2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Seriously? Daredevil on a Decimator?

If you have the gunner + Vader version you can pretty much autokill anything with 4hp or less that you can ram. It's a powerful build. I was considering it for my build if I would have made it to the Vancouver Regional. I think the Rebel captive version is better though. And I prefer Backstabber to Dark Curse.

Argh.....new work won't allow me to quote anything with browser.

As for the comment that he must have done well as there were a lot of Bro Bots....he didn't face any.

Round 1 - BBBBZ - Win

Round 2 - Keyan, Autoblaster Super Dash - Win

Round 3 - Fat Corran, 2 Autoblaster Ys, Z - Win

Round 4 - HLC RecSpec Dash NO OUTRIDER, Jake, FCS B - loss (This player went 5-0 in Swiss)

Round 5 - Chiraneau Soontir - HUGE LOSS!! (Final round of Swiss, I thought I wouldn't make it through)

Round 6 - Rematch round 4 - Win

Round 7 - Oicunn, 2x Saber PtL - Win

Round 8 - Fat Han (EU, 3PO, Pred, MF, Gunner), 3Z - Win

Round 9 - Fat Han (EU, 3PO, Lone Wolf, MF, Gunner), Outrider Mangler WSF - Win

Round 10 - Decivader gunner, Oicunn (Pred, Rebel Captive, Isard) - Loss

With 2 "flights" of ~60 players, and top 16 of each flight making the elimination Tournament on day two, then the top 4 to 6 ranked 3-2 pilots would make the cut. That is a very interesting way to run a larger tournament. Also allows for someone to have more than just one loss and still make the elimination rounds.

With 2 "flights" of ~60 players, and top 16 of each flight making the elimination Tournament on day two, then the top 4 to 6 ranked 3-2 pilots would make the cut. That is a very interesting way to run a larger tournament. Also allows for someone to have more than just one loss and still make the elimination rounds.

I went 3 and 2, but got straight up tabled in one of my losses. My MOV wasn't too stellar either. <_<

With 2 "flights" of ~60 players, and top 16 of each flight making the elimination Tournament on day two, then the top 4 to 6 ranked 3-2 pilots would make the cut. That is a very interesting way to run a larger tournament. Also allows for someone to have more than just one loss and still make the elimination rounds.

On the other hand, cut to top 32 means players that may have run a *stellar* event to date, maybe 5-0, get paired against someone possibly as low as 32nd out of 100 (-ish). So if their dice finally crap out, their first loss may be to a player who didn't even rank in the top quarter of participants.

Philosophical difference, I suppose, as I'm really not much of a fan of single-elimination in the first place and would rather just have enough Swiss to settle a result, but...if you ARE going to do single-elimination, don't reach down so low that the participants you are seeing are only in their spot by luck.

With 2 "flights" of ~60 players, and top 16 of each flight making the elimination Tournament on day two, then the top 4 to 6 ranked 3-2 pilots would make the cut. That is a very interesting way to run a larger tournament. Also allows for someone to have more than just one loss and still make the elimination rounds.

On the other hand, cut to top 32 means players that may have run a *stellar* event to date, maybe 5-0, get paired against someone possibly as low as 32nd out of 100 (-ish). So if their dice finally crap out, their first loss may be to a player who didn't even rank in the top quarter of participants.

Philosophical difference, I suppose, as I'm really not much of a fan of single-elimination in the first place and would rather just have enough Swiss to settle a result, but...if you ARE going to do single-elimination, don't reach down so low that the participants you are seeing are only in their spot by luck.

I like a compromise: offer a slightly wider cut but give the highest ranked players in Swiss a bye in round 1 of elimination. The problem is that to do it properly you need to add another round, so this is only viable for 2-day events like many Nationals, or of course, Worlds.

With 2 "flights" of ~60 players, and top 16 of each flight making the elimination Tournament on day two, then the top 4 to 6 ranked 3-2 pilots would make the cut. That is a very interesting way to run a larger tournament. Also allows for someone to have more than just one loss and still make the elimination rounds.

