2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Thanks, how many players were there, and do you have contact info for the TO?

58. As for contact info the best I can give you is their contact page . I should also note they filmed several of the Top 8 cut matches, including my pitiful performance, so that'll be up on YouTube at some point.

Thanks, so double check what I have here then:

St. Petersburg, FL, US

May 9, 2015

Critical Hit Games

Attendance: 58

List Juggler: N/A

  • Winner: Han ( upgrades unknown ); 3x Bandits
  • 2nd place: Dash Rendar + HLC + Outrider + PtL + Kyle + EU; Corran Horn + R2-D2 + FCS + VI( ? )
  • Top 4: 4x Blue + Accuracy Corrector
  • Top 4: Corran Horn; Jake Farrel; Bandits ( unknown? )
  • Top 8: Gold Squadron + BTL-A4 + Ion Cannon Turret + R3-A2; Gold Squadron + BTL-A4 + Ion Cannon Turret + R2; Blue Squadron + B-wing/E2 + Tactician; Blue Squadron + Advanced Sensors
  • Top 8: Soontir; Turr; Bounty Hunter ( upgrades on all unknown )
  • Top 8: YT-1300; YT-2400 ( Chewbacca & Leebo? )
  • Top 8: TBD

Summary, that puts us at 12 out of 14 wins for Fat Turrets, and 13 out of 14 wins for Fat Somethings. Rather ironic given that wave 6 saw the release of autothrusters.


Faction breakdown

Rebel Wins: 7

Imperial Wins: 6

Scum and Villainy Wins: 1

Winning Lists


  • (1) Dual VT-49
  • (3) Chiraneau / Fel
  • (1) Oicunn / Fel
  • (1) Triple Interceptors (Fel / Jax / Royal Guard)


  • (1) Han / Wild Space Fringer + Mangler + Outrider
  • (1) Han / 3 Bandits
  • (1) Chewie / Vrill (no Outrider)
  • (1) Dash + HLC + Outrider / Chewbacca
  • (1) Dash + HLC + Outrider / Corran
  • (1) Dash + HLC + Outrider / 3 A-wings
  • (1) Chewbacca / 3 Z-95's


  • (1) IG88 B&C

Overall archetype


  • (4) Dual Turrets
  • (4) VT-49 + Fel
  • (2) YT-1300 + support
  • (2) YT-2400 + support


  • (1) BroBots
  • (1) Triple Interceptors*

* Only winning list that does NOT include a Fat Ship

Congrats otacon :D

If you don't mind me asking, which matchups did you feel were bad for the list?

I might've missed it in the sea of 11 pages...

but any news on Panic Attack's showings?

It made top 8 in Sherbrooke... could have been better if he didn't angered the Dice God. He was second at the end of the Swiss.
Edited by ficklegreendice

@Major that all looks right, as far as I know it. Also, going from photos they have of the last match on the FB group, it looks like the winner's Han build was




-Engine Upgrade

-MF title

@Fickle Thanks! It's actually hard for me to say. I personally had trouble with Engine Upgraded big turrets; my one loss in Swiss was against a RAC+Colonel Vessary, where I got Vessery early but then RAC got away from me for the rest of the match, and my Top 8 match went down the tubes real quick. And part of that is just my lack of experience against that archetype. I only managed to get 4 games in between Store Championships and Regionals, between other commitments and my local play group largely switching to Armada and Doomtown, and at that no one I played with on a regular basis was playing that sort of build. Add to that that Saturday was actually my first time playing that specific build(Which just added to my surprise at making the cut), and it's hard for me to give a good account of the lists weaknesses and strengths.

I handled non-turret matchhups, and even non-Engine Upgraded big ships fairly easily, as the list rolls a ton of dice against low agility ships and presents a lot of damage for fighters to chew through. Only one of my matches went to time all the same. I just couldn't keep up with Engine Upgrade, and especially Boost + Barrel Roll + HLC. Some of that may just come down to more practice against that matchup.

For the St Pete finals, this:

  • Top 8: Soontir; Turr; Bounty Hunter ( upgrades on all unknown)




He was one of my two losses.

I can fill in the Champ's squad once I get home. Carlos and I played on Vassal a few days before he went on to win it and I have the logfile with the squad he played. He really deserved the title IMO, he got tabled his first match and just flew casually for the rest of the tourney thinking he didn't have a chance to make top 8. Best part of the tournament for me was meeting the cool players from around the State. The second best part was hearing Carlos apologize to his (verysupportive and present) wife/GF for winning and making the cut.

I believe the last squad was dual aggressors B&C with VI+AT+HLC+FBA+AT+FCS+Title, played by Gage. It's possible he didn't make the cut, but unlikely. We were 7th & 8th going into the 5th game and he tabled me with with full MOV. Don't quote me on that without confirmation from another source though.

