2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Unfortunately they faced a perfect mirror in first round of elimination.

Ha, how did that happen?! Cyrodex hates Starvipers?

How many in attendance?

I only saw 2 around top tables. They were running FFG software AFAIK.

Sorry, I meant total attendance at the tourney.

Simple rule for fun & happiness: Never tell me the odds!

green dice in a ******* nutshell

they play by their own, inscrutable rules & expectations <_<

Unfortunately they faced a perfect mirror in first round of elimination.

Ha, how did that happen?! Cyrodex hates Starvipers?

How many in attendance?

I only saw 2 around top tables. They were running FFG software AFAIK.

Sorry, I meant total attendance at the tourney.

There were 48 players.

If all goes well, I'll receive the cryodex for Sherbrooke's regionals this afternoon, upload it to list juggler, as well as a link to an imgur album of all 46 squad lists, ready to be crowd source entered.

winner booted me out of top 8 on game 5, he ran a Han + fringer list.

Vorpal, what did you run?

Unfortunately they faced a perfect mirror in first round of elimination.

Ha, how did that happen?! Cyrodex hates Starvipers?

How many in attendance?

Results from Denmark 1 week ago have been uploaded. Unfortunately the TO over-wrote the original Swiss results, so only the Top 8 are entered.

Odense, Denmark

May 3, 2015
Dragon's Lair
Attendance: 23

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=413

  • Winner: Chewbacca + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + Luke Skywalker + C-3PO; 3x Tala Squadron Pilot
  • 2nd place: Chewbacca + Predator + Jan Ors + Recon Specialist; 2x Gold Squadron Pilot + Ion Cannon Turret + R2 Astromech
  • Top 4: Kath Scarlet + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Recon Specialist; 4x Black Sun Soldier
    Top 4: Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Targeting Computer + Royal Guard TIE; Darth Vader + Veteran Instincts + Engine Upgrade + Proton Rockets; Omicron Group Pilot + Fire-Control System + Mara Jade
  • Top 8: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Veteran Instincts + Engine Upgrade + Rebel Captive + Ysanne Isard; Whisper + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire-Control System + Intelligence Agent
  • Top 8: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Rebel Captive + Gunner + Moff Jerjerrod; Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Shield Upgrade + Royal Guard TIE
  • Top 8: IG-88B&C + IG-2000 + Mangler Cannon + Push the Limit + Advanced Sensors + Feedback Array + Autothrusters
  • Top 8: Kath Scarlet + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Recon Specialist; 4x Black Sun Soldier

Results from Denmark 1 week ago have been uploaded. Unfortunately the TO over-wrote the original Swiss results, so only the Top 8 are entered.

Odense, Denmark

May 3, 2015 Dragon's Lair

Attendance: 23

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=413

  • Winner: Chewbacca + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + Luke Skywalker + C-3PO; 3x Tala Squadron Pilot
  • 2nd place: Chewbacca + Predator + Jan Ors + Recon Specialist; 2x Gold Squadron Pilot + Ion Cannon Turret + R2 Astromech
  • Top 4: Kath Scarlet + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Recon Specialist; 4x Black Sun Soldier

    Top 4: Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Targeting Computer + Royal Guard TIE; Darth Vader + Veteran Instincts + Engine Upgrade + Proton Rockets; Omicron Group Pilot + Fire-Control System + Mara Jade

  • Top 8: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Veteran Instincts + Engine Upgrade + Rebel Captive + Ysanne Isard; Whisper + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire-Control System + Intelligence Agent
  • Top 8: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Rebel Captive + Gunner + Moff Jerjerrod; Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Shield Upgrade + Royal Guard TIE
  • Top 8: IG-88B&C + IG-2000 + Mangler Cannon + Push the Limit + Advanced Sensors + Feedback Array + Autothrusters
  • Top 8: Kath Scarlet + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Recon Specialist; 4x Black Sun Soldier

That is awesome.

Top 8 out of 23 isn't really that big of a deal. That's about the average size of a store championship in the states. Don't worry, you'll see plenty of him in a few months. Someone just couldn't wait I guess.

Vorpal, what did you run?

Kath, a Mandalorian Mercenary, and a Binayre Pirate. I was the guy in the Fly Casual t-shirt.

Results from Denmark 1 week ago have been uploaded. Unfortunately the TO over-wrote the original Swiss results, so only the Top 8 are entered.