Thank you eristotle for letting me advance into the top 8 after an excellent game!

I got beaten by Fat Han/Mangler fringer in the next game but it was close. Han was at 3 hull at time and almost ran him off the board with blocking at one point.

I was ranked 31st going into the knockout stages. First round I took out the 2nd seed, next I took out the 4th or 5th, and after that it was all top seeded lists that both the dual decimator winning list and I took out. I am going to go Vancouver BC on the 4th to see if I can repeat the performance.

I think it was a strange way to run the tournament as well, and I know that I wouldn't have made the cut in a standard top 8 or 16, but I am happy that I did in the end!

Edited by Gersun

Thank you eristotle for letting me advance into the top 8 after an excellent game!

I got beaten by Fat Han/Mangler fringer in the next game but it was close. Han was at 3 hull at time and almost ran him off the board with blocking at one point.

I wouldn't even have mentioned it save that I love to see Z-95 swarms get the attention they deserve! The real glory goes to Gersun!

So I found out I'm free after all for this weekend's sold out Wisconsin regional. Since I live nearby to it I was hoping to go over and hopefully take the spot of a no-show. Unfortunately the store is not allowing that. Only allowing add ons if someone drops before Saturday and lets the store know.

With 2 "flights" of ~60 players, and top 16 of each flight making the elimination Tournament on day two, then the top 4 to 6 ranked 3-2 pilots would make the cut. That is a very interesting way to run a larger tournament. Also allows for someone to have more than just one loss and still make the elimination rounds.

I asked one of the main TOs and that's the reason he gave. He wanted to discourage people from dropping out of flight 1 (and either buying a flight 2 entry or going home) as soon as they lost one game.

I did see a guy with both flight stickers on his attendee badge. I didn't think they'd allow someone to buy into both flights so I was a bit confused. Now it makes sense.

I did very poorly, but stayed for the whole night, because I wanted the practice. I don't blame someone for going home early though.

Edited by Koing907

So I found out I'm free after all for this weekend's sold out Wisconsin regional. Since I live nearby to it I was hoping to go over and hopefully take the spot of a no-show. Unfortunately the store is not allowing that. Only allowing add ons if someone drops before Saturday and lets the store know.

Bummer!!! :( What are they capping it at?

Thank you eristotle for letting me advance into the top 8 after an excellent game!

I got beaten by Fat Han/Mangler fringer in the next game but it was close. Han was at 3 hull at time and almost ran him off the board with blocking at one point.

My boss today told me I should have finished out the tourney and called out sick to work. :P

I like where your boss's priorities are. I think that would have been great, but if we matched up I don't think it would have ended well for Head Trauma...

I like where your boss's priorities are. I think that would have been great, but if we matched up I don't think it would have ended well for Head Trauma...

The world may never know. As you said, you've improved a lot as a player since our last match up!

104 players I believe

Just annoying since I'd be very surprised if there's no drops on Saturday, but I'm guessing they will be day of, and probably not let the store know.

Edited by markcsoul

Yeah that "Headtrauma" list is pretty mean--especially in today's meta. I'm honestly surprised I haven't seen anyone else using anything like it. Ever.

Ouch any 60 point ship is going to have a sad day!

Edited by Amraam01

I am the pilot of Head Trauma....

That is so awesome how you did.

It is great that you showed that ordinance can do well especially when after thread after thread says it needs to be fixed.

It is even more baller just to take an unexpected and unique list and to perform well, something I try and usually fail at! But, practice practice practice seems to be a key!

It is great that you showed that ordinance can do well especially when after thread after thread says it needs to be fixed.

I am just as excited as the next guy to see some neat variety in the meta, and a list like this certainly qualifies.

However, the fact that he had to tailor the entire list to pass off enough actions to make the ordnance useful (Airen Cracken's free action combined with Squad Leader) pretty much validates the desire folks have to see ordnance "fixed".

