2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Breaking news! We have a new tournament that was not listed on FFG's list. Siggi from the Outer Rim Smugglers won a small 13-person Regionals, and the details have been uploaded to List Juggler. Congrats Siggi!


( Of course, it's another Fat Turret list -- a dual turret list no less -- the internet is just trolling us now, ha ha ha. )

Siggi's winning list:

Han Solo + Lone Wolf + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + C-3PO + R2-D2

Wild Space Fringer + Mangler Cannon + Outrider + Intelligence Agent

I'm not even pissed. Past a certain point Turretwing just becomes funny.

the point's called insanity ;)

I like the idea that people are just adjusting to the new options, though. Gives me hope for the future :)

Edited by ficklegreendice

Breaking news! We have a new tournament that was not listed on FFG's list. Siggi from the Outer Rim Smugglers won a small 13-person Regionals, and the details have been uploaded to List Juggler. Congrats Siggi!


( Of course, it's another Fat Turret list -- a dual turret list no less -- the internet is just trolling us now, ha ha ha. )

Siggi's winning list:

Han Solo + Lone Wolf + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + C-3PO + R2-D2

Wild Space Fringer + Mangler Cannon + Outrider + Intelligence Agent

I'm not even pissed. Past a certain point Turretwing just becomes funny.

More prizes for them then

Has been discussed at length elsewhere -- if you went to partial points (not just half points) then it would be fine, but the problem is actually doing the math and running the tournament with the lowest common denominator software and TOs.

I think the only realistic way is to make it simple. Full points for killing it. Half points (rounded down) for knocking off 1/2 of total hull/shield. No points for damage above half. Simple and does the job. No mess. No fuss.

Again, has been discussed at length elsewhere - it doesn't do the job in many scenarios. Consider the matchup in my Store Championship season. My 60 point Fat Han vs his 62 point Fat Han. If I'm half dead then he still wins on time even with 1 HP remaining on his ship, half points does nothing to fix the problem.

And if the 62 point Fat Han goes up against a 64 point Fat VT-49, then the VT-49 wins instead. Half points is better than what we have, but it only moves the goalpost.

Full-out partial points would be much better, but would require a better scoring sheet, and ideally tournament software built in to support it. The latter is unlikely to happen from FFG.

Big pardon for extending this, but first, where should we discuss this (everyone?)?

And MJ, what exactly would have helped your situation? Is there a point in helping your situation in that game?

Has been discussed at length elsewhere -- if you went to partial points (not just half points) then it would be fine, but the problem is actually doing the math and running the tournament with the lowest common denominator software and TOs.

I think the only realistic way is to make it simple. Full points for killing it. Half points (rounded down) for knocking off 1/2 of total hull/shield. No points for damage above half. Simple and does the job. No mess. No fuss.

Again, has been discussed at length elsewhere - it doesn't do the job in many scenarios. Consider the matchup in my Store Championship season. My 60 point Fat Han vs his 62 point Fat Han. If I'm half dead then he still wins on time even with 1 HP remaining on his ship, half points does nothing to fix the problem.

And if the 62 point Fat Han goes up against a 64 point Fat VT-49, then the VT-49 wins instead. Half points is better than what we have, but it only moves the goalpost.

Full-out partial points would be much better, but would require a better scoring sheet, and ideally tournament software built in to support it. The latter is unlikely to happen from FFG.

Big pardon for extending this, but first, where should we discuss this (everyone?)?

And MJ, what exactly would have helped your situation? Is there a point in helping your situation in that game?

We should discuss it here:


I'd like to issue a congratz to all the fat turret winners


hate the game, baby, not the player

hate the game, baby, not the player

I kind of hate both at times, though. I make the moral choice to not play the fat turrets.

Putting the blame on the players fielding what is (for some reason) a legitimate, legal option in gameplay terms I don't think is going to rub anyone particularly well :P

I mean, we really can't blame them. These are competitive events attended by people who may be interested in winning competitive events, and fat Yt-1300s and VT-49 decimators are, regardless of their on paper power, simply the safest option.

