2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

They are saving us from the permanent Fel/Whisper/Vader meta. I agree with them on that.

No, that's because the Raider is being delayed, Whisper + Fel + Vader will be inevitable once it arrives. :D

They are saving us from the permanent Fel/Whisper/Vader meta. I agree with them on that.

No, that's because the Raider is being delayed, Whisper + Fel + Vader will be inevitable once it arrives. :D

Ready Player 2


oh boy Vader on Vader action

Vadermader: "I have you now!"

Vadervance: "that's my line!"

Edited by ficklegreendice

Results from Brussels have been posted. Hold your breath! No Fat Turrets in the Top 4, but lots of bombs! :D

Brussels, Belgium

May 16, 2015
Outpost Brussels
Attendance: 36

Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/487452348073997/


Lists: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BhvNMaQfXuAGG8qyxQAUQRuBKHrNOih_sjGFG4Abld0/edit#gid=2128457834

List Juggler: TBD

  • Winner: 2x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges; 2x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + Unhinged Astromech
  • 2nd place: Kavil + Swarm Tactics + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges; 3x Thug + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges
  • Top 4: Krassis + HLC + Recon Spec + Countermeasures; Soontir Fel + PtL + Targeting Computer + Stealth Device; Backstabber
  • Top 4: BXAAAZ
Edited by MajorJuggler

4 Y-wings? Those crazy Germans.

Results from Brussels have been posted. Hold your breath! No Fat Turrets in the Top 4, but lots of bombs! :D

Brussels, Belgium

May 16, 2015 Outpost Brussels

Attendance: 36

Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/487452348073997/


Lists: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BhvNMaQfXuAGG8qyxQAUQRuBKHrNOih_sjGFG4Abld0/edit#gid=2128457834

List Juggler: TBD

  • Winner: 2x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges; 2x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + Unhinged Astromech
  • 2nd place: Kavil + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Swarm Tactics + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges; 2x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges
  • Top 4: Krassis + HLC + Recon Spec + Countermeasures; Soontir Fel + PtL + Targeting Computer + Stealth Device; Backstabber
  • Top 4: BXAAAZ

4 Y-wings? Those crazy Germans.


3 Y's is a lot crazier than 4, and top 2 was ALL Y-wings. Unhinged Kavil with seismics and two chaser pups. That's awesome.

Edited by TasteTheRainbow

3 Y's is a lot crazier than 4, and top 2 was ALL Y-wings. Unhinged Kavil with seismics and two chaser pups. That's awesome.

Oops I had that wrong. It was 4 Y's. Will fix momentarily.

Edit: it was a 4x AUTOBLASTER TURRET list for #2.

Edited by MajorJuggler

4 Y-wings? Those crazy Germans.



4 Y-wings? Those crazy Germans.



Yeah... they're closer to the French than the Germans. Good people.


Edited by jkokura
  • Top 4: Krassis + HLC + Recon Spec + Countermeasures; Soontir Fel + PtL + Targeting Computer + Stealth Device; Backstabber

That Belgian top 4 is amazing.

bxaaaz :blink: !?!?!?!


Not a single top 4 fattie !??!?!

can we please import some of those players?!

Edited by ficklegreendice

They are saving us from the permanent Fel/Whisper/Vader meta. I agree with them on that.

What about Wedge, Corran, Keyan, Wes, Xizor, Boba, Kath, Bossk, Cobra, Rexler, Juno, Redline? Dogfight! Turrets kill many exciting lists, because they are too easy and undercosted.

None of those guys can really hold back Fel. Not joking and a few others have made similar statements. Turrets really are holding back those 3.

Edited by TasteTheRainbow

They are saving us from the permanent Fel/Whisper/Vader meta. I agree with them on that.

No, that's because the Raider is being delayed, Whisper + Fel + Vader will be inevitable once it arrives. :D

Delayed? But yeah that is a question, what current expansion/waves will be out by GenCon and Worlds and will all the new expansion be permitted in those tournaments?

