2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Ugh. These latest regionals are not very cheery on the diversity front.

what is the 49 point corran load out?

what is the 49 point corran load out?

Corran Horn (35)

+ R2-D2 (4)

+ Engine Upgrade (4)

+ Push The Limit (3)

+ Advanced Sensors (3)

Edited by stmack

Didn't a swarm win Aldershot?

I don't think so, but I'm not certain. I never got a full report. This is all we have from the forums here.

Aldershot, UK

May 23, 2015

The Games Shop

Attendance: 50+?

List Juggler:


  • Top 8+: 7 TIE Swarm (no Howlrunner)
  • Top 8+: Han; Jake
  • Top 8+: Chewie; Leebo
  • Top 8+: Dual IG-88
  • Top 8+: Dual IG-88
  • Top 8+: Dash; 2 A-wings
  • Top 8+: Dash; 2x Blue Squadron Pilots
  • Top 8: Dash; Corran

Oh, good chance I just glossed over the Top 8+ part, reading comprehension ftw.

Didn't a swarm win Aldershot?

I don't think so, but I'm not certain. I never got a full report. This is all we have from the forums here.

Aldershot, UK

May 23, 2015

The Games Shop

Attendance: 50+?

List Juggler:


  • Top 8+: 7 TIE Swarm (no Howlrunner)
  • Top 8+: Han; Jake
  • Top 8+: Chewie; Leebo
  • Top 8+: Dual IG-88
  • Top 8+: Dual IG-88
  • Top 8+: Dash; 2 A-wings
  • Top 8+: Dash; 2x Blue Squadron Pilots
  • Top 8: Dash; Corran

Oh, good chance I just glossed over the Top 8+ part, reading comprehension ftw.

haha, ties reign supreme!

Now I need to see which characters they brought along. I wouldn't dream of not bringing howlie (though I have brought her along with backstabber and V.I mithel, which is incredible fun :) )

Ugh. These latest regionals are not very cheery on the diversity front.

Some of this entire discussion does depend on how loosely we are willing to define certain build types. On the one hand, boiling most of the top 8s down to "4-5 Turret+Flanker, 2-3 Brobots*, 1 random list" looks bleak. On the other hand, there is a major difference between the Chewie+4 Z's list and the Lando/Blount/Tala list (and not I don't just mean "Yeah, 2 Z-95's! -rimshot-").

*I hate that term, btw.

Isn't it also the first regionals with Blount in the top 8?

That's what I was thinking. Nice to see the Zs making an appearance!

Atlanta Regionals has been posted. Lists will be added when I get home to my giant stack of squadron lists

what is the 49 point corran load out?

Corran Horn (35)

+ R2-D2 (4)

+ Engine Upgrade (4)

+ Push The Limit (3)

+ Advanced Sensors (3)

but is it really better than fcs version? i for one love Ad sensors, but i haven't tried it on corran as the fcs just seems to good. how does this version play differently? more arc dodging trying to win on time or more arc dodging to kill stuff?

what is the 49 point corran load out?

Corran Horn (35)

+ R2-D2 (4)

+ Engine Upgrade (4)

+ Push The Limit (3)

+ Advanced Sensors (3)

but is it really better than fcs version? i for one love Ad sensors, but i haven't tried it on corran as the fcs just seems to good. how does this version play differently? more arc dodging trying to win on time or more arc dodging to kill stuff?

Fcs is my default Corran build but in this meta I would go for advS in most lists.

Edited by TasteTheRainbow

what is the 49 point corran load out?

Corran Horn (35)

+ R2-D2 (4)

+ Engine Upgrade (4)

+ Push The Limit (3)

+ Advanced Sensors (3)

but is it really better than fcs version? i for one love Ad sensors, but i haven't tried it on corran as the fcs just seems to good. how does this version play differently? more arc dodging trying to win on time or more arc dodging to kill stuff?

PTL + Adv Sensors also allows Corran to turtle up really well after turns in which he's used both his shots (or even when he hasn't but should turtle up), and he can do so without taking a stress if he uses a green maneuver. It's not quite as potent as Fel's turtling but he also has R2-D2 to regen shields if any shots do get through.

Edited by stmack

First Dutch regional

1: RAC/soontir

Do you know if the TO used Cryodex and/or has plans to upload to List Juggler?

Yes, and yes, I will remind him once again if the results are not on-line tomorrow. :)

what is the 49 point corran load out?

