Turr+VI+AT+HU+RGTFor the St Pete finals, this:
- Top 8: Soontir; Turr; Bounty Hunter ( upgrades on all unknown)
He was one of my two losses.
I can fill in the Champ's squad once I get home. Carlos and I played on Vassal a few days before he went on to win it and I have the logfile with the squad he played. He really deserved the title IMO, he got tabled his first match and just flew casually for the rest of the tourney thinking he didn't have a chance to make top 8. Best part of the tournament for me was meeting the cool players from around the State. The second best part was hearing Carlos apologize to his (verysupportive and present) wife/GF for winning and making the cut.
I believe the last squad was dual aggressors B&C with VI+AT+HLC+FBA+AT+FCS+Title, played by Gage. It's possible he didn't make the cut, but unlikely. We were 7th & 8th going into the 5th game and he tabled me with with full MOV. Don't quote me on that without confirmation from another source though.
I can confirm. Gage made the cut, and that was his build.
Edit: I am bad at internets. Only the last sentence was mine, everything els is a quote.
Edited by Rev.Joehr