2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

I don't understand how a dual IG with manglers can win. One HLC, one mangler...sure. But two manglers is pitifully low damage output.

They must be facing lots of Imp builds with little to no shields, so that those crits matter.

This will be a full weekend coming up.

The TOs at the FFG Regional (Alex, Frank) are full-time employees and I don't anticipate being able to get them to upload all the squad lists once we get the tournament results in List Juggler. I should be able to get the tournament results from them, presumably using their new software. They should be able to output the results in html and email that to me.

But I need a volunteer from someone who is going to the FFG Regional this weekend, who can physically collect all of the squad lists, and then enter them later after we get the List Juggler tournament set up. It's OK to scan the lists and post them so we can crowdsource it, but we need to make sure we physically collect the squad sheets. Any volunteers?

I'll email FFG and let them know.

Week 5: May 23-25

Aldershot, UK

May 23, 2015
The Games Shop


List Juggler:


  • Winner:
  • 2nd place:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:

Roseville, Minnesota, United States

May 23, 2015
Fantasy Flight Games Center


List Juggler:


  • Winner:
  • 2nd place:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:

Austin, Texas, United States

May 23, 2015
Dragon's Lair Comics and Fantasy


List Juggler:


  • Winner:
  • 2nd place:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

May 23, 2015
Game Knight Winnipeg


List Juggler:


  • Winner:
  • 2nd place:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:

Melbourne, Australia

May 24, 2015
Games by the Beach


List Juggler:


  • Winner:
  • 2nd place:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:

Legnanto, Italy

May 24, 2015
Games Academy Legnano


List Juggler:


  • Winner:
  • 2nd place:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:

Declick Ludick, France

May 24, 2015
Bourgoin jallieu


List Juggler:


  • Winner:
  • 2nd place:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:

Karlsruhe, Germany

May 24-25, 2015


List Juggler:


  • Winner:
  • 2nd place:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
Edited by MajorJuggler

Some crits can really cripple big ships too, really reducing their effectiveness even when they have several hull left to chew through and making the game tilt in your favor.

I don't understand how a dual IG with manglers can win. One HLC, one mangler...sure. But two manglers is pitifully low damage output.

I have to agree here. I actually prefer taking one of each because it provides me more tactical options than just raw damage. Some ships really, really don't like crits.

I don't understand how a dual IG with manglers can win. One HLC, one mangler...sure. But two manglers is pitifully low damage output.

I have to agree here. I actually prefer taking one of each because it provides me more tactical options than just raw damage. Some ships really, really don't like crits.

I think the exact same thing about mangler outriders which is why I don't ***** about them

but hey, not everything is auto-thrusters + evade :P

Edited by ficklegreendice

I don't understand how a dual IG with manglers can win. One HLC, one mangler...sure. But two manglers is pitifully low damage output.

I have to agree here. I actually prefer taking one of each because it provides me more tactical options than just raw damage. Some ships really, really don't like crits.

Mangler , pred,adv sen, inertial,title,autothruster is the build arounD here. But iT is probably we have high ps arcdodgers that can get in r1 and disable hlc. Also symetry i supose since you can give both ships same upgrades

I don't understand how a dual IG with manglers can win. One HLC, one mangler...sure. But two manglers is pitifully low damage output.

I have to agree here. I actually prefer taking one of each because it provides me more tactical options than just raw damage. Some ships really, really don't like crits.

Mangler , pred,adv sen, inertial,title,autothruster is the build arounD here. But iT is probably we have high ps arcdodgers that can get in r1 and disable hlc. Also symetry i supose since you can give both ships same upgrades

Um... Getting into range 1 to disable HLC?

That just means you'll be firing a 4 dice primary attack... Which is actually better than an HLC shot (you get to keep crits on initial roll).

The only HLC that gets disabled at range 1 is one that's paired with the Outrider title.

Edited by Klutz

I don't understand how a dual IG with manglers can win. One HLC, one mangler...sure. But two manglers is pitifully low damage output.

I have to agree here. I actually prefer taking one of each because it provides me more tactical options than just raw damage. Some ships really, really don't like crits.

