2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Austin Regionals Results, 5/23/2015 (official, from me, the TO):

  1. Mark Fletcher (7th seed) - Boba Fett + Vet Instincts + Engine Upgrade + Tactician + Proton Bomb, IG-88 B + Vet Instincts + Autothrusters + Advanced Sensors + HLC
  2. Lucas Davidson (8th seed) - Han Solo + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Millennium Falcon + C3P0 + R2-D2 (crew), Tala Squadron Z-95 x3
  3. Antony Rossi (1st seed) - Corran Horn + Vet Instincts + FCS + R2-D2 + Engine Upgrade, Dash Rendar + Lone Wolf + Recon Spec + Outrider + HLC
  4. Roy Patterson (4th seed) - Blue Squadron B-Wing + FCS x2, Blue Squadron B-Wing + FCS + Flechette Torps x2
  5. James Elhardt (6th seed) - Dash Rendar + Lone Wolf + Recon Spec + HLC + Outrider, Corran Horn + Stealth Device + PtL + R2-D2 + FCS
  6. Daniel Allbrighton-Lupo (2nd seed) - Chewbacca + Predator + C3P0 + Gunner + Millennium Falcon, Leebo + Outrider + Recon Spec + Outrider
  7. Justin Curtis (3rd seed) - Wes Janson + Vet Instincts + R3-A2, Blue Squadron B-Wing x2, Bandit Squadron Z-95 x2
  8. Shawn Koike (5th seed) - Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Vet Instincts + Gunner + Ysanne Isard + Rebel Captive + Engine Upgrade + Dauntless, Soontir Fel + PtL + Stealth Device + Autothrusters + Royal Guard TIE


Edited by s1n

I was the winner of Austin. Who says Proton Bomb isn't competitive?

I think the question we all have: what was your favorite Proton Bomb moment?

I was the winner of Austin. Who says Proton Bomb isn't competitive?

very nice! What were your matchups?

Edited by TasteTheRainbow

I'm loving all the VI on Brobots to fight PtL Brobots lists.

I was the winner of Austin. Who says Proton Bomb isn't competitive?

I think the question we all have: what was your favorite Proton Bomb moment?


Winnipeg MB Canada Regional May 22

Attendance 28

Winner Echo Whisper Academy

Nice to see one X-wing in two of the top eight lists in those two regionals.

It doesn't balance out the huge number of turrets and stereotypical Han/Z, Dash/Corran, 1300/2400, RAC/Fel lists, but it's nice to see some more variety.

Yeah, and Xizor made the cut at FFG, and there was a Boba-Bot combo that won [in Austin] instead of the vanilla Brobot!

Edited by WarriorPoet

I was the winner of Austin. Who says Proton Bomb isn't competitive?

I think the question we all have: what was your favorite Proton Bomb moment?

S1n: Anthony Rossi should be 5th. He lost in Top 8. James Elhart advanced to Top 4.

Han gets a console fire that he never clears and does 3 additional damage over the course of the game.

Why would you not clear that? At the final table??

keeping console fire to instead evade = <50% chance of damage

keeping console fire to boost out of arc = <50% chance of damage

flipping console fire for no evade nor boost = 100% chance of damage that could have been canceled :P

Edited by ficklegreendice

flipping console fire for no evade nor boost = 100% chance of damage that could have been canceled :P

He, you edited your answer as I was writing.

Edited by Veldrin

flipping console fire for no evade nor boost = 100% chance of damage that could have been canceled :P

Only if you are being shot at.

He, you edited your answer as I was writing.

things always come to me the split second after I post...

I was the winner of Austin. Who says Proton Bomb isn't competitive?

I think the question we all have: what was your favorite Proton Bomb moment?
Final round. My opponent forgets about Proton Bomb and turns Han and both remaining Zs in to attack. I hit all 3. Han gets a console fire that he never clears and does 3 additional damage over the course of the game.

S1n: Anthony Rossi should be 5th. He lost in Top 8. James Elhart advanced to Top 4.

FFG's software kept tje MoV and when those players scores were entered, that is where the MoV placed them.

I'll go back and check the results at the cut later and see if it should be reorganized.

