

Give him time. He will be extremely busy editing the footage.

Scott is an open TO, he won't hide the data.

I only posted the basic Top 8 results to fill in the short-term gaps.

X-Wing Nut's peanut gallery of observers (of which I was one), was all waiting for him to lose so we could drive home!!!

As long as he:

1) Keeps all the squad lists so we can fill them in later

2) Has the Cryodex info saved away and does NOT overwrite it later by running another tournament in the same directory

... then timing isn't so much an issue, although it's still best to get the Cryodex data into List Juggler ASAP to mitigate the risk of it getting permanently lost. thankfully it only takes about 5 minutes.

Thanks! Was wondering if people really went to counter the Decimator in particular or if people just decided not to bring it assuming there would be counters. The HLCs that hurt them the most, were those on the Brobots?

Thanks! Was wondering if people really went to counter the Decimator in particular or if people just decided not to bring it assuming there would be counters. The HLCs that hurt them the most, were those on the Brobots?

HLCs were more on outrider (Leebo/Dash) lists, though there were also some IG88s, though there's probably a perception that there were more than there actually were since Dual 88s won the whole thing.

Edited by AlexW


Some news from the Declick ludik regional in France (Bourgouin Jallieu, close to Lyon):

Attendance was quite good @ 44, one of the best attendance so far in France.

Winner : IG2000B mangler+title+advanced sensor+PTL+autothruster with IG2000C HLC+title+advanced sensor+PTL+autothruster

Top2: Chewie+C3P0+Jan ors+Falcon title+Predator with Leboo+Mangler+Outrider+Recon spec+predator

Top4: Han+C3P0+Falcon title+Engines+Luke+Predator with Keyan+Stay on target+advanced sensors

Top4: Fel+Whisper+2 aca (upgrade not known for the 2 elites imperials)

The rest top 8 : afat chewie+corran, 2 RAC+fel, 1 rebel squad (Wedge, B-wing HLC, Airen and a missile Z)

Does anyone know if Epic Loot Games at the Ohio Regional is going to livestream games?

I can't speak for them, but I know they live-streamed for the Store Championships.

By the way, X-wing nationals are later this week in the UK. Time for another thread?