2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

well I'll always have green dice ^_^

(at least they're reliable for something <_< )

There you have me. I keep meaning to melt one of mine down as a warning to the others.

Nah, they'd just stare at you with that same blank look they always give you...

Consider yourself pressed; it would be of tremendous use to the community.

From posts on these boards, it sounds like KillerArdvark wants to get out of the Cryodex business, and the FFG software isn't there yet. Having something like excel that is very unlikely to crash and lose data with a feature set that TOs need would be huge.

I'd actually be tempted to work on a web-based tournament tool, but with an official FFG app on the horizon, it's not very tempting...

He lost 1 game.

He probably just tripped over the massive set it takes to bring Laetin Torkil Ndru and Kavil to a competitive regional.

Edited by TasteTheRainbow

NJ regional is up on ListJuggler. Pretty diverse top lists. Apparently people up there think Laetin is a thing!


Some people who lost.

Yes, he lost 1 match and missed out on top 8 by 21 points.

What a loser.

Edited by Klutz

NJ regional is up on ListJuggler. Pretty diverse top lists. Apparently people up there think Laetin is a thing!


It pains me to see so many IG lists doing so poorly. :(

On the other hand, most of them were using PtL, so I feel somewhat vindicated in assuming it's a bad idea on IGs.

NJ regional is up on ListJuggler. Pretty diverse top lists. Apparently people up there think Laetin is a thing! http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=440

It pains me to see so many IG lists doing so poorly. :(

On the other hand, most of them were using PtL, so I feel somewhat vindicated in assuming it's a bad idea on IGs.

Yea ptl gets boned by the new stress engines. Unfortunately, so do the other IG builds.

I feel like IG's hit the game ready to lay into the turret meta and got completely side-swiped by the stress.

NJ regional is up on ListJuggler. Pretty diverse top lists. Apparently people up there think Laetin is a thing! http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=440

Some people who lost.

Yes, he lost 1 match and missed out on top 8 by 21 points.

What a loser.

The primary point is that there were two Laetin's listed for the tournament, and they finished no higher than 9th. That does not make Laetin a "thing". "Some" people might think Laetin is a thing up there as was stated, but I was expecting a little bit more than 2 Laetins with those types of finishes when I saw that statement. That doesn't qualify (for me) as worthy of such a statement (though I won't argue that 2 doesn't technically qualify as some for any pedants out there, it is technically a true statement). I just expected a top 8 and several Laetins, or at least quite a few Laetins. My snarky response was due primarily to the letdown from that.

Edited by GiraffeandZebra

NJ regional is up on ListJuggler. Pretty diverse top lists. Apparently people up there think Laetin is a thing! http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=440

It pains me to see so many IG lists doing so poorly. :(

On the other hand, most of them were using PtL, so I feel somewhat vindicated in assuming it's a bad idea on IGs.

Yea ptl gets boned by the new stress engines. Unfortunately, so do the other IG builds.

I feel like IG's hit the game ready to lay into the turret meta and got completely side-swiped by the stress.

I don't think there was that much stress generation. I just think a lot of people built the poor things completely wrong and got punished for it.

I am feeling hopeful about the Queensland Regionals next week, since the one IG list that did too pretty well is very similar to the list I'll be taking.

But he did lose. (that part is simply fact, I'm not attempting any insult here as you've implied).

Everyone who participated in a Regional and didn't take first place lost, that is simply fact. Pointing it out is kind of silly.

Heck, even some of the "winners" lost a match in qualifiers.

If someone can take 9th place in a 60 person Regional, with a list featuring a pilot that only appears in 2 of the other 230+ lists* people took to Regionals...

It's worth a mention.

I know we like to complain and be negative around here, but sheesh...

*I checked the 230+ lists people took to Regionals that are available on list juggler: only 3 with Laetin.

Edited by Klutz

Yea ptl gets boned by the new stress engines. Unfortunately, so do the other IG builds.

I feel like IG's hit the game ready to lay into the turret meta and got completely side-swiped by the stress.

I disagree with this assessment. I think IG's suffer from the same thing that YT2400 suffer from. You look at 58pt Dash and it's a highly effective build with a very specific weakness. Stress.

PtL Bots are the first obvious choice because of all the green on the dial and Advanced Sensors, but PtL has always been a stronger choice for higher PS ships and PS 6 comparatively not high.

IG's will do better as we experiment with different upgrades, asymetric bro-bot builds, and not always running 2 of them.

Edited by Rividius

Another cool tidbit from looking at List Juggler data from Regionals...

The only person who seems to have gone completely undefeated during a regional tournament is Honter Lin at the 60 person NJ regionals: 5-0 in Swiss (844 mov!) and won the finals!