Roseville, Minnesota, United States

May 23, 2015

Fantasy Flight Games Center

Attendance: 80

  • Winner (1st seed): IG88B&C + VI + HLC + FCS + Autothrusters + IG-2000 + Inertial Dampeners
  • 2nd place (6th or 7th seed):Chewbacca + Predator + Jan Ors + C3P0. "Leebo" + Predator + Recon Specialst + Outrider + Mangler Cannon
  • Top 4 (6th or 7th seed): Chewbacca + Luke + 3PO + Predator + Falcon Title; Leebo + Heavy Laser Cannon + Dash Rendar + Determination
  • Top 4 (4th seed): Whisper + VI, ACD + FCS + Rec Spec; Echo + VI + ACD+ FCS + Rec Spec; Night Beast
  • Top 8 (5th seed): Xizor + VI + Virago + Advanced Sensors + Inertial Dampeners; 3x Thug Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astro
  • Top 8 (2nd seed): Corran; Leebo
  • Top 8 (3rd seed): RAC; Fel
  • Top 8 (8th seed): Luke + Lone Wolf + R5-P9; Corran + PtL + R2-D2 + FCS + EU; Airen Cracken

Joe went undefeated the entire day. 1st round bye, 5-0 in Swiss vs five YT-2400's, and won his 3 games in Top 8. The final game was a rematch of the top table in round #6 of Swiss.

Edit: thanks MegaSilver.

He never faced a swarm of any kind (particularly Rebel), nor any sort of control list. With 80 in attendance, I wonder if he just got the best draw ever, facing turrets all day, or were these squads just not in play? Not to take anything away, he's got a great list and flew it masterfully (got to see at least 3 of his matches).

Draw, luck, dice gods... Call it what you want but winning a Regional takes more than all those things combined.

Roseville, Minnesota, United States

May 23, 2015

Fantasy Flight Games Center

Attendance: 80

  • Winner (1st seed): IG88B&C + VI + HLC + FCS + Autothrusters + IG-2000 + Inertial Dampeners
  • 2nd place (6th or 7th seed):Chewbacca + Predator + Jan Ors + C3P0. "Leebo" + Predator + Recon Specialst + Outrider + Mangler Cannon
  • Top 4 (6th or 7th seed): Chewbacca + Luke + 3PO + Predator + Falcon Title; Leebo + Heavy Laser Cannon + Dash Rendar + Determination
  • Top 4 (4th seed): Whisper + VI, ACD + FCS + Rec Spec; Echo + VI + ACD+ FCS + Rec Spec; Night Beast
  • Top 8 (5th seed): Xizor + VI + Virago + Advanced Sensors + Inertial Dampeners; 3x Thug Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astro
  • Top 8 (2nd seed): Corran; Leebo
  • Top 8 (3rd seed): RAC; Fel
  • Top 8 (8th seed): Luke + Lone Wolf + R5-P9; Corran + PtL + R2-D2 + FCS + EU; Airen Cracken

Joe went undefeated the entire day. 1st round bye, 5-0 in Swiss vs five YT-2400's, and won his 3 games in Top 8. The final game was a rematch of the top table in round #6 of Swiss.

Edit: thanks MegaSilver.

He never faced a swarm of any kind (particularly Rebel), nor any sort of control list. With 80 in attendance, I wonder if he just got the best draw ever, facing turrets all day, or were these squads just not in play? Not to take anything away, he's got a great list and flew it masterfully (got to see at least 3 of his matches).

He went undefeated, and with 80 players in six rounds, that means he never played anyone else (until elimination) who hadn't won every other game they played. There weren't many swarms or rebel control lists (though there were some, but they didn't do well) and most lists had at least one big base (I only faced two that didn't myself) or were "elite" three ship lists.. So, it was good planning for the meta, but Joe is also very, very good. My game against him (R2) was the first I'd lost to IG-88s with my list, which was designed with them in mind (yes, even with a turret), though it has a harder time with VI IGs than PTL or other versions for obvious reasons.

I was the winner of Austin. Who says Proton Bomb isn't competitive?

I think the question we all have: what was your favorite Proton Bomb moment?
Final round. My opponent forgets about Proton Bomb and turns Han and both remaining Zs in to attack. I hit all 3. Han gets a console fire that he never clears and does 3 additional damage over the course of the game.

S1n: Anthony Rossi should be 5th. He lost in Top 8. James Elhart advanced to Top 4.

FFG's software kept tje MoV and when those players scores were entered, that is where the MoV placed them.

I'll go back and check the results at the cut later and see if it should be reorganized.

Yeah, FFG's leaderboard after a top cut is no different than a new single elimination tournament with starting scores. The order is off and I didn't notice at 2am with a sick kid.