Corran Horn (35)

+ R2-D2 (4)

+ Engine Upgrade (4)

+ Push The Limit (3)

+ Advanced Sensors (3)

but is it really better than fcs version? i for one love Ad sensors, but i haven't tried it on corran as the fcs just seems to good. how does this version play differently? more arc dodging trying to win on time or more arc dodging to kill stuff?

Oh and swarms can't block and range 2/3 shots are of little consern unless he has uter dice failure.

Hi Jonnyd, seems to have copy and pasted fine for me, (Edit nevermind found it).


Broomfield, Colorado, United States

May 30, 2015

Total Escape Games

Attendance: 81

Top 8

Tyson Sparks defeats Jon Conley

Jon Grasser defeats Wes Robinson

Connor Lutgen defeats Evan M.

Daniel Hars defeats Jim Blakley

Top 4

Tyson defeats Jon

Connor defeats Dan


Tyson defeats Connor

Tyson Sparks (1st, 1st after Swiss)



Connor Lutgen (2nd, 6th after Swiss)





Daniel Hars (Top 4, 2nd after Swiss)



Jonathan Grasser (Top 4, 4th after Swiss)



Evan McKinney (Top 8, 3rd after Swiss)



Wes Robinson (Top 8, 5th after Swiss)



Jim Blakley (Top 8, 7th after Swiss)





Jon Conley (Top 8, 8th after Swiss)





Wait, no one in the top 20 flew an IG list????

Top 2 from 61 person Ohio regionals: Chewie without Falcon title and Lando / Blount / Tala list.

Winner: Pat K.

Chewbacca w/ Predator, C3PO, R2D2

4x Bandit

Runner Up: Eric B.

Lando w/ Luke, C3PO, Title, Engine, Predator

Blount w/ Deadeye, Ion Pulse Missiles

Tala w/ Concussion Missiles

That's the first Regionals to be won by a list with 5+ ships!

And it's also the first Regionals that I know of with Lando pilot in the Top 8!

Isn't it also the first regionals with Blount in the top 8?

Probably the only top 8 ion pulse missiles, concussion missiles, and deadeye too

what is the 49 point corran load out?

Corran Horn (35)

+ R2-D2 (4)

+ Engine Upgrade (4)

+ Push The Limit (3)

+ Advanced Sensors (3)

but is it really better than fcs version? i for one love Ad sensors, but i haven't tried it on corran as the fcs just seems to good. how does this version play differently? more arc dodging trying to win on time or more arc dodging to kill stuff?
this build is a real prick to deal with. Basicly unless horn gets parked in front of 4bs with FCS who already have TL on him your not likely to drop him in a round or even 2 unless there is utter dice failure (which I always hope for when ever I see some one running this build ) it's very hard to get through 3 shields behind 3 green and a evade plus focus and then he starts regenerating shields, behind anoth focus and evade generally after his double tap damage spike( read probably dropped or crippled your ship that can't regen sheilds). Basicly if you start attacking this ship you have to follow through or it will be for nought.

Oh and swarms can't block and range 2/3 shots are of little consern unless he has uter dice failure.

yeah. And boost, barrel, AS is mean in the endgame. should make him an even meaner finisher. How much worse does his dam output seem to be without fcs? does the tap still feel potent?

what is the 49 point corran load out?

Corran Horn (35)

+ R2-D2 (4)

+ Engine Upgrade (4)

+ Push The Limit (3)

+ Advanced Sensors (3)

but is it really better than fcs version? i for one love Ad sensors, but i haven't tried it on corran as the fcs just seems to good. how does this version play differently? more arc dodging trying to win on time or more arc dodging to kill stuff?
this build is a real prick to deal with. Basicly unless horn gets parked in front of 4bs with FCS who already have TL on him your not likely to drop him in a round or even 2 unless there is utter dice failure (which I always hope for when ever I see some one running this build ) it's very hard to get through 3 shields behind 3 green and a evade plus focus and then he starts regenerating shields, behind anoth focus and evade generally after his double tap damage spike( read probably dropped or crippled your ship that can't regen sheilds). Basicly if you start attacking this ship you have to follow through or it will be for nought.