There's also Siggi at the Reykjavík Regionals, but that was only 13 people and it doesn't seem like they even had any elimination rounds?

Edited by Klutz

Another cool tidbit from looking at List Juggler data from Regionals...

The only person who seems to have gone completely undefeated during a regional tournament is Honter Lin at the 60 person NJ regionals: 5-0 in Swiss (844 mov!) and won the finals!

There could be others. Lee Duncan in Week 1 won a 79 person UK Regionals with dual VT-49 (without engine upgrade no less):


Captain Oicunn + Predator + Rebel Captive + Ysanne Isard + Gunner
Patrol Leader + Darth Vader
Edited by MajorJuggler

But he did lose. (that part is simply fact, I'm not attempting any insult here as you've implied).

Everyone who participated in a Regional and didn't take first place lost, that is simply fact. Pointing it out is kind of silly.

Heck, even some of the winners lost a match in qualifiers.

If someone can take 9th place in a 60 person Regional, with a list featuring a pilot that only appears in 2 of the other 230+ lists* people took to Regionals...

It's worth a mention.

I know we like to complain and be negative around here, but sheesh...

*I checked the 230+ lists people took to Regionals that are available on list juggler: only 3 with Laetin.

I think I was clear that I thought the representation that people thought Laetin was a thing based upon the appearance of two that didn't make the cut was a bit of a stretch. That is my opinion. It is only an opinion, just as it is your opinion that it is newsworthy. We can argue opinions all day long and neither of us will change our minds or in any way benefit from it, so can we drop it? All I wished to do was to clarify that my initial post was a reaction to the non-news (as I perceive it) and not an insult as it was portrayed.

Edited by GiraffeandZebra

Results from Brussels have been posted. Hold your breath! No Fat Turrets in the Top 4, but lots of bombs! :D

Brussels, Belgium

May 16, 2015 Outpost Brussels

Attendance: 36

Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/487452348073997/


Lists: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BhvNMaQfXuAGG8qyxQAUQRuBKHrNOih_sjGFG4Abld0/edit#gid=2128457834

List Juggler: TBD

  • Winner: 2x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges; 2x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + Unhinged Astromech
  • 2nd place: Kavil + Swarm Tactics + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges; 3x Thug + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges
  • Top 4: Krassis + HLC + Recon Spec + Countermeasures; Soontir Fel + PtL + Targeting Computer + Stealth Device; Backstabber
  • Top 4: BXAAAZ

I'd just like to make it known that I totally called this! I'm so happy to see Y-Wings

Hello! I am the finalist with auto-blaster and lot of Y-Wing. I play this list for counter all IG-2000 squad (auto-win) and Empire list. I have only some problem against Fat Han or Dash with "boost" modif card but if I grab him, i never won't let it go. I lost the final because i don't play well and the opponent it's a really great player. Y-wing it's really strong, Unhinged astromech give insane mouve and auto-blaster + sismic charge plop a lot of ship for free!! (sorry for my poor english XD)

Results from Brussels have been posted. Hold your breath! No Fat Turrets in the Top 4, but lots of bombs! :D

Brussels, Belgium

May 16, 2015 Outpost Brussels

Attendance: 36

Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/487452348073997/


Lists: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BhvNMaQfXuAGG8qyxQAUQRuBKHrNOih_sjGFG4Abld0/edit#gid=2128457834

List Juggler: TBD

  • Winner: 2x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges; 2x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + Unhinged Astromech
  • 2nd place: Kavil + Swarm Tactics + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges; 3x Thug + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges
  • Top 4: Krassis + HLC + Recon Spec + Countermeasures; Soontir Fel + PtL + Targeting Computer + Stealth Device; Backstabber
  • Top 4: BXAAAZ

I'd just like to make it known that I totally called this! I'm so happy to see Y-Wings

Hello! I am the finalist with auto-blaster and lot of Y-Wing. I play this list for counter all IG-2000 squad (auto-win) and Empire list. I have only some problem against Fat Han or Dash with "boost" modif card but if I grab him, i never won't let it go. I lost the final because i don't play well and the opponent it's a really great player. Y-wing it's really strong, Unhinged astromech give insane mouve and auto-blaster + sismic charge plop a lot of ship for free!! (sorry for my poor english XD)

You're quite mad, and I like it.