3 Y's is a lot crazier than 4, and top 2 was ALL Y-wings. Unhinged Kavil with seismics and two chaser pups. That's awesome.

Oops I had that wrong. It was 4 Y's. Will fix momentarily.

Edit: it was a 4x AUTOBLASTER TURRET list for #2.

So the new turret meta: Y-wing turrets!

None of those guys can really hold back Fel. Not joking and a few others have made similar statements. Turrets really are holding back those 3.

well no

as Juggler said, the delayed raider is holding back Vader

turrets didn't do jack **** to discourage Whisper, since he was the other half of the previous iteration of chiri + soontir. They were just the only thing that could compete (apart from BBBBZ and panic attack and whatever could stress the phantom before it shot, ofc). The errata is holding her back now.

and soontir, well hey there he is...everywhere!

I understand the fears surrounding old whisper and new Vader, but Soontir...why? For all his amazing shenanigans, he's still a 3 attack die ship and he's still crippled upon block or upon passing through terrain (even the focus from debris represents a sharp downgrade from his action spam). Not to mention his dependency on PTL leaves him very vulnerable to stress mechanics, that much has certainly not changed.

I don't understand the mindset that turrets are somehow the guardians of the competitive meta. From what we've seen, they are the competitive meta :P

Edited by ficklegreendice

None of those guys can really hold back Fel.

  • Top 4: Krassis + HLC + Recon Spec + Countermeasures; Soontir Fel + PtL + Targeting Computer + Stealth Device; Backstabber
Countermeasures?! Wow.

My thoughts exactly. Although considering the number of warthogs they were facing, it actually seems reasonable.

Edited by Biophysical

Looks like you are missing an event on the thread's schedule - the NW region has another regional coming up just outside Portland, in Vancouver, WA, on June 13:


Results from Brussels have been posted. Hold your breath! No Fat Turrets in the Top 4, but lots of bombs! :D

Brussels, Belgium

May 16, 2015 Outpost Brussels

Attendance: 36

Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/487452348073997/


Lists: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BhvNMaQfXuAGG8qyxQAUQRuBKHrNOih_sjGFG4Abld0/edit#gid=2128457834

List Juggler: TBD

  • Winner: 2x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges; 2x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + Unhinged Astromech
  • 2nd place: Kavil + Swarm Tactics + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges; 3x Thug + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges
  • Top 4: Krassis + HLC + Recon Spec + Countermeasures; Soontir Fel + PtL + Targeting Computer + Stealth Device; Backstabber
  • Top 4: BXAAAZ

I'd just like to make it known that I totally called this! I'm so happy to see Y-Wings

Looks like you are missing an event on the thread's schedule - the NW region has another regional coming up just outside Portland, in Vancouver, WA, on June 13:


I'm missing a lot of events, actually, I haven't pulled them all in yet. Thanks for the link!

Results from Brussels have been posted. Hold your breath! No Fat Turrets in the Top 4, but lots of bombs! :D

Brussels, Belgium

May 16, 2015

Outpost Brussels

Attendance: 36

Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/487452348073997/


Lists: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BhvNMaQfXuAGG8qyxQAUQRuBKHrNOih_sjGFG4Abld0/edit#gid=2128457834

List Juggler: TBD

  • Winner: 2x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges; 2x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + Unhinged Astromech
  • 2nd place: Kavil + Swarm Tactics + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges; 3x Thug + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Bomb Loadout + Seismic Charges
  • Top 4: Krassis + HLC + Recon Spec + Countermeasures; Soontir Fel + PtL + Targeting Computer + Stealth Device; Backstabber
  • Top 4: BXAAAZ

[–] PCGamerPirate That's a bump 12 points

3 hours ago

I read this insightful post on FFG:

There are 4 things you can do when you think fat turrets are dominating the X-wing meta and you are unhappy:

1) Play the fat turret and dominate the meta.

2) Don't play fat turret and try to change the meta.

3) Complain about the meta and do nothing.

4) Quit.

Looks like they picked option 2.