Oh and swarms can't block and range 2/3 shots are of little consern unless he has uter dice failure.

yeah. And boost, barrel, AS is mean in the endgame. should make him an even meaner finisher. How much worse does his dam output seem to be without fcs? does the tap still feel potent?

also, is EU really needed? yeah, probably.

and how is chewie decked out in this build? id like to go something like:

99 points


Corran Horn [R2-D2, Advanced Sensors, Push the Limit] (45)

Chewbacca [Predator, Gunner, C-3PO, Millennium Falcon] (54)

without ps 10 on corran i think you need gunner to take on fel. I'm a wrong?

what is the 49 point corran load out?

Corran Horn (35)

+ R2-D2 (4)

+ Engine Upgrade (4)

+ Push The Limit (3)

+ Advanced Sensors (3)

but is it really better than fcs version? i for one love Ad sensors, but i haven't tried it on corran as the fcs just seems to good. how does this version play differently? more arc dodging trying to win on time or more arc dodging to kill stuff?
this build is a real prick to deal with. Basicly unless horn gets parked in front of 4bs with FCS who already have TL on him your not likely to drop him in a round or even 2 unless there is utter dice failure (which I always hope for when ever I see some one running this build ) it's very hard to get through 3 shields behind 3 green and a evade plus focus and then he starts regenerating shields, behind anoth focus and evade generally after his double tap damage spike( read probably dropped or crippled your ship that can't regen sheilds). Basicly if you start attacking this ship you have to follow through or it will be for nought.

Oh and swarms can't block and range 2/3 shots are of little consern unless he has uter dice failure.

yeah. And boost, barrel, AS is mean in the endgame. should make him an even meaner finisher. How much worse does his dam output seem to be without fcs? does the tap still feel potent?

what is the 49 point corran load out?

Corran Horn (35)

+ R2-D2 (4)

+ Engine Upgrade (4)

+ Push The Limit (3)

+ Advanced Sensors (3)

but is it really better than fcs version? i for one love Ad sensors, but i haven't tried it on corran as the fcs just seems to good. how does this version play differently? more arc dodging trying to win on time or more arc dodging to kill stuff?
this build is a real prick to deal with. Basicly unless horn gets parked in front of 4bs with FCS who already have TL on him your not likely to drop him in a round or even 2 unless there is utter dice failure (which I always hope for when ever I see some one running this build ) it's very hard to get through 3 shields behind 3 green and a evade plus focus and then he starts regenerating shields, behind anoth focus and evade generally after his double tap damage spike( read probably dropped or crippled your ship that can't regen sheilds). Basicly if you start attacking this ship you have to follow through or it will be for nought.

Oh and swarms can't block and range 2/3 shots are of little consern unless he has uter dice failure.

yeah. And boost, barrel, AS is mean in the endgame. should make him an even meaner finisher. How much worse does his dam output seem to be without fcs? does the tap still feel potent?
It is very dicey. I shot at Han 4-5 times in a regional match and only knocked off the r2 shield every time. Then I killed him from 1S5H in one turn. Fcs would have killed him long before that.

I haven't had time to really follow this thread as closely as I would like, but I want to give a shout out to everyone for getting their results into listjuggler. we've had 21 regionals posted, with some great list coverage in all of them. Awesome! THANK YOU!

Consolidated results so far from last weekend. Note, German results from Berlin are mostly in.

Week 6: May 30-31

Rockhampton, Australia

May 30, 2015

Rockhampton Bowling Club

Attendance: 22

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=452

  • Winner: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Gunner + Ysanne Isard + Darth Vader; Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Royal Guard TIE + Stealth Device + Autothrusters
  • 2nd place: IG-88B&C + IG-2000 + Mangler Cannon + Predator + Advanced Sensors + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters
  • Top 4: BBBBZ
  • Top 4: 5x Gold Squadron Pilot + Autoblaster Turret
den Haag , Netherlands

May 30, 2015

Tabletop Kingdom

Attendance: 26

Fun fact: first Dutch Regionals

Battle report: http://www.xwingminiaturesgame.com/squad-list-rebels/dutch-regionals/