Results from Brussels have been posted. Hold your breath! No Fat Turrets in the Top 4, but lots of bombs! :D

Brussels, Belgium

May 16, 2015 Outpost Brussels

Attendance: 36

Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/487452348073997/


Lists: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BhvNMaQfXuAGG8qyxQAUQRuBKHrNOih_sjGFG4Abld0/edit#gid=2128457834

List Juggler: TBD

  • Winner: 2x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges; 2x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + Unhinged Astromech
  • 2nd place: Kavil + Swarm Tactics + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges; 3x Thug + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges
  • Top 4: Krassis + HLC + Recon Spec + Countermeasures; Soontir Fel + PtL + Targeting Computer + Stealth Device; Backstabber
  • Top 4: BXAAAZ

I'd just like to make it known that I totally called this! I'm so happy to see Y-Wings

Hello! I am the finalist with auto-blaster and lot of Y-Wing. I play this list for counter all IG-2000 squad (auto-win) and Empire list. I have only some problem against Fat Han or Dash with "boost" modif card but if I grab him, i never won't let it go. I lost the final because i don't play well and the opponent it's a really great player. Y-wing it's really strong, Unhinged astromech give insane mouve and auto-blaster + sismic charge plop a lot of ship for free!! (sorry for my poor english XD)

I'd love to know how you matchup against Soontir Fel + Decimator lists.

I'd love to know how you matchup against Soontir Fel + Decimator lists.

I'm guessing: fly all 4 Y-wings in formation towards Fel at about 1.5 range separation between each Y-wing. Catch Fel in the net and then clean up the Decimator after.

NJ regional is up on ListJuggler. Pretty diverse top lists. Apparently people up there think Laetin is a thing! http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=440

It pains me to see so many IG lists doing so poorly. :(

On the other hand, most of them were using PtL, so I feel somewhat vindicated in assuming it's a bad idea on IGs.

That's what's kind of scary about them. If the people flying them were smart enough not to use Autoblaster Cannon and Accuracy Corrector, or not waste points on Hot Shot Blasters, they would win a lot more.

Edited by ParaGoomba Slayer

Even so, so hard to hit.

The other night I had 3-4 bwings unload onto fel for 3 turns, with target locks and couldn't touch him

Guess it all depends on what your flying, but against slower ships it's easy for fel yo stay at range three.

Originally I was going to focus down the decimator, but fel was in a good position to trap him so I thought get him off the board fast.

So much for that idea.

After I'd move he move, boost, barrel roll, range 3 with a focus and stealth device, his dice never failed.

Which in return the decimator single handedly took 2 bwings off the board, meanwhile fel never shot.

He's easy to hit with autoblaster turrets :)

Not really

A player who knows what he's doing will just avoid the range 1 from the autoblaster turret.

Try chasing him, and you wind up in the same situation as I did.

Chase fel, he'll just boost barrel roll and or turtle up and let his escort do the job

Even so, so hard to hit.

The other night I had 3-4 bwings unload onto fel for 3 turns, with target locks and couldn't touch him

Guess it all depends on what your flying, but against slower ships it's easy for fel yo stay at range three.

Originally I was going to focus down the decimator, but fel was in a good position to trap him so I thought get him off the board fast.

So much for that idea.

After I'd move he move, boost, barrel roll, range 3 with a focus and stealth device, his dice never failed.

Which in return the decimator single handedly took 2 bwings off the board, meanwhile fel never shot.

Well.. I have had Fel with a hull upgrade dropped by a range 3, unmodified shot from a blue. One hit two crits; both of which were Direct hits.

I had barrel rolled and decided the risk/reward of not stressing for tokens was worth it. Statistically probably an ok call but in retrospect not with these outlier, red v green rolls.

Fel is notorious for these kinds of rolls once he is tokenless but in your example, while Fel is the true threat to your list, I think you have to down the decimator ASAP so Fel is facing 3 or more Blues in the endgame.

Edited by JFunk

Generally when I beat Dual IG Lists, they're built in a sub-optimal way instead of stacking HLC and FCS and IG88B's ability. When I blow through someone's list because they went Mangler instead of HLC or they decided to use Mangler at range one on their first shot because, "But Mangler crits though" and the game was semi-close already, you know your opponent only lost because of incompetence and not Dual IG's being bad.

That's what's kind of scary about them. If the people flying them were smart enough not to use Autoblaster Cannon and Accuracy Corrector, or not waste points on Hot Shot Blasters, they would win a lot more.

One of the things that I really like about dual Aggressor lists is that there is no one "perfect" build. The folks that have had success with IG in Top 8's thus far have all had an interesting spread. From Tulsa (FCS + HLC + Determination) to Hamburg and Malaga (Predator + Mangler + AdvS) to Madrid (VI + AdvS + HLC), no two are quite alike. All of the builds thus far have unsurprisingly used IG-88B, but there's been a mix of C & D paired with him, and the more I play them the more convinced I am that even A is not that bad of an option.