Between only having a few ships to worry about (either a mere 2 ships, or one fattie and 3 little Zs), complete lack of partial scoring, guaranteed and incredibly potent defensive tech, completely free range of maneuvers due to arcs being an afterthought, and easily being the most forgiving ship in the game; fat turrets are just the safest bet for a serious player devoting time and money out of their lives in order to place well in an event.

There is no real reason to force them to change or to shame them for...playing the game?

The underlying mechanics of the models are the only things that need changing <_<

Edited by ficklegreendice

Putting the blame on the players fielding what is (for some reason) a legitimate, legal option in gameplay terms I don't think is going to rub anyone particularly well :P

I mean, we really can't blame them. These are competitive events attended by people who may be interested in winning competitive events, and fat Yt-1300s and VT-49 decimators are, regardless of their on paper power, simply the safest option.

Between only having a few ships to worry about (either a mere 2 ships, or one fattie and 3 little Zs), complete lack of partial scoring, guaranteed and incredibly potent defensive tech, completely free range of maneuvers due to arcs being an afterthought, and easily being the most forgiving ship in the game; fat turrets are just the safest bet for a serious player devoting time and money out of their lives in order to place well in an event.

There is no real reason to force them to change or to shame them for...playing the game?

The underlying mechanics of the models are the only things that need changing <_<

Geez, you've almost talked me into abandoning my B-Wings for a fat turret. :unsure:

hate the game, baby, not the player

I kind of hate both at times, though. I make the moral choice to not play the fat turrets.

How do you feel about skinny turrets? Say three wild space fringers with Recon Spec on each?

hate the game, baby, not the player

I kind of hate both at times, though. I make the moral choice to not play the fat turrets.

How do you feel about skinny turrets? Say three wild space fringers with Recon Spec on each?

Fairly tanky, but not near enough offense.

actually, a local group member has inspired a very effective...skinny? turret

It's Fringer (HLC, Int agent)

and it's hilarious

another local player, thus inspired, flies super Dash with that Fringer + hull upgrade and swears by it. The int agent turns it into a blocking badass that deals readily with soontir (either through blocks or through Dash going "oh, so that's where he's going... whee! ") and provides a chunky four dice while he's got his arc in the right direction. He prefers it over corran because either corran or super dash have to give things up in order to be flown in the same 100 point squad.

I like that we've come so far in a year.

If I would have told you guys last spring that people would be accused of taking the easy path to victory for flying a Soontir Fel list you would've thought I was crazy.

Disclaimer: I don't actually think anyone who won a large regional had an easy time of it.

Edited by TasteTheRainbow

I like that we've come so far in a year.

If I would have told you guys last spring that people would be accused of taking the easy path to victory for flying a Soontir Fel list you would've thought I was crazy.

That's a fair point. The meta has evolved and will evolve again.

K-Wings will be king next year. Mark my words.

*Cough* WV Regional results *cough*.

I KNOW they used cryodex, I watched them use it.

hate the game, baby, not the player

I kind of hate both at times, though. I make the moral choice to not play the fat turrets.

*Cough* WV Regional results *cough*.

I KNOW they used cryodex, I watched them use it.

Yes but I think they made a new tournament for the Final Cut, so it overwrote all the saved data that they had for the Swiss rounds.

That is awful news. Are they still going to put up all lists?

That is awful news. Are they still going to put up all lists?

They haven't gotten back to me. Neither has Bellevue. I will try pinging them again.

Cryodex was used at the NJ regional as well.

What's the tally for types of lists that have won again?

What's the tally for types of lists that have won again?

It's on the first page.

I like that we've come so far in a year.

If I would have told you guys last spring that people would be accused of taking the easy path to victory for flying a Soontir Fel list you would've thought I was crazy.

Disclaimer: I don't actually think anyone who won a large regional had an easy time of it.

They are saving us from the permanent Fel/Whisper/Vader meta. I agree with them on that.