I'll fix it when I get home so it's easier to edit/post the updates.

Han gets a console fire that he never clears and does 3 additional damage over the course of the game.

Why would you not clear that? At the final table??

First, he was utterly exhausted and made a couple mistakes.

The round he got the crit, console fire did 1 damage before he had a chance to flip it down. Next round, he made a pilot error and hit a rock, so no action and taking a second damage. Next round, he bumped, losing a action again. I don't recall if Console fire did a damage that round. That round he also got the Reduce Agility crit, meaning he was in serious trouble. The next couple rounds, he was more worried about Evading than clearing Console Fire. At least it didn't kill him. The last round, he had one hit point left and there was a very real possibility it would kill him before I could.

S1n, any chance you have a round by round results of the tournament? html output of the FFG software? And do you have the squad sheets? Would be great to get it all into List Juggler eventually.

S1n, any chance you have a round by round results of the tournament? html output of the FFG software? And do you have the squad sheets? Would be great to get it all into List Juggler eventually.

All I have is the FFG software output which I can export to you and let you figure it out. I have squad sheets, but it would take forever to scan it all. I'll have to see what I can do for you.

Han gets a console fire that he never clears and does 3 additional damage over the course of the game.

Why would you not clear that? At the final table??

First, he was utterly exhausted and made a couple mistakes.

The round he got the crit, console fire did 1 damage before he had a chance to flip it down. Next round, he made a pilot error and hit a rock, so no action and taking a second damage. Next round, he bumped, losing a action again. I don't recall if Console fire did a damage that round. That round he also got the Reduce Agility crit, meaning he was in serious trouble. The next couple rounds, he was more worried about Evading than clearing Console Fire. At least it didn't kill him. The last round, he had one hit point left and there was a very real possibility it would kill him before I could.

The console fire didn't do him in, the crit you landed was Structural Damage; it utterly crippled his ability to stay alive. After 12 hours, this was his 9th game of the night (this was after I cut the swiss to 5 rounds instead of 6, due to drops). He rolled 3 or 4 blanks on the Console Fire and I was sure the last round it was going to kill him before combat.

I think the final round lasted all of 25-30 minutes.

Here's an updated top 8 listing:

Austin Regionals Results, 5/23/2015 (official, from me, the TO):
  1. Mark Fletcher (7th seed) - Boba Fett + Vet Instincts + Engine Upgrade + Tactician + Proton Bomb, IG-88 B + Vet Instincts + Autothrusters + Advanced Sensors + HLC
  2. Lucas Davidson (8th seed) - Han Solo + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Millennium Falcon + C3P0 + R2-D2 (crew), Tala Squadron Z-95 x3
  3. Roy Patterson (4th seed) - Blue Squadron B-Wing + FCS x2, Blue Squadron B-Wing + FCS + Flechette Torps x2
  4. James Elhardt (6th seed) - Dash Rendar + Lone Wolf + Recon Spec + HLC + Outrider, Corran Horn + Stealth Device + PtL + R2-D2 + FCS
  5. Antony Rossi (1st seed) - Corran Horn + Vet Instincts + FCS + R2-D2 + Engine Upgrade, Dash Rendar + Lone Wolf + Recon Spec + Outrider + HLC
  6. Daniel Allbrighton-Lupo (2nd seed) - Chewbacca + Predator + C3P0 + Gunner + Millennium Falcon, Leebo + Outrider + Recon Spec + Outrider
  7. Justin Curtis (3rd seed) - Wes Janson + Vet Instincts + R3-A2, Blue Squadron B-Wing x2, Bandit Squadron Z-95 x2
  8. Shawn Koike (5th seed) - Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Vet Instincts + Gunner + Ysanne Isard + Rebel Captive + Engine Upgrade + Dauntless, Soontir Fel + PtL + Stealth Device + Autothrusters + Royal Guard TIE

Note the mistake came because FFG's leaderboard on the top cut does not account for the placement in the cut, it just does a straight sorting based on the tie breakers you set at tournament creation (eg match points, MoV, SoS, etc). You may notice, there were lots of upsets in the elimination rounds.

Also, the award for the Most Hardcore X-Wing Fan goes to Mike Vital. He was playing with a broken rib!

Edited by s1n

1st seed Dash Corran. Who knocked him out?

I did notice and was curious about how 7th and 8th got into a final match. Aren't they supposed to get matched up at sem-finals?

Or was it a

1-8 4-5 ------- 2-7 3-6

kind of deal?