Odense, Denmark

May 3, 2015 Dragon's Lair

Attendance: 23

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=413

  • Winner: Chewbacca + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + Luke Skywalker + C-3PO; 3x Tala Squadron Pilot
  • 2nd place: Chewbacca + Predator + Jan Ors + Recon Specialist; 2x Gold Squadron Pilot + Ion Cannon Turret + R2 Astromech
  • Top 4: Kath Scarlet + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Recon Specialist; 4x Black Sun Soldier

    Top 4: Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Targeting Computer + Royal Guard TIE; Darth Vader + Veteran Instincts + Engine Upgrade + Proton Rockets; Omicron Group Pilot + Fire-Control System + Mara Jade

  • Top 8: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Veteran Instincts + Engine Upgrade + Rebel Captive + Ysanne Isard; Whisper + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Fire-Control System + Intelligence Agent
  • Top 8: Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Rebel Captive + Gunner + Moff Jerjerrod; Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Shield Upgrade + Royal Guard TIE
  • Top 8: IG-88B&C + IG-2000 + Mangler Cannon + Push the Limit + Advanced Sensors + Feedback Array + Autothrusters
  • Top 8: Kath Scarlet + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Recon Specialist; 4x Black Sun Soldier

That is awesome.

I'd even go as far as to say he was in Top 4, flown by mr. Malmer who always brings something fun to the tournaments.

Top 8 out of 23 isn't really that big of a deal. That's about the average size of a store championship in the states. Don't worry, you'll see plenty of him in a few months. Someone just couldn't wait I guess.

Yeah, but the guy flew him prior to the upcoming fix. And made the Top 4. And even though that might not have happened in a larger tourney and/or in a tourney consisting purely of world class players it is still, in the current game state, a bit of an accomplishment that deserves a bit of recognition and applause. Even in "the States"

Vorpal, what did you run?

Kath, a Mandalorian Mercenary, and a Binayre Pirate. I was the guy in the Fly Casual t-shirt.

How did it went?

Vorpal, what did you run?

Kath, a Mandalorian Mercenary, and a Binayre Pirate. I was the guy in the Fly Casual t-shirt.

How did it went?

3-2, in 11th place (of the aforementioned 48). I was quite happy with the list, actually, although I suspect I'll continue tweaking and experimenting for the next few weeks; of the two losses, one was a very winnable game and the other... would take some work and some practice, certainly, but I actually outgun even Chiraneau/Whisper if I can get better at keeping my distance and breaking off when the engagement isn't to my liking.

Vorpal, what did you run?

Kath, a Mandalorian Mercenary, and a Binayre Pirate. I was the guy in the Fly Casual t-shirt.

How did it went?

3-2, in 11th place (of the aforementioned 48). I was quite happy with the list, actually, although I suspect I'll continue tweaking and experimenting for the next few weeks; of the two losses, one was a very winnable game and the other... would take some work and some practice, certainly, but I actually outgun even Chiraneau/Whisper if I can get better at keeping my distance and breaking off when the engagement isn't to my liking.

I'm very glad to know it went well for you while still playing a list you wanted to fly instead of succumbing to the temptation of joining the meta! Got you some sweet shield tokens!

Regionals for Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada are now starting to be available on List Juggler, squads are slowly trickling in:


if you want to help, here's the imgur album with all the photos of the 46 squads:


I entered the rest of the squad lists.

Sebastien Harvey's list has the Slave 1 title but the software won't drop the proton field box. His list is missing an APT which is why it is sitting at 93 points.

Gabriel Dube's list I can't tell if it is IG-88 B or D.

When in doubt always IG88B

Top 8 out of 23 isn't really that big of a deal. That's about the average size of a store championship in the states. Don't worry, you'll see plenty of him in a few months. Someone just couldn't wait I guess.

Let's not begin the dismissal of other country's Regionals. And given how much the Advanced is dismissed, that he was able to use pre-Raider Vader to do pretty well is rather remarkable.

What is that comment about luck in the WV finals about?

I dunno. Feels somehow wrong to point out the math behind his dice rolls. He made it to the finals. He won.

We'll never know if he would have won or lost with different die rolls, all we know is he won this time. Going any further feels like devaluing his accomplishment.

I am including any noteworthy comments for each tournament. Tyler had terrific odds for the final game, the chances of him rolling that well were about one in a quarter million. We likely won't see anyone else get rolls that good for any one game in the entire Regionals season let alone in a Finals match, so it is noteworthy. We had it recorded on Twitch so I could calculate the probability.

link?! :D

I don't know if they archived it yet. I can message them to see if they can upload it to YouTube or something.