I have no desire to take anything away from pilot or list, but people want an adjustment to projectile weapons like concussion missiles and proton torpedoes because they are iconic, appearing in almost every canon (and non-canon) starfighter battle. Their current design - and cost - makes them incredibly difficult to use effectively, and that's all folks want corrected.

I am the pilot of Head Trauma....

That is so awesome how you did.

It is great that you showed that ordinance can do well especially when after thread after thread says it needs to be fixed.

It is even more baller just to take an unexpected and unique list and to perform well, something I try and usually fail at! But, practice practice practice seems to be a key!

Yes he was taking particular enjoyment in his finals run knowing the plethora of ordinance haters on here would have a stroke after seeing his list.

I think you will see a lot more ordnance once wave 7 is released. Extra munitions and FCS on a Punisher will fix almost all of the action economy for attacking a fat ship, because your target lock will be waiting for you. Horton Salm can slide in at a pretty 31 points with 2 proton torpedoes. His pilot ability really helps them hit hard, but a focus would be better...

Not to derail the thread any more. I am just glad that I made a splash. Just 12 more days until the next regional in my area! Head Trauma will cement itself into the meta...

It is great that you showed that ordinance can do well especially when after thread after thread says it needs to be fixed.

I am just as excited as the next guy to see some neat variety in the meta, and a list like this certainly qualifies.

However, the fact that he had to tailor the entire list to pass off enough actions to make the ordnance useful (Airen Cracken's free action combined with Squad Leader) pretty much validates the desire folks have to see ordnance "fixed".

I have no desire to take anything away from pilot or list, but people want an adjustment to projectile weapons like concussion missiles and proton torpedoes because they are iconic, appearing in almost every canon (and non-canon) starfighter battle. Their current design - and cost - makes them incredibly difficult to use effectively, and that's all folks want corrected.

Yeah think about what your asking you are putting more and more power into a 'lucky' or unlucky dice roll. I rather have the higher cost of ordinance or be overcosted than a meta where everyone is bring the torps and knocking your bests ships out after 2 rounds while your missiles blanked out. So be careful what you ask for,,,,

Edited by Amraam01

So I found out I'm free after all for this weekend's sold out Wisconsin regional. Since I live nearby to it I was hoping to go over and hopefully take the spot of a no-show. Unfortunately the store is not allowing that. Only allowing add ons if someone drops before Saturday and lets the store know.

Bummer!!! :( What are they capping it at?

It's at 104 I believe.

Here's what I wrote down about the Top 8 matchups at the Tacoma regional:


Han Solo + Lone Wolf, Gunner, C-3PO, Falcon

Wild Space Fringer + Mangler Cannon, Outrider


Chiraneau (didn't record upgrades, pretty standard)

Soontir Fel + PTL, Royal Guard, Autothrusters, Stealth Device


Airen Cracken + Squad Leader

Bandit Squadron + Ion Pulse Missile

Bandit Squadron + Concussion Missile

Bandit Squadron + Concussion Missile

Bandit Squadron + Concussion Missile

Bandit Squadron + Concussion Missile


Oicunn + Predator, Rebel Captive

Saber Squadron + PTL, Autothrusters

Saber Squadron + PTL, Autothrusters


Chewbacca + PTL, Kyle Katarn, C-3PO, Falcon

(didn't record rest, believe it was a YT-2400)


Oicunn + Predator, Rebel Captive, Ysanne Isard

Patrol Leader + Gunner, Darth Vader


Dash Rendar + Lone Wolf, Recon Specialist, Heavy Laser Cannon, Outrider

Corran Horn + PTL, R2-D2, Fire-Control System, Hull Upgrade


Ten Numb + Veteran Instincts, Advanced Sensors, Mangler Cannon

Blue Squadron + Fire-Control System

Gold Squadron + Ion Cannon Turret, R3-A2, BTL-A4

Bandit Squadron

Edited by Quarrel