So I am pretty sure that Carlos' list in the St Pete regionals was:



Edited by JFunk

So I am pretty sure that Carlos' list in the St Pete regionals was:



Hm, conflicting reports, lone wolf, or predator?

I believe it was Predator. Any ways I just got a response back from the St. Pete. TO. He will send in the cryodex info once he knows where to send it.

Edited by TheBlueMax

Summary, that puts us at 12 out of 14 wins for Fat Turrets, and 13 out of 14 wins for Fat Somethings. Rather ironic given that wave 6 saw the release of autothrusters.


I believe it was Predator. Any ways I just got a response back from the St. Pete. TO. He will send in the cryodex info once he knows where to send it.

I could be wrong, he may have changed his squad before the tourney. I didn't play him Saturday.

About the St. Pete Regional:

Carlos Rodriguez (spelling?) won with:

Han Solo


Engine Upgrade



Falcon Title

3 Bandit Squadron Pilots

Travis Cooper came in second with:

Dash Rendar

Push The Limit

Engine Upgrade

Kyle Katarn


Heady Laser Cannon

Corran Horn

Veteran Instincts

R2 D2

Fire control system

We are currently editing the footage and doing commentary. Should be up on the Less Than Geek YouTube channel by Wednesday at the latest. (Likely tomorrow)

Barcelona, Spain

May 9, 2015

Goblin Trader

Attendance: 80

List Juggler: N/A

  • Winner: Chiraneau + Engine + Rebel Captive + Gunner + Predator + Ysanne; Soontir + PTL + Stealth + AT + RGT
  • 2nd place: Han + VI + Gunner + C3PO + Falcon; Corran + PTL + R2D2 + FCS
  • Top 4: ( pilots/upgrades unknown ) Ten + Mangler; Biggs; B-wing; Z-95
  • Top 4: Carnor + PtL + AT + SD + RG; 2x Sigma + Sensor Jammer + Stygium + Intel Agent ?
  • Top 8: IG88B&D ( upgrades unknown )
  • Top 8: IG88B&C? + VI + HLC + Autothrusters + title + Inertial Dampeners + ( Advanced Sensors? )
  • Top 8: Corran + ( upgrades ?); 2x B-wing + Flechette and Tactician
  • Top 8: ???

After attending this regional I can confirm that the lists for the finalists are correct, but to my knowledge the rest are:

Top 4: Carnor + PtL + RG + SU + AT; 2x sigma + SPA + IA + SJ

Top 4: Ten + VI + AS + Mangler; Biggs; Blue Squad + FCS; Bandit

Top 8: IG-88B&D + PtL + FCS + HLC + AT + Title

Top 8: IG-88B&C -> can't confirm

Top 8: Corran + VI + FCS + R2-D2 + SU; 2x Blue Squad + flechette canon + E2 + tactician

Top 8: Corran + VI + FCS + R2-D2 + SU or EU (can't remember); Chewbacca + predator + C-3PO + gunner + MF

And for those that are interested I'm going to shamelessly plug in a link to my battle report on flying the Carnor list ^_^


Edited by darthlurker

About the St. Pete Regional:

Carlos Rodriguez (spelling?) won with:

Han Solo


Engine Upgrade



Falcon Title

3 Bandit Squadron Pilots

Travis Cooper came in second with:

Dash Rendar

Push The Limit

Engine Upgrade

Kyle Katarn


Heady Laser Cannon

Corran Horn

Veteran Instincts

R2 D2

Fire control system

We are currently editing the footage and doing commentary. Should be up on the Less Than Geek YouTube channel by Wednesday at the latest. (Likely tomorrow)

Great, if you're the TO or have his info, here's the quick instructions for getting the data into List Juggler. (I'll update the first page soon)

Short summary, you can pass this along to him:
In Cryodex, go to Export --> Generate List Juggler Data
This will create a *.json file in the same directory as the Cryodex.jar file.
go to:
Create a new tournament, filling in all the fields, and on upload file, point to where the *.json file is located.
Then the lists can all get entered.

Rough season for TIE Fighters. I think there are more Y-wings in top 8's.

Top 8 out of 23 isn't really that big of a deal. That's about the average size of a store championship in the states. Don't worry, you'll see plenty of him in a few months. Someone just couldn't wait I guess.

Let's not begin the dismissal of other country's Regionals. And given how much the Advanced is dismissed, that he was able to use pre-Raider Vader to do pretty well is rather remarkable.