Mangler , pred,adv sen, inertial,title,autothruster is the build arounD here. But iT is probably we have high ps arcdodgers that can get in r1 and disable hlc. Also symetry i supose since you can give both ships same upgrades

Um... Getting into range 1 to disable HLC?

That just means you'll be firing a 4 dice primary attack... Which is actually better than an HLC shot (you get to keep crits on initial roll).

The only HLC that gets disabled at range 1 is one that's paired with the Outrider title.

It does disable B's ability though if they have HLC, so that's something at least.

Edited by GiraffeandZebra

I don't understand how a dual IG with manglers can win. One HLC, one mangler...sure. But two manglers is pitifully low damage output.

I have to agree here. I actually prefer taking one of each because it provides me more tactical options than just raw damage. Some ships really, really don't like crits.

Mangler , pred,adv sen, inertial,title,autothruster is the build arounD here. But iT is probably we have high ps arcdodgers that can get in r1 and disable hlc. Also symetry i supose since you can give both ships same upgrades

Um... Getting into range 1 to disable HLC?

That just means you'll be firing a 4 dice primary attack... Which is actually better than an HLC shot (you get to keep crits on initial roll).

The only HLC that gets disabled at range 1 is one that's paired with the Outrider title.

Edited by PhantomFO

It does disable B's ability though if they have HLC, so that's something at least.

It's less about disabling the HLC as it is disabling the second attack with B's ability.

That makes more sens.

Yeah that's what i meant. Since it is hard to pass a result through tokened up sontir of whisper , specially if the IG player took evade as his action.

Edited by pizzaguardian

Even so, so hard to hit.

The other night I had 3-4 bwings unload onto fel for 3 turns, with target locks and couldn't touch him

Guess it all depends on what your flying, but against slower ships it's easy for fel yo stay at range three.

Originally I was going to focus down the decimator, but fel was in a good position to trap him so I thought get him off the board fast.

So much for that idea.

After I'd move he move, boost, barrel roll, range 3 with a focus and stealth device, his dice never failed.

Which in return the decimator single handedly took 2 bwings off the board, meanwhile fel never shot.

Well.. I have had Fel with a hull upgrade dropped by a range 3, unmodified shot from a blue. One hit two crits; both of which were Direct hits.

I had barrel rolled and decided the risk/reward of not stressing for tokens was worth it. Statistically probably an ok call but in retrospect not with these outlier, red v green rolls.

Fel is notorious for these kinds of rolls once he is tokenless but in your example, while Fel is the true threat to your list, I think you have to down the decimator ASAP so Fel is facing 3 or more Blues in the endgame.

Next don't be afraid to turtle up.

This is where you made your mistake.

Not taking a defensive action when you knew your going to get shot at.

You put way to much faith in the green dice.

With stealth device at range three your getting 5 green dice

Add in autothrusters which takes one variable out of the equation, and back up by two focus and evades, and I say good luck.

Anything can beat anything imo, but some things just work better

In fel case with autothrusters your taking more variables out of the equation, so make him even harder to hit.

The less you have to rely on randomness the better off you are

If fel is being chased, let him chase you.

Turtle up and stay away.

Your escorts will be free to do as they please

I tried gunning for the decimator but my opponent is smart, and know better.

Bwings can't fly fast, and the decimator with engine upgrade just let's you chase him and boosts out of arcs.

"well don't chase him"

Which is exactly what I did.

When he turned away, I knew I wasn't going to catch up and fel was in a good position, it was hard to resist.

Fel seemed the much more obvious choice.

Fly behind the decimator and chase it, meanwhile fel comes from behind, or let the decimator fly away and wait till it comes back around and hopefully kill fel.

I picked the latter and three rounds the decimator had no shot and fel was just running and with 3-4 shots on him each round with target locks not a hit got through.

This game sold me on stealth with Fel.

Sure there are games you'll lose it from the start but with autothrusters, I thibk the two pair extremely well

Edited by Krynn007

I've considered stealth before, but in this particular case it wouldn't have made a bit of difference. At most it would have provided one more evade but one less overall hull; so two direct hit would have been the same result. Dead Fel.