  • Winner: RAC + Predator + Gunnner + Isard + Captive + Engine; Soontir + PtL + Autothrusters + Stealth
  • 2nd place: IG88B + Predator + Advanced Sensors + Mangler + Autothrusters + IG-2000; IG-88C + Predator + Advanced sensors + HLC + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters + IG-2000
  • Top 4: IG88-A + PtL + Advanced Sensors + HLC + Seismic Charges + IG-2000 + Autothrusters; IG88-B + Adrenaline Rush + FCS + Mangler Cannon + Seismic Charges + IG-2000 + Autothrusters
  • Top 4: Han Solo + Calculation + Recon Specialist; Dash Rendar + Predator + Mangler Cannon + Jan Ors + Outrider
  • Top 8: Dash Rendar + PtL + Mangler + Outrider + Kyle + EU; Keyan Farlander + PtL + Advanded Sensors + HLC + Hull Upgrade
  • Top 8: Soontir Fel + PtL + Autothrusters + Stealth Device; Whisper + VI + ACD + FCS + Intel Agent; Omicron Group Pilot + Vader + Intel Agent
  • Top 8: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Predator + Ysanne Isard + Gunner + Rebel Captive + Engine Upgrade; Soontir Fel + PtL + Stealth + Autothrusters
  • Top 8: IG88-B + VI + FCS + HLC + Inertial Dampeners + IG-2000 + Autothrusters; IG88-D + VI + Advanced Sensors + Autoblaster + Ion Cannon + Inertial Dampeners + IG-2000 + Autothrusters

Vilnius, Lithuania

May 30, 2015
Shopping Center "BIG VILNIUS"


Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/352234164973983/

List Juggler:

  • Winner:
  • 2nd place:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 4:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:
  • Top 8:

Warszawa, Poland

May 30, 2015
Galaktyka Gier


Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1585854018356340/

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=455

  • Winner: BBBBZ
  • 2nd place: IG-88B + Seismic Charges + IG-2000 + Mangler Cannon + Veteran Instincts + Fire-Control System + Autothrusters; IG-88C + Seismic Charges + IG-2000 + Mangler Cannon + AutoBlaster + Veteran Instincts + Fire-Control System + Autothrusters
  • Top 8+: IG88 B&C
  • Top 8+: Oicunn; Whisper
  • Top 8+: VT-49; Fel
  • Top 8+: VT-49; Fel
  • Top 8+: VT-49; Fel
  • Top 8+: TIE Swarm

Alpharetta (Atlanta), Georgia, United States

May 30, 2015
FCB Comics and Games

Attendance: 94

Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1389191978061755/

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=453

  • Winner: RAC + VI + Gunner + Isard + Rebel captive + Engine Upgrade; Soontir Fel + PtL + Stealth + Autothrusters
  • 2nd place: IG-88B + Heavy Laser Cannon + Stay on Target + Autothrusters + Advanced Sensors + IG-2000; IG-88C + Heavy Laser Cannon + Veteran Instincts + Autothrusters + Advanced Sensors + IG-2000
  • Top 4: IG-88C + Adrenaline Rush + Heavy Laser Cannon + IG-2000 + Fire-Control System + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters; IG-88B + Push the Limit + Heavy Laser Cannon + IG-2000 + Advanced Sensors + Autothrusters
  • Top 4: IG-88B + Lone Wolf + Mangler Cannon + IG-2000 + Advanced Sensors + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters; IG-88D + Outmaneuver + Heavy Laser Cannon + IG-2000 + Fire-Control System + Autothrusters
  • Top 8: Chewbacca + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + Gunner + C-3PO; Corran Horn + R2-D2 + Fire-Control System + Veteran Instincts
  • Top 8: BBBBZ
  • Top 8: Commander Kenkirk + Seismic Charges + Recon Specialist + Rebel Captive + Ysanne Isard + Lone Wolf; Whisper + Intelligence Agent + Fire-Control System + Advanced Cloaking Device + Veteran Instincts
  • Top 8: Han Solo + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + C-3PO + R2-D2; 3x Tala Squadron Pilot

Dayton, Ohio, US

May 30, 2015

Epic Loot Games and Comics

Attendance: 61

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=454

  • Winner: Chewbacca + Predator + C-3P0 + R2-D2; 4x Bandit Squadron Pilots
  • 2nd place: Lando + Predator + Luke + C-3PO + MF + EU; Blount + Deadeye + Ion Pulse Missiles; Tala + Concussion Missiles
  • Top 4: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Ysanne Isard + Gunner + Rebel Captive + Engine Upgrade + Veteran Instincts; Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Shield Upgrade
  • Top 4: Chewbacca + Lone Wolf + Millennium Falcon + Experimental Interface + Lando Calrissian + C-3PO; Corran Horn + R2-D2 + Fire-Control System + Veteran Instincts + Engine Upgrade
  • Top 8: IG-88B + Push the Limit + Heavy Laser Cannon + IG-2000 + Fire-Control System + Autothrusters; IG-88C + Adrenaline Rush + Heavy Laser Cannon + IG-2000 + Advanced Sensors + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters
  • Top 8: IG-88B&C + Veteran Instincts + Heavy Laser Cannon + IG-2000 + Fire-Control System + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters
  • Top 8: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Ysanne Isard + Rebel Captive + Gunner + Engine Upgrade + Veteran Instincts; Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Hull Upgrade
  • Top 8: Han Solo + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + C-3PO + Gunner; 3x Bandit Squadron Pilot