I'm not saying it doesn't happen that the dice did really have a large impact on the outcome.

But I find that people are too keen on blaming the dice when, in most cases, the dice aren't really to blame.

In this case, the dice really were significant statistical outliers. If you played 10 games of X-wing per day, 365 days a year, it would take you 46 years worth of games before you would even have a 50% chance of matching the luck that Tyler had.

Statistics really only have meaning in large numbers looking at a population and predicting the expected outcome, analyzing any individual event you really cant say too much other than yeah you had some luck otherwise... it is like zeroing on a winner of a mega lottery after the fact and statistically saying you should not have won!

In this case, the dice really were significant statistical outliers. If you played 10 games of X-wing per day, 365 days a year, it would take you 46 years worth of games before you would even have a 50% chance of matching the luck that Tyler had.

Statistics really only have meaning in large numbers looking at a population and predicting the expected outcome, analyzing any individual event you really cant say too much other than yeah you had some luck otherwise... it is like zeroing on a winner of a mega lottery after the fact and statistically saying you should not have won!

I understand how statistics work. ;)

Enough people play the lottery that you expect someone , somewhere to regularly win the lottery. Enough people play X-wing at Regionals/Nationals/Worlds, that you would expect luck of Tyler's magnitude (if the recorded numbers were correct) to occur less than once per year in all Regionals games (or higher), by all players, including all Swiss rounds.

If you restrict it to the Final Round (again at Regionals or higher level), then you would expect someone to get that lucky about once every thousand years at the current rate of play. (It's actually even longer, but I think by now you get the point, so I'll leave it as an academic exercise to calculate the exact value.)

Edited by MajorJuggler

Are you calculating the odds of that exact outcome or the combined odds of that exact outcome or "better"?

Are you calculating the odds of that exact outcome or the combined odds of that exact outcome or "better"?

Or better. (cumulative density function, not probability density function)

Edited by MajorJuggler

Regionals for Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada are now starting to be available on List Juggler, squads are slowly trickling in:


if you want to help, here's the imgur album with all the photos of the 46 squads:


I entered the rest of the squad lists.

Sebastien Harvey's list has the Slave 1 title but the software won't drop the proton field box. His list is missing an APT which is why it is sitting at 93 points.

Gabriel Dube's list I can't tell if it is IG-88 B or D.

Gabriel is one of our local players in Quebec City, great guy. He was using B.

Tulsa, OK, US

May 9, 2015

The Covenant Store

Attendance: 48

List Juggler: N/A

  • Winner: ( full list unknown ) Chiraneau; Fel
  • 2nd place: ( full list unknown ) Chiraneau; Whisper
  • Top 8+: ( full list unknown ) dual IG88
  • Top 8+: ( full list unknown ) xizor; 5 Z-95
  • Top 8+: ( full list unknown ) xizor; 5 Z-95
  • Top 8+: ( full list unknown ) Fel/Whisper/Doom shuttle
  • Top 8+: ( full list unknown ) Corran plus 2 Warthog
  • Top 8+: ( full list unknown ) Dash/Corran

Here is the winning list:

Chiraneau // VI / Isard / Gunner / Rebel Captive / Dauntless / Engine

Soontir // PTL / Autothrusters / Stealth / Royal Guard.

The top four included the Aggressors and one of the Xizor lists. I don't recall the upgrades in these lists.

The last three lists are below .

Soontir Fel // PTL

Whisper // VI / ACD / Gunner / Fire Control

Omicron // Vader

Corran // PTL / Advanced Sensors / R2D2 / Engine Upgrade

Gold // Ion Cannon Turret / BTL-A4 / R3-A2

Gold // Ion Cannon Turret / BTL-A4 / Bomb loadout / Proximity Mine

Corran // VI / Fire control / R2-D2 / Engine

Dash // HLC / Outrider / Lone Wolf / Recon Specialist

Xizor lists were both VI, Dampeners, title, Autothrusters and FCS with 5 binayre pirates.

The Chiraneau whisper list was:

Whisper FCS Gunner VI ACD

Chiraneau VI gunner Vader

The whisper Chiraneau list knocked me(Corran 2Y) out in first round elimination. He made it to finals where Isard/captive Chiraneau beat suicide Chiraneau.

Other top 8:

Xizor defeats Xizor!

IG's defeat Doom/Fel/Whisper

Chiraneau Fel defeats Dash Corran.

Chiraneau lists both won their semifinals but I don't know match-ups.

Edited by TasteTheRainbow