In hindsight it's obvious I should have turtled up, and I absolutely learned that lesson. In my defense, the chances of me losing Fel on that roll were so slim as to be an anomaly. I had barrel rolled to try to get out of range, and it was close but in.

I just made the point because while all of your shots at Fel bounced, they may not have. It's worth taking the chance sometimes, even if it's not how you would typically think of engaging the squad before the match up. Sometimes it can payoff, other times Fel just laughs it off.

Edited by JFunk

For the Regional North 2015 Germany in Itzehoe, all lists are now uploaded:


Please note: round length was 60 min


Picture Gallery of the final round:


"Corellianer" with 2 Aggressors (on the left) against Sebastian "Laminidas" with Corran Horn (on the right). Duration ~90 min

Sebastian was German National Champion 2013. (He didn't attend Worlds 2013 because he got sick.)

More Pictures:


(Yes, it was held in a shopping mall)

Edited by Udo77

The TO from Beanie Games just got in touch with me, we will get the full results over the next couple of days.

Until, then, a teaser...

We had 75 players, would have 84 but we had a couple of no shows and some drop outs.

The winner was Whisper/Soontir/Mauler, beat Tie Swarm in the final . The top 8 was awesome!

[emphasis mine]


Stockton, UK

May 17, 2015

Beanie Games

Attendance: 75

List Juggler: TBD

Fun fact: prize pool included X-wing Core Set signed by Dave Prowse (Darth Vader)

Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/933691433308137/

  • Winner: Whisper/Soontir/Mauler
  • 2nd place: TIE Swarm
  • Top 4:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
Edited by MajorJuggler

Those Itzehoe results must be fake. Corran won, not Whisper, and Team Wedge beat Fel twice. And we know that:

None of those guys can really hold back Fel. Not joking and a few others have made similar statements. Turrets really are holding back those 3.

For the Regional North 2015 Germany in Itzehoe, all lists are now uploaded:


Please note: round length was 60 min


Picture Gallery of the final round:


"Corellianer" with 2 Aggressors (on the left) against Sebastian "Laminidas" with Corran Horn (on the right). Duration ~90 min

Sebastian was German National Champion 2013. (He didn't attend Worlds 2013 because he got sick.)

More Pictures:


(Yes, it was held in a shopping mall)

I am dying trying to read those upgrade cards aloud. LOL

Those Itzehoe results must be fake. Corran won, not Whisper, and Team Wedge beat Fel twice. And we know that:

None of those guys can really hold back Fel. Not joking and a few others have made similar statements. Turrets really are holding back those 3.

If I've learned anything from SWCCG, its that Germans just game differently.

Edited by Sithborg

Some more updates on the tournament at Beanie Games in the UK. Full List Juggler entry and squad lists coming soon. For now, prepare for your Top 8 mind to be blown!

Winner: Whisper/Soontir/Mauler
2nd: Tie Swarm
Top4: IG-88 b/c
Top4: Twin Firespray Mercs
Top8: Chewie/Leebo
Top8: Double Decimator
Top8: Decimator Wingman

Some more updates on the tournament at Beanie Games in the UK. Full List Juggler entry and squad lists coming soon. For now, prepare for your Top 8 mind to be blown!

Winner: Whisper/Soontir/Mauler

2nd: Tie Swarm

Top4: IG-88 b/c

Top4: Twin Firespray Mercs

Top8: Chewie/Leebo

Top8: Double Decimator

Top8: Decimator Wingman


Edited by Veldrin

4BZ gives me a panic attack. Qualifies!

I'm really curious about that dual mercenary loadout. I think we've all TRIED to make competitive dual mando lists and seen how challenging that is.

Edited by TasteTheRainbow

4BZ gives me a panic attack. Qualifies!

I'm really curious about that dual mercenary loadout.

I am very interested in that one and the TIE swarm list.

Got the final match from the Tampa-St. Pete Regional, check it out.


twin mercs over the named versions?

now I really need to see what upgrades are on those two