This isn't about where the tournament was, just the size of it. In areas with more players, like the states or uk or other areas, there were similar instances of vader or hwks (pre sucm) or a-wings or w/e making top 8 out of low 20s is what I meant. It's cool that he did that I guess, but considering he lost to a falcon build, he very likely would've been in the finals or even won had that been another interceptor with autothrusters. I just would wonder if he wishes he had just gone with that after the fact is all.

No, I fielded Vader solely because I wanted to bring him to a tournament, while he's still an underdog.

This year I also brought five A-Wings with Predator, which did ok, and before that five Interceptors (pre-autothrusters), which died fairly quickly in a fun ball of fiery doom.

Would do it all again, where it not for the fact that don't bring the same thing twice, effective or not.

It's just for s* and giggles ;)

Summary, that puts us at 12 out of 14 wins for Fat Turrets, and 13 out of 14 wins for Fat Somethings. Rather ironic given that wave 6 saw the release of autothrusters.


This fills me with tremendous anger. There is no indication anything in wave 7 will improve this situation, so we're likely looking at another six to eight months of turret domination. I'm really regretting wasting my limited money and vacation time for two regionals and making bookings to go to Gen con this year.

Dash, Han/Chewie, Chirpy, yes those turrets are rather dominant right now. not many BBBBZ lists featured yet, why is that? i also though IG-88 lists would do better but i guess we only have a small sample so far right?

sigh, these regional results are making me soooo sad :(

Folks, this isn't the two-ship meta; it's the MoV meta!

Summary, that puts us at 12 out of 14 wins for Fat Turrets, and 13 out of 14 wins for Fat Somethings. Rather ironic given that wave 6 saw the release of autothrusters.


This fills me with tremendous anger. There is no indication anything in wave 7 will improve this situation, so we're likely looking at another six to eight months of turret domination. I'm really regretting wasting my limited money and vacation time for two regionals and making bookings to go to Gen con this year.

Give in to the dark side. Use your hatred to fuel your power!

(Actually what I want to say is don't despair. I've found a fun list for myself that does well against the meta and I'm just getting lots of practice with it. Its a fun way to practice.)

also funny enough all this talk of Phantom nerf giving swarm lists the ability to check the turrets sounds so incredibly wishful and illogical. It feels like listening to trickle-down economics.

Folks, this isn't the two-ship meta; it's the MoV meta!

Which is the same thing. :P

Dash, Han/Chewie, Chirpy, yes those turrets are rather dominant right now. not many BBBBZ lists featured yet, why is that? i also though IG-88 lists would do better but i guess we only have a small sample so far right?

BBBBZ is a bit overated. It did well in store championships because:

1. There were ALOT more decimators (they are still around of course but good god were there a lot in wave 5), and while engine upgrade and very good flying can pull that off, it's pretty much game over if the decimator gets stuck somewhere.

2. Aggressors are usually pretty good against these I think.

3. Not enough dashes to put them in their place ;P

4. Triple interceptors or something similar now that autothrusters is out.

5. And the biggest reason of all, this list was often ahead on points at the 60 minute mark, but probably not so much at 75 mins.

also funny enough all this talk of Phantom nerf giving swarm lists the ability to check the turrets sounds so incredibly wishful and illogical. It feels like listening to trickle-down economics.

Oh definetly. Not only can dash blast ties for days, but the other nasty arc dodgers are still a problem for swarms. And IGs are pretty good against swarms.

Yeah it's really disappointing. I actually think the game is nicely balanced in terms of tools available to different builds. The problem I see with turrets is how incredibly forgiving they are. The chap who won a regional with three interceptors must have played an absolutely perfect tournament as it won't take much - a bad choice of move, or bad dice roll, for it to all go wrong. So huge credit to him.

I just missed out on making the cut narrowly losing to a chewbo list in the final round at my regional. It was enviable how little thought my opponent had to put into his decisions. My brain was fried.

The final 4 contained 3 YT3700's and a fat Han list. Sigh.

Yeah it's really disappointing. I actually think the game is nicely balanced in terms of tools available to different builds. The problem I see with turrets is how incredibly forgiving they are. The chap who won a regional with three interceptors must have played an absolutely perfect tournament as it won't take much - a bad choice of move, or bad dice roll, for it to all go wrong. So huge credit to him.

I just missed out on making the cut narrowly losing to a chewbo list in the final round at my regional. It was enviable how little thought my opponent had to put into his decisions. My brain was fried.

The final 4 contained 3 YT3700's and a fat Han list. Sigh.

Ugh gross. I'd never want to play that tournament. Scrublyfe foreva

Tournament play is always going to be like this, though. It's a culture of minmaxing in competitive play, so you'll always get the same lists popping up all over the place.

Personally, I love playing casually. Casual play is where the real meat of the game is, in my opinion.

The scenarios/campaigns are also a whole heap of fun with a friend; I recommend them.