Broomfield, Colorado, United States

May 30, 2015

Total Escape Games

Attendance: 81

List Juggler:

  • Winner: Corran Horn + Advanced Sensors + R2-D2 + Engine Upgrade + PtL; Chewbacca + Predator + Leebo + C-3P0 + MF
  • 2nd place: Blue + FCS + E2 + Tactician; 2x Blue + FCS + E2 + Tactician; Gold + Ion Cannon Turret + BTL-A4 + R3-A2
  • Top 4: Corran Horn + Advanced Sensors + R2-D2 + Engine Upgrade + PtL; Chewbacca + Predator + Leebo + C-3P0 + MF
  • Top 4: Chewbacca + Predator + C-3P0 + MF + Luke; Eaden Vrill + HLC + Recon Spec + Anti-Pursuit Lasers
  • Top 8: RAC + Predator + EU + Rebel Captive + Gunner + Vader; Soontir Fel + PtL + Stealth + Autothrusters
  • Top 8: RAC + Determination + EU + Vader + Gunner + Ysanne Isard; Soontir Fel + PtL + TC + Autothrusters
  • Top 8: Gold + ICT + Bomb Loadout + Seismic + BTL-A4 + R3-A2; Gold + ICT + Bomb Loadout + Seismic + BTL-A4; Gold + ICT + Bomb Loadout + Seismic; Gold + ICT
  • Top 8: Soontir Fel + PtL + TC + Autothrusters; Whisper + VI + ACD + FCS + Intel Agent; 2x Academy Pilot

Berlin, Germany

May 31, 2015
Gamers HQ

Attendance: 44

List Juggler:

Info: http://www.moseisleyraumhafen.com/t6223-liveticker-regional-ost-in-berlin

  • Winner: (BJÖRN "SNIKTRACK" HEITMANN) - Dash Rendar + Lone Wolf + Mangler Cannon + Outrider + Recon Specialist + Stealth Device; Corran Horn + VI + FCS + R2-D2 + Flechette torpedoes + Munitions failsafe
  • 2nd place: (DENNIS "GRUMEL" SCHLESINGER) - Chewbacca + PtL + C-3PO + Kyle Katarn + MF + EU + Ion Pulse Missiles; 3x Tala
  • Top 4: TBD from below
  • Top 4: TBD from below
  • Top 8: TBD from below
  • Top 8: TBD from below
  • Top 8: (JAN "SCAVENGER" KOLSTER) - Rear Admiral Chiraneau + VI + Ysanne Isard + Rebel Captive + EU + Dauntless; Echo + VI + ACD + FCS + Recon Spec
  • Top 8: (KAI KRUPP) - Dash Rendar + Lone Wolf + HLC + Outrider + Recon Spec + Stealth Device; Corran Horn + VI + FCS + R2-D2
  • Top 8+: (ARNDT "GELTIX" HOHNHOLZ) - Jake Farrell + VI + PtL + Autothrusters + Refit + Test Pilot; Tarn + R7; Blue; Gold + ICT + R3-A2 + BTL-A4
  • Top 8+: (CARSTEN "CAOLILAN" SCHEIBNER) - Blue + FCS + E2 + Tactician; Blue + FCS; Gold + ICT + R3-A2 + BTL-A4; Gold + ICT + R2 BTL-A4
  • Top 8+: (LORANT PETER) - Chewbacca + PtL + Kyle Katarn + C-3P0 + MF + EU; Leebo + Determination + Mangler + Outrider
  • Top 8+: (FRANK "RAVEN17" SCHUMANN) - Boba Fett + VI + Flechette Cannon + Tactician + Feedback Array + EU; IG-88B + VI + FCS + HLC + Feedback Array + Autothrusters

It was a good weekend for the Rear Admiral.

Are you sure about that stealth device dash in Berlin? Seems less than optimal.

Are you sure about that stealth device dash in Berlin? Seems less than optimal.

Yup. Tarnvorrichtung (3)